At this moment, outside the Youguqi Restaurant.

Big D said angrily: "It must be that bastard Ah Le who is playing tricks on me!"

"You know you can't beat me, so you play tricks!"

"Look at you guys, this is the one you chose as the host!"

Chuiji and others looked unhappy, but didn't say much.

Because it was not them who decided to choose Ah Le, but Uncle Deng.

Even though Uncle Deng had resigned as the host many years ago.

However, the strength of Uncle Deng is too clear to these old people.

Therefore, the one who really controls and wins in these years is still Uncle Deng!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zhang Guozhan waved his hand impatiently and said:

"Hurry up, take them all back, don't disturb my sleep!"

Around, the young police officers of the anti-gang group immediately stepped forward and handcuffed everyone.

A moment later, outside the Guqi Restaurant.

A group of reporters, as if they had received the news in advance, swarmed in.

Da D and others were all old hands, squatting silently in a row.

Zhang Guozhan joked: "Da D, I asked you if you want to wear a hood."

Da D heard the words and said proudly: "Why wear it! I'm so handsome, am I still afraid of being photographed?"

At this moment, although Da D said so, he was secretly thinking in his heart.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about this group of reporters in front of him.

How could they receive the news so quickly and rush over?

In his opinion, it was obvious that someone had made preparations in advance.

As for who it was, he didn't even have to think about it, it must be Ah Le!

Because, in his opinion, only Ah Lok has a conflict of interest with him!

In addition, if he goes in, Ah Lok can smoothly become the boss!

Big D said coldly: "Ah Lok! I will definitely kill you!"

At this time, Zhang Guozhan heard the words and rolled his eyes and said: "Everyone, take pictures!"

"These are all big brothers in the society!"

"Why, don't you know them?"

"Let me introduce you, this is the leader of Tsuen Wan, Big D!"

"This, this, this, the old uncle of He Liansheng!"

"And this, He Liansheng boss!"

"All of you take pictures carefully, the pictures are ugly, but no one pays!"


As soon as this word came out, it was like adding fuel to the fire.

When Big D heard the word "pay", he instantly felt that his guess was right!

Big D immediately stood up and roared: "Clap, clap, clap, what are you clap for!"

"Clap again, I will burn down your newspaper office!"

"Damn bastard, Chuiji, you betrayed me too!"

Faced with the sudden scene, Chuiji was so scared that he ran away!

He knew Big D's character too well. He would definitely die a very ugly death after this incident!

However, what he didn't expect was that Chuiji, who had just run a few steps away.

was hit by a sudden truck and flew away in an instant.

As for why the truck happened so coincidentally...

Zhang Guozhan sneered in his heart, but said angrily:

"What are you looking at? Why don't you save people?"

"Damn, a bunch of short mules, no one is loyal when passing by!"


As soon as this sentence came out, Big D felt that his guesses were all smooth!

A Le! It must be the bastard A Le!

Now, if Chuiji dies, he can't get the dragon head stick, how can he get the position?

He even suspected that Ah Le wanted to frame him!

After all, it was he who invited Chui Ji and others to come out tonight!

Big D shouted manically: "Lin Huaile, you bastard, I will kill you!"

Zhang Guozhan shouted angrily: "Shut up, what are you shouting!"

"Take them all back!"

At the same time, the scene of the anti-black group arresting people happened everywhere.

Chuan Bao and others were also invited to have tea.

Even Deng Bo was not spared!

Only Ah Le was stunned after hearing the report from his men in his villa!

But in just a moment, he guessed something.

Ah Le said coldly: "Zhang Hao!"

However, the next moment.

Huo Niu stepped forward and said hurriedly: "Young Master Le, it's not good."

"The prince of Hongxing has brought people to Jordan!"

Ah Le, who was originally planning to go to the police station to bail in person, had to stop.

The prince's actions further confirmed his guess!

What happened today must be Zhang Hao's doing behind the scenes!

Ah Le said coldly: "Huoniu, take the brothers to defend the territory!"

"Also, help me contact Xinji leader Jiang Sheng and tell him that I want to treat him to a meal!"

Huoniu nodded immediately after hearing this and said: "Yes, Master Le!"

After that, Huoniu left in a hurry.

Ah Le sat on the sofa

On the hair, he tapped the mobile phone in his hand, thinking about countermeasures.

Originally, he wanted to use Hongxing Ah Xin as a token of surrender and hand it over to Big Brother Cheng.

And, in his opinion, even if Zhang Hao wanted to do it.

During the period when the civil strife in Hongxing had just ended and he had just taken office.

It was impossible to free up his hands so quickly just to settle the internal conflicts.

However, now it seems that he remembered it wrong!

Zhang Hao had already straightened out all the internal relations of Hongxing!

Otherwise, the prince would not come to step on his place at this time!

However, for him, he was not afraid of Zhang Hao.

Because, if they really fought, Hongxing did not have as many people as them!

After thinking for a moment, Ah Le dialed the phone.

"Hello, Brother Cheng, this is Ah Le!"

"Zhang Hao has sent people from Hongxing to step on my Jordan territory!"

"I just won the election, and I can't lose my base!"

On the other end of the phone, Brother Cheng chuckled and said:

"Don't worry, I guessed he would do this."

"You focus on the affairs of the society, I will send someone to Jordan!"

"Ah Le, remember our agreement."

"I can promote you, and I can naturally step you down!"

Ah Le sneered in his heart when he heard this, waiting for him to completely take over He Liansheng.

By then, Brother Cheng wants to control him?

Of course, these words cannot be said.

Ah Le chuckled and said, "Brother Cheng, don't worry, I know what to do."

"Since, Brother Cheng, you sent people to deal with Hongxing's affairs."

"Then I will quickly bail out Deng Bo and others."

"After the change of leadership is completed, we will sit down and talk."

After that, the two hung up the phone separately.

On the side, Jijiaohei whispered: "Brother, that Ah Le is unreliable!"

"After he takes the position, he will most likely betray us and turn against us!"

Brother Cheng sneered: "Haha, do you think I don't know?"

Jijiaohei asked puzzledly: "Since you know, why do you still..."

Brother Cheng sneered: "Haha, if I don't support him to take the position, how can He Liansheng be in chaos?"

"If He Liansheng is not in chaos, how can I swallow He Liansheng?"

Jijiaohei suddenly realized: "Well, the boss still has to be you!"

"You want to make He Liansheng chaotic."

"In this way, He Liansheng's strength will be greatly weakened."

"Let's stand up and get rid of them!"

Brother Cheng chuckled: "Jijiaohei, you have to use your brain to get out, otherwise you will be Da Fei all your life!"

Hearing this, Jijiaohei smiled awkwardly.

Before, in the battle in Causeway Bay, Da Fei really died a bit aggrieved.

Why did he have to provoke Zhang Hao, the devil?

As a result, he was killed with one knife not long after he came out!

Big Brother Cheng pondered and said, "Chicken Leg Black, you will take a few hundred people to Jordan later."

"Remember, let the younger brothers go up and fight."

"Hold on to Hongxing, and retreat when the police arrive!"

Chicken Leg Black said confidently, "Don't worry, big brother, I know this!"

Big Brother Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Of course you know it!"

"Chicken Leg Black, I'm not saying anything about you, you were also a fierce general of He Sheng He!"

"Why were you scared by Zhang Hao after the battle in Tsz Wan Shan?"

Chicken Leg Black smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

He was not scared, but in his heart.

Even Yuan, the leader of the Tsim Sha Tsui Tiger, could be killed by Zhang Hao.

Is it worth it for him, a small regional boss, to risk his life?

But in the end, he was indeed frightened by Zhang Hao, the ghost-seeing scare...........

Big Brother Cheng saw this and didn't say much.

He didn't participate in that battle personally, but he also heard about it.

It's not the chicken feet black's fault..........

At the same time, in the police station.

An inspector said with displeasure: "What kind of world is this? People fight each other."

"The higher-ups are really a piece of shit. We have to take the blame when something goes wrong!"

"Get out of here!"

After that, a younger brother of "A Le" was suddenly locked up in Da D's cell.

Da D was immediately nervous, and the next moment he looked at the shining knife.

"Fuck! A Le, you dare to send someone to kill me!"


In the rest of the cells, all the big guys including He Liansheng were shocked!

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