The police said that the police had to deal with the police.

It is obvious that these people have shown their amazing willpower, and the courier who broke in was killed on the spot.

A group of people all felt that this situation really made people feel deeply helpless and painful.

After all, Zhang Hao was more hesitant and relaxed in doing anything, and he never left these things for future troubles.

This is a very sharp problem and a very painful thing.

The more it comes to this time, the more it should be dealt with.

Originally, these things have reached a state that makes people feel helpless.

Because they were able to let these guys enter the human world, Zhang Hao's secret core base.

So Zhang Hao told Officer Ma Teng about this, and Officer Ma Teng said that the traitor in the police station has not appeared yet.

They were still in contact with each other, trying to find out the situation of such a person.

The police chief has now been labeled and he has been confirmed as a direction.

Zhang Hao sent this technology to some scientific and technological personnel in his foreign authorities for research overnight.

The great scientist told Zhang Hao everything he knew and said that only one company could produce these things now.

That company is a company called Tianxia among the Japanese.

There are some special people in this company who specialize in studying these special technologies. The scientist told these stories.

So this kind of thing can't wait for Zhang Hao to make up his mind to deal with all these things.

Some things gradually began to pull up, and they became a little bit forgetful.

But some things really make people feel deeply helpless.

Because Zhang Hao suddenly realized one thing, if he really left the current area, his brothers under him would also be easily massacred.

And even if Zhang Hao arrived outside, he would definitely not have the current protection measures.

Now he is protected by some people, and he doesn't know how dangerous and weird those places are when he goes outside.

As a big brother in the underworld, Zhang Hao is also in a lot of danger now. He thought carefully and lit a cigarette.

At this moment, he was controlled abruptly, and several people around him were thinking about this situation.

It is already a very acute problem to want to improve and protect Zhang Hao to a certain extent.

Sometimes Zhang Hao wants to take action, but the people around him are full of warnings to Zhang Hao, thinking that Zhang Hao is not quite right.

They think that Zhang Hao should try to make some awakening.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Hao suddenly found something that made him feel very wrong.

Some people want to unravel the mystery in Anzhong and find the reason. They are Feng Kejin's organization.

Feng Kejin thought carefully and said that this time he would let him conduct the investigation on the Tianxia Company in person.

Let Zhang Hao not move around in this area, and let Zhang Hao continue to wait for them to arrive here.

This incident made Zhang Hao feel a sense of warmth, which they had never experienced before.

After thinking about this, Zhang Hao still did not give Feng Kejin Yifan's gold and silver treasures. After all, he could not let others work for nothing.

However, Feng Kejin himself knew his level and strength very well.

"Since we have agreed to help you, we will not pay much attention to these gold and silver treasures!"

After saying this, Feng Kejin smiled and shook hands with Zhang Hao in front of him, and the other people smiled indifferently.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Hao felt that some things were really uncontrollable.

If they killed this courier boy, there would be thousands of others, and the woman code-named nurse has not been caught yet.

What kind of accomplices and various factors did the nurse have? It was still difficult to communicate.

At this time, Zhang Hao was gradually waiting for some news to come, and suddenly a man arrived beside him.

This person is none other than Dong Jianyu. He was knocked to the ground before, and he said that he had found the location of the non-dartist.

The dartist explained all his information, and he said that he might have some problems.

This is a fake big bullet.

This is Dong Jianyu who personally found relevant people to disguise, and

The darts he used were also good.

The big gunman in front of him looked tough, and he began to make all kinds of news.

For example, he killed people in various places, and only slaughtered the little devils.

Indeed, in the three consecutive operations, he killed some devils who usually did evil.

These operations made Zhang Hao laugh instantly. After all, this was a trick of framing, after all, the little devils were still gangs.

Those little devils have their own forces and their own armies.

Those people have their own backgrounds. If they are given unlimited punishment, they will definitely impose sanctions on themselves.

So Zhang Hao couldn't help laughing when he thought of this step, and felt that this kind of thing was understandable.

It will definitely be able to draw out the black hand behind the scenes, and then kill him directly.

This big gunman, he was constantly breaking through with a group of people.

He took care of several people one after another, and hung them all by the river bridge.

The method of death was the same as those of the people who were killed by non-standard weapons before.

These darts that can kill people are really strong.

Zhang Hao waited for the prey to take the bait, hoping to completely settle accounts with him at that time.

This is a very real situation. Several people around are waiting for such an opportunity, and they think that this is too real.

Zhang Hao thought for a moment, and he felt that this situation was really helpless.

"Why haven't you taken the bait yet?"

Zhang Hao heard about this, he lit a cigarette, the smoke was lingering, and several people around were watching quietly.

They had been waiting for that guy to appear, but they didn't wait until they all thought that an accident was going to happen, and a figure began to flash around them.

Zhang Hao felt a sense of crisis. He stared quietly at the busy road in front of him, and suddenly found a long gun sticking out of a car.

This is particularly dangerous, just like some of the previous motorcycle gangs, they started shooting with machine guns in the car.

In an instant, it rushed towards Zhang Hao at a rapid speed.

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