"What do you want to do?"

The other six councillors all ran to Shen Qingquan's house to discuss how to divide the territory of Yuke Street.

Who knew that Guo Cheng brought hundreds of people with weapons here.

The more than ten councillors' lackeys at the door were shocked to see so many people coming...

Hundreds of people rushed forward, and the lackeys had no time to run in to report, and they were beaten to beg for mercy.

"Stop beating, stop beating!"

"I beg you!"


The people who surrounded them and beat them swung their sticks without mercy.

They beat these lackeys unconscious before they stopped.

Guo Cheng and others broke into the door, and the councillors who were originally happily talking about where to celebrate tonight changed their faces one by one. They wanted to get up and run away, but they were surrounded by Guo Cheng and others and beat them up!

"I'm Shen Qingquan! A councillor of Tainan City! My son-in-law is in the army, stop it...ah...it hurts...stop hitting me..." Shen Qingquan wanted to threaten the people around him, but he was beaten so hard that he cried.

"I'm also a councillor! Let's talk!"

"Stop hitting me! Brother!"

"I'm almost sixty, I can't stand it anymore!"

"My waist..."

"My thumb is broken..."


The six councillors begged for mercy loudly, and they were beaten so hard that tears came out.

"Brother Kun! Something went wrong. There are six other people in Shen Qingquan's family, and they all seem to be councillors! They should be in the same group!" Guo Cheng informed Cao Kun of the situation.

Listening to the noisy begging for mercy on the other end of the phone, Cao Kun sneered: "Take them all away, let them be locked up like dogs for a few days, and ask them how many accomplices they have!"

There was actually more than one person, and Cao Kun also wanted to know how many people wanted to blackmail him.

"Got it!" Guo Cheng hung up the phone.

He turned his head and told the people below to stop, and said: "Take them all away, take them to the dog farm, and interrogate them!"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted loudly.

When the seven people heard that they were going to be taken away, they begged for mercy from Guo Cheng and others again, with fear written all over their faces.

However, these people were unmoved.

Instead, they tied their hands and feet, taped their mouths, and carried them into the trunk of the car.


Half an hour later in the dog farm,

Seven councillors were stuffed into a large iron cage. They were full of panic, their hands and feet were bound, and they watched Cao Kun's people stuff the dog race into the cage. They were all scared and curled up in a corner, crying and begging for mercy.

These councillors are used to being high and mighty, and they are no exception to wine, sex, money and anger. In front of the people, they act "kind and amiable" and pretend to be pleading for the people.

Where have they ever been tortured like this?

"Please let me go... We were wrong..."

"We are obsessed with money!"

"It was all led by Shen Qingquan and Deputy Mayor Zhang Tianhong. It has nothing to do with us!"

"Please let the dog out first. I'm afraid of dogs!"

"It licked my thigh... Please..."

Guo Cheng and others smiled contemptuously. The dogs prepared for these councillors were all docile. If they wanted to torture these councillors, they would torture them by getting a few dogs in estrus or hungry dogs for a few days!

"Keep an eye on them! Let them communicate with these dogs in the next few days! Eat, drink, defecate and urinate together!" Guo Cheng said.

"Understood!" More than a dozen younger brothers who were responsible for guarding them said in unison.

The environment of the dog farm was smelly and dirty, which made Guo Cheng not want to stay there for a minute. He spit on the ground and walked out.

"Brother Kun! Deputy Mayor Zhang Tianhong is also involved. I heard from the people inside that he and Shen Qingquan took the lead..." Guo Cheng told Cao Kun about the situation here.

"Zhang Tianhong?"

"It's really interesting! You go and invite him to the dog farm for a few days, so that he can keep the councillors company!"

"Ask who else is there! Take them to the dog farm together!" Cao Kun said.

He didn't expect that Zhang Tianhong would dare to take the lead in threatening him.

He is just a deputy mayor, and his brother is just a gang leader in Tainan.

He has such a big appetite!

"I understand!" Guo Cheng nodded, and took his younger brother to invite people.

In the office, Cao Kun just put down the phone, and Lu Dianfan in front of him hurriedly said: "Brother Kun! The councillors and the deputy mayor cannot be killed!"

Ever since the seven councillors were taken away by Cao Kun's people, the Municipal Bureau has received reports from the lackeys at the door.

Who else dares to kidnap councillors in Tainan City, and kidnap seven at a time, except Cao Kun's people?

So Wu Xinglin arranged Lu Dianfan to come here to inquire about Cao Kun's situation.

And those lackeys who were beaten and covered with wounds, theyThe police also arranged people to appease them.

"If we don't kill one or two of them, how can they be afraid?" Cao Kun lit a cigar and said arrogantly.

"The deputy mayor and the seven councilors are not trivial matters. The people under them are related to various departments in Tainan City, including our police force, and there are also their people!" Lu Dianfan said worriedly.

"Is there anyone who can show off?" Cao Kun asked with narrowed eyes.

If he really wants to kill these councilors and the deputy mayor, he can directly arrange people to do it.

Letting them into the dog farm is nothing more than intimidating them!

Let them know who is the master of Tainan.

"There are so many..." Lu Dianfan sweated profusely and whispered tentatively.

This big brother, don't you want to get rid of the people under them?

Break their wings and make them unable to fly again.

"You police have been cracking down on gangs and evil these days. I think you have caught a lot of criminals, but you haven't cleaned up the worms in the government... How can the public have confidence in your police?" Cao Kun said.

"Brother Kun! Will it be too big?" Lu Dianfan said fearfully.

They have an obligation to deal with criminals, but to deal with political enemies...

Cao Kun did not answer Lu Dianfan's question, but asked: "Don't you want to be the police chief? Isn't Wu Xinglin interested in the deputy mayor of Tainan City?"

Hearing this, Lu Dianfan's eyes lit up. He was naturally interested in money and women, but it was his dream for many years to be promoted from deputy mayor!

"I want to! Director Wu wants to too!" Lu Dianfan said excitedly.

Does Cao Kun have this ability?

He certainly does.

Taiwan's election of councilors and mayors cannot be done without the votes of the people.

With Cao Kun's current status, he is rich and powerful, and the people under him represent votes one by one!

"Aren't the people under these congressmen the obstacles on your career path? If you touch me, you will touch you, right?" Cao Kun asked.

"That's right!" Lu Dianfan said excitedly,

"I will go back and discuss with my cousin's husband now. If anyone dares to speak for these people, we will take them back to the police station, charge them with some crimes, and put them in jail..."

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