The nurse's situation was already well known, and that night the editor-in-chief Feng Kejin began to track her down.

Feng Kejin believed that he was already in a very good position as the thug and eyes of Zhang Hao, the underworld boss.

He could help Zhang Hao find some targets and some situations, which were already difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Besides, Zhang Hao would not let Feng Kejin work for nothing, and would give him a lot of gold and silver treasures every day.

As long as Feng Kejin achieved a certain task effect, he would get money.

Feng Kejin was so old, and he was not doing it for money. He was also a social person when he was young.

He knew that these younger brothers had a hard time in their lives. They had lived for so long, done so many things, and achieved a lot of success.

So he thought that Zhang Hao was an amazing person who could control everything here firmly.

This Zhang Hao was worth learning from, and he also wanted this Zhang Hao to take care of his son Feng Tong.

This Feng Tong didn't have much ability on weekdays, but he just liked to spend money and show off.

It was completely the attitude of a rich second-generation kid, who wanted Zhang Hao to take care of this child so that he could achieve some success.

Feng Tong understood that Zhang Hao's level was mutual, and the elder brothers in this area also had some respect after hearing it, after all, this person was better than himself.

However, after Zhang Hao agreed, Feng Tong set off with Dong Jianyu the next day to deal with some things.

He was not sure what he could accomplish, but Zhang Hao definitely had a purpose in taking this kid with him.

Among them, the woman he wanted to chase was a nurse, and the code name of this character was nurse.

She looked like an ordinary woman, so it should be easier to deal with this matter if Feng Tong and Dong Jianyu were sent out together.

They continued to deal with the slums for a while, hoping to get some clues and find some opportunities.

After they had been squatting for several days, they really found such a woman, the one in the previous photo.

Dong Jianyu directly gave the order to take action, and a group of younger brothers began to surround the school. All of them were Zhang Hao's younger brothers.

These people have undergone special training since childhood, and each of them is particularly agile in stretching their feet, but it is also difficult to control them when facing this nurse.

The nurse actually knocked down several people in a few moves. Dong Jianyu was stunned at the time. He didn't expect that there would be such a person.

Just when Dong Jianyu was at a loss, Feng Tong rushed over and punched the nurse.

The nurse found that there was no harm at all, so she knocked Feng Tong down with her backhand and threw him down from the fifth floor.

Dong Jianyu was a little numb at that time. This woman was really capable. She actually threw Feng Tong down.

Originally, Dong Jianyu thought that this kid came here to do some internship operations and there couldn't be any big problems.

I didn't expect that such a dangerous situation would happen. He was killed directly. It was really tragic.

Dong Jianyu took out the gun with his backhand. I saw that the nurse didn't expect that the nurse actually kicked Dong Tianyu's gun away with one foot.

This is not a good sign. Dong Jianyu and his friends couldn't even control this woman. How can they fight next?

At this time, a man's figure flashed over. He kicked the nurse's body and knocked him to the ground.

This person was none other than the black tower. His body muscles were particularly developed. He knocked the nurse down with his backhand.

Before the nurse could stand up, she was shot in the head by the man, and blood was dripping.

At this time, Dong Jianyu frowned slightly, looking at the black tower and felt that something was wrong.

Since the nurse was already under control, why did the Black Tower want to kill this person? Was it to silence her?

It was a little hard to say at this point, so Dong Jianyu pretended to be deaf and dumb and prepared for the next round of explanation.

They looked at Feng Tong downstairs together. His body had fallen miserably.

This kid had always wanted to make achievements and help his father.

But his father thought he was an unremarkable son.

He was not allowed to do anything special on weekdays.

And he was asked to study with Zhang Hao. He didn't expect that he would die on this road. It was really tragic.

The brain inside was broken, and the blood was still flowing. Several people around were silently mourning this matter.

When Officer Ma Teng came, he was helpless for a while. Feng Kejin and others were old friends. His death here was also considered the death of their nephew.

Zhang Hao was furious when he knew about it. He thought that Dong Jianyu did not take good care of the boy and fined Dong Jianyu a week's worth of gold coins.

Dong Jianyu had no complaints about this kind of thing. After all, it was too tragic.

When the boy died, he saw it thrown down with his own eyes. The nurse was really desperate.

But the nurse had been shot by Heita, but how did Heita know the situation here?

In fact, Dong Jianyu didn't know how Heita got here. All this was too incredible.

But Heita explained that he came here to support, and he thought that those people couldn't deal with the nurse, so he wanted to help.

This is really a good excuse, and they didn't say much. After all, there was really no need to think too much about wanting to help.

Zhang Hao saw that there was no other turn for the matter now, so he didn't say much and just smiled indifferently.

The people around were waiting for the next development of the matter. What kind of situation did they want to move towards?

Because the nurse had been dealt with, they still needed to ask Heita about some situations.

As long as Heita was willing to say, then they should know what kind of operations the Japanese camp would have, and these things must be controlled one by one.

They believed that this kind of thing would not be particularly desperate, and everyone had a certain way to operate.

The eyes of both sides were burning, and there was a shocking expression in their eyes.

Sometimes they believed that this kind of thing was a little difficult to control, but sometimes they also felt that such a situation really made people feel forgetful.

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