At the same time, in Siam, in Jiang Tianyang's manor.

Jiang Tianyang and Chen Yao's faces were filled with visible joy.

After hearing that Li Jun was permanently expelled from the country by the British Hong Kong government, Jiang Tianyang and Chen Yao were immediately excited.

"Mr. Jiang, Li Jun was expelled from the country by the foreigners. This is our opportunity. Li Jun who left Hong Kong Island is nothing. Isn't it still at your disposal, Mr. Jiang?"

Chen Yao said to Jiang Tianyang with a smile.

"Li Jun was expelled from the country. Nine out of ten times, he will come to Siam to find his woman, Dr. Doctor. This time, we must seize the opportunity to completely eradicate this scourge!"

When Jiang Tianyang talked about Li Jun, the smile on his face completely disappeared, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Mr. Jiang, after killing Li Jun, you can return to Hongxing Island to take over. At that time..."

At this point, Chen Yao's smile on his face was a little uncontrollable.

Although Jiang Tianyang was not as out of control as Chen Yao, his eyes also flashed a little bit of brilliance.

But Jiang Tianyang and Chen Yao didn't know that what they were waiting for next was not hope, but despair, the most terrifying despair...

The distance from Hong Kong Island to Saigon in South Vietnam is about 1,600 kilometers by sea.

When Li Jun arrived in Saigon, it was already noon the next day.

After Li Jun got off the boat, he saw a person who surprised him very much, to be precise, a woman.


Li Jun looked at the intellectual woman in front of him with long hair and a gentle temperament, and called softly.

"It only takes 5 hours to get here by boat from Siam. I miss you so much, Ajun."

There was no deep hug, no French kiss, and no sweet talk. Just one sentence and a few words made Li Jun feel the deep love of the woman in front of him.

"Doctor, I should have come back earlier."

Li Jun gently tidied the doctor's hair that was messed up by the sea breeze and said softly.

"Ajun, I..."

The doctor's words were interrupted by a deep kiss.

Two hours later

A Cadillac car drove slowly on the streets of Saigon.

Li Jun, with a refreshed face, looked through the car window and observed the street scene of the largest city in South Vietnam.

Compared with Hong Kong Island, this place is indeed too backward. No wonder, Hong Kong Island is now the economic and financial center of Nanyang and the Pearl of the Orient.

"Ajun, you wear this suit to meet the marshal of the old Russians?"

The doctor looked at Li Jun's wrinkled suit and asked with a smile.

"With these things, even if I go to see Marshal Yegorov naked, he won't blame me for being rude."

Li Jun picked up the box at his feet and said to the doctor with a smile.

Then, Li Jun opened the box and showed the three Russian royal jewels in front of the doctor. Then, Li Jun did not hesitate for a moment and directly picked up the sapphire necklace placed in the middle and held it out to the doctor.

From the beginning, Li Jun was ready to give the sapphire necklace to the doctor. After all, two pieces of jewelry were enough to be a stepping stone, especially with the crown of Catherine II in it.

It must be said that gems have a fatal attraction to women. Even a woman like the doctor was stunned and stared at these three pieces of jewelry.

"Ajun, this is what you want to give to that old Russian marshal, don't mess around."

Although attracted by the jewelry, the doctor still resisted the temptation of the jewelry, blocked Li Jun's hand, and spoke.

However, the doctor's refusal did not take effect. Li Jun forced the doctor to wear the sapphire necklace. After looking at the doctor carefully, he showed a satisfied smile: "Doctor, you are so beautiful."

"Ajun, you are really fooling around."

The doctor pretended to be angry, but her eyes were full of sweetness. Obviously, although she verbally rejected Li Jun's move, she was very satisfied in her heart.

An hour later

Outside the only five-star hotel in Saigon, Li Jun was being inspected by South Vietnamese soldiers.

Because of Yegorov's visit, the hotel was heavily guarded today. It was Yegorov's secretary Andrei, who was arranged by Yuri in advance, who came forward, otherwise Li Jun could not get close to the hotel within 100 meters.

"You can go in."

A South Vietnamese monkey soldier said to Li Jun in poor foreign language.

Hearing the words of the South Vietnamese monkey soldier, Li Jun walked into the hotel slowly with a blank expression.

His box containing Russian royal jewels had already been brought into the hotel by Andrei.

A few minutes later.

Li Jun saw Andrei in a neat suit and a slicked back hair again.

As a military district commander and the secretary of the old Russian marshal, Andrei is definitely a young and promising man. Just looking at hisFrom Andre's appearance, you can tell that he is definitely no more than 35 years old.

"Mr. Li, please wait a moment. The marshal is admiring the gift you brought him, but don't worry, he is very satisfied with your gift."

Hearing Andre's words, Li Jun knew that the 1 million he spent on him was not wasted.

"Thank you, Mr. Andre, I also brought you a Hong Kong specialty, which I will give to you later. I hope you will like it."

Li Jun also said to Andre with a smile.

"Mr. Li, you are so polite."

Andre's smile became brighter, and then he leaned close to Li Jun's ear and whispered: "Mr. Li, our Odessa Military District has two patrol ships that have been in disrepair for a long time and are difficult to deal with. If someone is willing to deal with these two patrol ships, I think the marshal should be very happy."

The large ships of the old Russians are managed by the Black Sea Fleet, the Arctic Fleet and the Pacific Fleet. The military districts can't even get close to them, but the naval districts like Ossad have patrol ships. Although these patrol ships of several hundred tons cannot be compared with large warships of thousands of tons, they are enough in the South China Sea.

You know, the flagship of the Luzon Navy is just a 3,000-ton destroyer, which was produced by America in the 1950s and eliminated in the 1970s.

What's more, the patrol ship is fast, which perfectly meets the needs of pirates.

"Mr. Andre, I don't know how to thank you. I wonder if your family likes Hong Kong Island's specialties?"

After that, Li Jun and Andre smiled at each other.

Ten minutes later.

Andre, who was talking happily with Li Jun, was called into the room by Yegorov. Ten seconds later, he came out and said to Li Jun with a smile: "Mr. Li, please come in."

"Mr. Li, the marshal doesn't like outsiders to call him the marshal. You'd better call him Mr. Yegorov."

When Li Jun and Andre passed by, Andre whispered in Li Jun's ear.

Li Jun nodded slightly, then walked into the room quickly.

Li Jun understood that the next period of time would determine the speed of his development in Nanyang.

When Li Jun walked through a corridor and turned into the living room of the suite, he finally saw the old Russian commander of the Ossad Military District, the Navy Marshal, Yegorov.

"Hello, Mr. Yegorov."

Li Jun looked at the chestnut-haired, slightly bald, 50-year-old man in front of him and said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, please sit down."

Yegorov did not stand up, nor did he intend to shake hands with Li Jun, and asked Li Jun to sit down directly.

After Li Jun sat down, Yegorov did not greet Li Jun, and said directly: "Mr. Li, I am very satisfied with your gift. Tell me what you want."

"Guns, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, warships, as long as Mr. Yegorov can give them, I want them all."

Li Jun answered.

"Mr. Li, if you just want these things, you won't come to see me at such a high price. Tell me, what do you want."

After listening to Li Jun's words, Yegorov looked at Li Jun deeply and said lightly.

After hearing what Yegorov said, Li Jun smiled.

If you just want to buy ordinary guns, tanks, or even small warships, Yuri Orlov can do it, of course, Li Jun doesn't have to spend so much money to find Yegorov.

In fact, Li Jun's words just now were to test Yegorov to see if this old Russian marshal is a smart man.

He is not afraid of Yegorov's shrewdness, but he is afraid of Yegorov's stupidity. After all, a fool may collapse at any time, and only smart people are worth investing in.

"Mr. Yegorov, I want to buy production lines for guns, bullets, and shells. In addition, you need to send engineers to assist me in installing and using these production lines. Finally, I need fighters and warships, real large warships."

Li Jun looked at Yegorov and said slowly.

Since he came to Nanyang, he naturally couldn't just kill Jiang Tianyang and leave. Li Jun planned to build a real territory of his own in Jinshan Cape. He would build military factories there, train mercenaries, and create a world in the chaotic land of Nanyang.

Especially the gold mines in Luzon and Indonesia, these two countries, this is Li Jun's real goal.

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