The two sides of the border are in chaos.

Zhang Hao called these people together, and Dong Jianyu was definitely excluded. He could not join the gang of the devils.

Zhang Hao knew this from the beginning, so he wanted Dong Jianyu to investigate in secret.

If these things can be controlled well, otherwise everything will be dangerous.

Dong Jianyu's heart has been beating fast for a long time, and he knows that this dangerous situation is too real.

All of them are tied to a rope, and if they are not careful, they will be easily defeated.

Dong Jianyu understands that he did not expect that the traitor would come from his group of younger brothers. If he really knows who it is, he will definitely shoot these people.

But Zhang Hao also said very clearly that it is not necessarily the traitor on their side, and it is very likely that the traitor is still in the hands of the other party.

For example, Officer Ma Teng, the group of people under his command are not necessarily very clean, and it is possible that someone is corrupt and accepting bribes.

After all, everyone is having a hard time these days, just like Officer Ma Teng only makes a few hundred yuan a month, what is he doing?

If Zhang Hao figured it out, he would definitely hire Officer Ma Teng directly with a large sum of money and make him his bodyguard.

After all, Officer Ma Teng's skills are not ordinary. He is particularly vicious in everything he does, and his attitude is particularly recognized in everything he does.

But Dong Jianyu's thoughts are redundant, because Zhang Hao is particularly useful.

Zhang Hao believes that he must have someone in the police station, and Officer Ma Cheng's position ability is indeed very high.

This level of people is enough to be used as an insider, so Officer Ma Teng doesn't need to pull him.

So a discussion between them has begun, and Zhang Hao got a message that night.

He brought all the 20-odd men who had gone with him that day.

This group of people was accumulated by Dong Jianyu bit by bit. Dong Jianyu was now limping on one leg, looking at these guys.

Blood was still bubbling from above, but Dong Jianyu did not back down at all. He had to find a real traitor.

If this guy was not caught directly and completely cleaned up, I'm afraid everything would be messed up.

Zhang Hao smoked a big cigar on the side and watched Dong Jianyu carefully as he selected his troops.

After all, if Dong Jianyu didn't find these things, I'm afraid none of Dong Jianyu's men in front of him would survive.

At that time, Zhang Hao would completely clean up all these guys and let them die directly.

This kind of thing was too real. Dong Jianyu had already started to swallow a mouthful of thick phlegm.

"Xiao Liuzi, how long have you been with me?"

Dong Jianyu's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He slammed the table hard, and the boy opposite was dumbfounded.

The boy didn't expect that he was the one being named. What he had done over the years must have been known to someone.

He secretly sold some rice behind Dong Jianyu's back, and these things were special.

Dong Jianyu's heart began to roll up and down. Seeing Xiao Liuzi sweating profusely in front of him, he was stunned instantly.

Is this boy really a traitor? Regardless of anything else, Dong Jianyu pulled out his gun and shot him.

The boy in front of him was obviously sweating a little, and he looked a little wrong. Xiao Liuzi died in front of him at that time.

After Xiao Liuzi died, the people around him thought that it would definitely not be their turn, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But Dong Jianyu wanted to find the real murderer after all, so he continued to think about it.

"Madazi, how long have you been with me?"

This Madazi is also a fierce general under Dong Jianyu. He is also a man who shows off his power on weekdays, but they never thought that they would be threatened like this.

Dong Jianyu's interrogation is just like roasting them on the fire and letting them die.

After all, the little Liuzi in front of them is not a traitor at all. He just does some bad things on weekdays.

But now he died in front of them, which made them feel very angry.

At this time, Zhang Hao saw that this process was too slow, so he directly asked Dong Jianyu

Do it.

Don't leave any trouble behind, otherwise there will always be some problems.

So Zhang Hao turned around and left. He didn't want to get involved in these things. He was going to the police station to discuss the situation.

See if Ma Teng has any actions. If there are, he must make him explain clearly.

If they find a traitor among them, these guys may die in vain.

But Zhang Hao never regrets it. Since he has made up his mind to do something big, he will not leave any trouble behind.

When Dong Jianyu came out with a crutch, his whole body was stained with blood and he was in great pain.

After all, this is to kill the younger brothers who have been with him for many years. Each of them was promoted by him at the beginning.

But if there is a traitor among these people, it may damage the interests of the entire Jianghu sect.

At that time, these guys will really become traitors, a group of people supporting the Japanese gang.

These people have no reason to live. Zhang Hao is determined to clean them up, so he can't survive.

This matter has become a foregone conclusion, and several people around are waiting for an opportunity.

I hope to follow Dong Jianyu to find Zhang Hao and let Zhang Hao give a certain policy.

After all, no one can be trusted at this time, and each of them is seeking a condition for self-protection.

But Zhang Hao gave an answer that he would not kill people indiscriminately if there was really no problem.

It turned out that all the guys in that group of guys committed crimes on the basis of their own corruption and bribery.

Otherwise, how could Zhang Hao let them go together? Because none of them are good cakes.

It was completely because these guys secretly made trouble, and then they were caught. Zhang Hao couldn't help it now.

He could only pull these guys together and then clean up the matter. It was particularly real and sharp.

Zhang Hao lit a cigarette and prepared to go to the police station to discuss the relevant situation with Officer Ma Teng.

What he didn't know was that the entire police station was in chaos, with countless people starting to attack and fight each other crazily.

This was the worst of the commotion.

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