The man looked like a black iron tower, and he looked particularly turbulent. The people around Zhang Hao felt that he was in danger. After all, he was a guy who claimed to be a member of the Japanese gang, and he had a unique advantage. If he was a traitor, he could have carried out a massacre here. After all, such a giant man is not someone that ordinary people can fight against or stand up to. Just when they were all hesitating, Dong Jianyu went up and pushed the man away. And the group of people behind him gave him the code name Black Tower. No matter what kind of person this guy is, he has become a person with a particularly obvious number at this time. Zhang Hao asked what the number of this guy is? The black tower clearly stated that its serial number was 042.

This serial number seemed to be relatively advanced, but the true strength was still somewhat unverified.

They were not sure what kind of situation this was, and the eyes between the two sides were burning and somewhat angry.

This was a particularly sharp and bloody struggle, and everyone was waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, Zhang Hao lit a cigarette, and the smoke was floating on it. Several people around him sat together.

Zhang Hao thought about it and felt that this kind of thing was really too bizarre. After all, it was really strange that the black tower surrendered to him for no reason.

And now Zhang Hao wanted to ask what was going on with the black tower, and what was the origin of the big gun?

Because all of them were now tracking the big gun, he was the most dangerous person.

If the black tower could explain the whereabouts of that person, I am afraid Zhang Hao would believe this kid.

After all, the black tower's own words showed that he could not stand the system of those little devil groups.

Because Heita's family was not protected in the end, and was killed directly by the gang of Japanese devils.

So he couldn't stand this situation and ran away directly. He was very sad after explaining these situations to Zhang Hao.

And such a big man like a black iron tower had fainted after he finished speaking.

This appearance really made Zhang Hao feel a little strange. After all, such a person with such a high serial number had such a state.

It made Zhang Hao wonder if he was poisoned by someone?

At that time, the people behind Dong Jianyu pointed their guns at the boy's head.

If this Heita dared to make a mistake or dared to make any strange things, he would be directly collapsed.

This is a realization of Heita. He must know where he is now.

Heita told the location of the big gunner. He has been living on a cruise ship on the sea. This character changes rapidly.

He can rush to any place within a day after receiving the order. This is a very powerful character.

So sometimes Heita didn't dare to provoke him, and felt that this was a very complicated guy.

After hearing this, Zhang Hao didn't say much and decided to let Heita deal with this person.

If Heita could bring back the body of the big gunman, or bring back his head, it would be fine.

Heita had never thought that he would have to kill the big gunman one day, he didn't have the strength to do so.

But Zhang Hao did give such an order, he had no reason to refuse, no capital to refuse.

After all, he wanted to go to Zhang Hao and help Zhang Hao do things, which was already a very difficult situation.

But Heita was a little hesitant, he still refused, saying that he didn't have the strength and couldn't resist him.

This was Heita's idea, Heita was relaxed and helpless.

He wanted to turn around and leave, and didn't want to contact Zhang Hao and his group anymore, but how could Dong Jianyu and his group of tough guys let him go?

These guys are tougher than each other, all of them are gangsters in the underworld, and all of them are well-known figures.

If they are allowed to escape easily at this time, how can they survive in this area?

This is already a very sharp problem. After seeing Zhang Hao, Heita couldn't help but sigh that he is really in a difficult situation now.

So he and Zhang Hao made a tactic, saying that none of your men are enough for me to fight.


At that time, Zhang Hao's pupils suddenly dilated, and several people around him began to raise their weapons.

They thought that this black tower had some special ability to knock these people to the ground, but the black tower just nodded.

He smiled and said to the people in front of him that he was talking nonsense.

But Zhang Hao didn't dare to stop at him. The black tower in front of him actually hit the middle raw material with a backhand.

Dong Jianyu was standing very firmly just now, thinking that he could control the black tower.

He didn't expect that he would be knocked down here with a backhand, and the fall was particularly tragic, and he was in pain.

This kind of thing made Dong Jianyu a little confused. He didn't expect that he would reach this point one day.

He had no way to fight against this black tower. The black tower had beaten him to pieces.

The strength of the black tower was not below this group of fighters. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a strong boxer.

This man knocked Dong Jianyu to the ground with one move, and Dong Jianyu was holding a gun.

At this time, Zhang Hao smiled indifferently, thinking that this was a rare genius.

In this case, it is not convenient to say more.

Zhang Hao has always been very glorious and powerful in doing things. The muscles on his fists are constantly expanding, and there is a sense of oppression.

This man's attitude is particularly bold, and he is conscious and profound.

Zhang Hao slapped the black tower in the face, and the black tower was stunned at the time.

Several people around knew that the black tower had said that he could knock down everyone here, and even knocked Dong Jianyu down here.

They were very clear that they had no way to fight against the black tower, but Zhang Hao didn't take him seriously at all.

Zhang Hao was particularly hard, and punched the black tower in the stomach.

The black tower didn't even say a word of retreat, but stared at Zhang Hao with his eyes wide open.

He was filled with fear and endless terror, and he felt very unnatural towards Zhang Hao. It seemed that the Black Tower was really surprised.

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