"Bang, bang, bang... bang, bang!"

Cao Kun shot all the bullets at Qiu Xiaochi, scaring the people on the field to shrink back continuously, and one person fainted on the spot!

"Did Qiu Xiaochi bring the money from the casino here?"

Cao Kun turned his head and asked these people.

At this time, Cao Kun was like a demon who killed people without blinking an eye. Everyone was so scared that they couldn't speak, and many people pointed their fingers down!

"You mean the money is in the basement? There is a basement below?" Cao Kun understood and asked.

"...Yes...right!" One of them finally made a sound and answered.

"Good boy!" Cao Kun turned around and made a look at Barney and the others. They immediately raised their guns and fired at these people. The sound of gunfire surrounded the entire study and the painful groans of these people. Cao Kun looked around and found an oversized safe next to the bookshelf!

As the gunfire stopped, all these people fell to the ground.

Cao Kun came to the safe and checked it. The safe was about 1.2 meters high and 0.8 meters wide. The safe was silver in color and separated from the wall behind it. How confident was he to put the safe in the study?

Cao Kun put the safe into the system without hesitation. He would find a way to open it slowly after returning. He turned his head and ordered: "Tian Shou, Yin Yang, Christmas, Barney, follow me to find the basement. Others check if there are any cameras in the villa. If there are any, destroy them!"

"Received!" Everyone said in unison. Yin Yang, Christmas, Barney, Tian Shou followed Cao Kun closely, and others began to look at whether there were any cameras in the study!

"Yin Yang! Go and feel if Qiu Xiaochi has any keys or something. If there is a wallet, don't let it go!"

Just as he walked to the door, Cao Kun suddenly thought that the basement might need a key to open it, and said to Yin Yang without looking back.

"Oh shit!"

Yin Yang reluctantly turned around and came to Qiu Xiaochi, whose body was covered with blood holes. The other members of the death squad smiled at Yin Yang and walked out. Yin Yang resisted the discomfort and touched Qiu Xiaochi, and he found a key and a wallet!

Cao Kun and his friends found the passage to the basement in the room on the far left of the first floor!

When they walked down the stairs, they saw a closed iron door.

"Yin Yang, it's your turn!" Cao Kun and his friends made way for Yin Yang.

Yin Yang held a bloodstained key and tried several keys before he opened the iron door. As soon as he pushed open the iron door, the light above the dark basement turned on instantly, and the entire basement became bright!

On the right side of the gate, there are rows of long tables against the wall, with bags full of banknotes, including not only Taiwan dollars, but also US dollars and Hong Kong dollars...

Here are not only nearly 2 billion Taiwan dollars that Qiu Xiaochi pulled from the casino, but also the illegal gains he commanded his subordinates to rob banks, trade arms, kidnap and extort, sell drugs... the money that has not been laundered over the years!

For him, the half-underground emperor of Tainan, money is the courage of a hero and the waist of a man. Having so much money in hand means how many subordinates he has, so he dares to recruit a large number of soldiers and horses, and does not take anyone seriously!

But, all of this will become Cao Kun's!

"Fuck you! Qiu Xiaochi, you bastard, put so much money in the basement... Finally, it's not in vain that I came here to do you a favor, you really deserve to die!" Cao Kun walked in and saw the things inside, and couldn't help but sigh.

In addition to money, there are also antiques, jade, calligraphy and paintings, gold and even gold. They are either hung on the wall or neatly arranged. It can be seen that Qiu Xiaochi is still a decent person!

Cao Kun didn't know anything about antiques. He put them all into the system, even the solid wood table and glass shelf were not spared. In a short while, the whole basement became empty!

"This vote is well done!" Cao Kun said happily.

"Brother Kun! There are luxury cars in the parking lot. Although some have been swept by bullets, grasshoppers are also meat. I think you can take them all in!" Yin Yang reminded.

"Good idea!" Cao Kun said, and he took them out of the basement.

I don't know if Qiu Xiaochi is afraid that his secret will be discovered. There are no cameras installed in the whole villa, not even in the manor!

The members of the death squad got nothing, all gathered on the first floor, and followed Cao Kun and others out.

At this time, the drummer also parked the plane in the manor, and smoked cigars in front of the assault vehicle with the trenches, the church, and the villains. When they saw Cao Kun and his men coming out, they hurriedly asked them about their harvest.

"A great harvest!"Yin Yang replied to the few people, and everyone took out their cigars and started smoking.

Cao Kun walked quickly towards the parking lot. The cars parked inside filled the entire parking lot. Some cars were hit by bullets, but many were still fine!

Based on the principle of not wasting, Cao Kun collected more than 40 cars that were not hit in the parking lot, and collected more than 10 valuable cars among the cars that were hit.

Then, the 15 of them got on the helicopter or assault vehicle, one drove to the foot of the mountain, and one flew into the night sky and left.

"Beep... Beep!"

In the bushes below the villa, the mobile phone thrown down from the window by Qiu Xiaochi was ringing at this moment. The phone displayed on it was the private phone of Wu Xinglin, the chief of the police station who had always been on good terms with Qiu Xiaochi!

Although Qiu Xiaochi and his men were located in the northeast of Tainan and had exceeded the urban area, according to the regional division, Xiaolongshan still belonged to their Tainan City Police Department!

The commotion on Xiaolong Mountain was not small. Wu Xinglin had also been to Qiu Xiaochi's villa and enjoyed the hospitality of cheongsam beauties. He also provided a lot of advice to Qiu Xiaochi's villa security, so he knew that Qiu Xiaochi's villa was heavily guarded!

Although someone near Xiaolong Mountain reported that they heard gunshots and explosions, he only thought that it might be the people from the Sanlian Gang who went to Qiu Xiaochi's villa for revenge. He specifically asked the nearby police not to go over to check for the time being, just waiting for Qiu Xiaochi to deal with it himself...

After hearing the people below say that the gunshots stopped, Wu Xinglin called Qiu Xiaochi to ask.

After making several calls in a row and no one answered, Wu Xinglin suddenly had an ominous premonition, and he immediately asked his confidants to go to Qiu Xiaochi's villa to check the situation.

Before Wu Xinglin's confidants arrived at Qiu Xiaochi's villa, Cao Kun and others had returned to the bridge hole. He put all the equipment, equipment, assault vehicles, and helicopters into the system!

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