It was quite ceremonial!

Cao Kun smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. He stepped forward and patted the muscular shoulders of the madman, saying, "Okay! Follow me and have a good time in the future!"

The madman didn't say anything when he heard this, but just nodded, but his eyes still flashed with respect for Cao Kun. He was the same as Mediterranean and Tianshou. If Cao Kun asked them to kill someone, he would never hesitate at all!

Knowing that the killer who moved them was Qiu Xiaochi's, Cao Kun's mind was running fast.

The current leader of the Donghu Gang is Hai'an. This person values ​​friendship, dares to fight, is a man of temperament but very lustful, and heard that he has seven wives.

The Donghu Gang is a famous traditional gang organization in Tainan. This gang is very colorful in Tainan!

The word "jiaotou" was originally a local name for villas and tribes in Taiwan. These tribes usually have their own beliefs and form their own forces.

The formation of these local forces can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty and the period when Sakura occupied Taiwan.

It is said that the early stage of the Donghu Gang was during the "Sakura Hovering in the Bay" period, when the lower-class people spontaneously organized gangs to fight against the oppression of foreign races.

With the development of the times, under the inequality of resources and interests, some gangs began to engage in illegal industries, illegally make profits, and rob resources, entrenched in the local area, and gradually formed gangs in the sense of gangs.

The former leader of the Donghu Gang, Hai Dafu, who is Hai'an's father, relied on his courage and a pair of iron fists to lead the gangs to fight all over Tainan City, making the Donghu Gang spread throughout Tainan City and monopolizing half of the underground business, such as brothels, dance halls, casinos... Even involved in arms sales and drugs, it became the largest gang in Tainan City and had influence in other areas!

However, on the night of the celebration banquet five years ago, his old illness relapsed and he died on the spot. Before he died, he passed his position to Hai'an.

Cao Kun heard in prison that in the past five years, the tentacles of the Donghu Gang have gone from illegal to monopolizing legal businesses. On the surface, they seem to be washing their hands, but they have not given up those underground businesses. For example, the current Tainan City projects will most likely fall into the hands of the Donghu Gang.

And these so-called government projects basically involve people in the officialdom. They collude with gang members, accept bribes in private with a positive image, secretly leak information to help these gang members bid, and even directly set up companies with gang members to make profits!

However, the Donghu Gang seems to be a huge gang, with more than 80,000 gang members and more than 100,000 members associated with it, but the organizational structure, like many gangs, still remains in the traditional model.

The Donghu Gang's influence is all over Tainan, but since Hai Dafu's battle in Tainan, it has divided the major regions to different corners and let them manage their respective regions.

It is easy to delegate power, but difficult to take back power!

This also led to the fact that while the East Lake Gang was developing, the gangs in these major regions were also strengthening themselves, and sometimes they would fight for their own interests!

On the surface, Hai'an was the leader of the East Lake Gang, but in fact, the East Lake Gang had been undercurrents after Hai Dafu's death.

And Qiu Xiaochi had been deeply trusted by Hai'an at the beginning, and Hai'an deliberately supported Qiu Xiaochi to strengthen his power in the East Lake Gang.

Unexpectedly, while helping Hai'an to grow, this knife actually strengthened himself in disguise. Qiu Xiaochi began to annex the territory of the East Lake Gang by excluding dissidents and using all means...

By the time Hai'an woke up, it was too late. Even if he wanted to move Qiu Xiaochi, it was not so easy.

At this time, Qiu Xiaochi was slowly annexing the territory of the East Lake Gang, and his power was approaching Hai'an. Since he did not extend his tentacles to the territory of other gangs, for people in the rivers and lakes, the current situation of the East Lake Gang was a "family affair", and Qiu Xiaochi was a famous mad dog in the rivers and lakes. Naturally, other gangs did not want to provoke this mad dog.

But, Cao Kun wanted to meet this mad dog!

Half an hour later, Chen Guilin, led by the manager, came to the corridor on the floor where the presidential suite was located. They did not speak, but stepped on the soft carpet in the corridor. When they passed by Cao Kun's room, Cao Kun and Mediterranean, who had excellent hearing, still noticed it.

"This is it!"

The two people in the corridor came to the door of Ding Yao's rest room. The manager looked at Chen Guilin next to him and motioned him to ring the doorbell.

After all, Ding Yao and a man went in. Who knows what they are doing in there? The manager didn't want to ring the doorbell to disturb the people inside.

Chen Guilin walked forward after hearing this. Just as he was about to ring the doorbell, a shout suddenly came from behind him: "Hey! Guilin boy!"

Chen Guilin hurriedly turned around and saw Cao Kun standing at the door of the presidential suite diagonally opposite him. He smiled immediately, but a trace of surprise flashed across the manager's face!

Chen Guilin came to Cao KunIn front of him, he carefully looked at Cao Kun's whole body and said, "Brother Kun! Are you really okay?" He was a little bit unbelievable but admired Cao Kun very much, after all, he was still sore now. "It's okay! It's just that my waist is a little tired!" Cao Kun raised his eyebrows at Chen Guilin, and a sly smile flashed across his face. "Great! Brother Kun! You got Miss Ding so quickly!" Chen Guilin was full of admiration, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the crack of the door behind Cao Kun... At this time, the manager came to Cao Kun, smiled at him, and then left. "Gan Lin's mother!" Suddenly, the door was opened, and the somewhat wretched appearance of the Mediterranean entered Chen Guilin's sight at the first time, followed by the muscular men Tianshou and Kuangren beside the bed, which made Chen Guilin couldn't help cursing! "Brother Kun! Your taste is too strong!" Chen Guilin felt his buttocks tighten, and swallowed his saliva with fear on his face. "Ah!"

Cao Kun kicked Chen Guilin into the room, causing him to scream in pain. He was about to pounce on the Mediterranean, but unexpectedly, the Mediterranean was agile and dodged easily, causing Chen Guilin to fall to the ground!

"Your mother's taste! I just came out of Ding Yao's room not long ago. These are all my people. What do you want to see me for?" Cao Kun had read what Chen Guilin was thinking from his expression, and said unhappily.

After that, he closed the door and walked in.

"Haha! So that's it!" Chen Guilin stood up with a silly smile and said to Cao Kun: "Lei Gang Leader asked me to come here to see if you have any plans, so that I can notify him as soon as possible!"

"You are quite honest!"

Cao Kun couldn't help but smile. Lei Gong asked this kid to monitor him, but this kid directly said the purpose.

"In that case, then I'll tell you, this time we plan to rob Qiu Xiaochi's casino, are you interested?"

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