3,800 "elite veterans" were divided into four teams by Li Jun, led by Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Xu Xi, and Gao Jin, with 900 "elite veterans" in each team.

Feng Yuxiu, Li Wang, and the remaining 200 "elite veterans" stayed with Li Jun to take care of his safety.

It was mainly Feng Yuxiu and Li Wang who were good at being bodyguards and thugs, but it was a bit difficult for them to lead 900 people.

After Li Jun divided the work, under the guidance of the guide hired by Xiaolong at a high salary, Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Xu Xi, and Gao Jin took the orders given by Li Jun and rushed directly to the four military camps of Guanchai Ba and Jiang Tianyang.

Li Jun's orders to Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Xu Xi, and Gao Jin were also very simple, kill them all, burn them all, rob them all, and give these Siamese monkeys a little shock to Hong Kong Island.

In a chaotic place like Nanyang, only the most ruthless and ruthless people can get the best.

As for the Siamese government?

All the countries in Nanyang only have control over the land near their capitals. If they are farther away, to put it nicely, it is called a warlord fiefdom, and to put it bluntly, it is called a country within a country.

Take the Siamese government as an example. They only have control over the 50,000 square kilometers of land in the Chao Phraya River Plain. If they leave these 50,000 square kilometers, then sorry, the local warlords are the actual rulers.

Therefore, Li Jun is not afraid of causing any trouble at all. Even if the governor of Chiang Rai knows that Li Jun wants to eliminate Guanchai Ba, he will not intervene, and may even cheer Li Jun up.

After all, Guanchai Ba, the warlord, will not listen to him, the governor of Chiang Rai. If he defeats Guanchai Ba, he will just support an obedient warlord.

On the other side, in Guanchai Ba's military camp.

Guanchai Ba is talking to his men.

"Bao Qiang (from the movie "Police Story 3"), Api, you are my most capable subordinates, can I trust you?"

Guanchai Ba looked at the two men standing in front of him and said.

Bao Qiang and Api did not speak, but knelt directly in front of Guanchai Ba, showing their loyalty to Guanchai Ba with actions.

"I need you to go to Chonburi to help me kill two people. After killing those two people, you may not be able to come back alive. Are you afraid?"

Guanchai Ba said slowly.

"General, you gave me Bao Qiang's life. With your word, I am willing to die now!"

Bao Qiang immediately said loudly.

"General, I am willing to die for you just like Brother Bao Qiang."

Api also said loudly.

"Hahahaha, okay, Bao Qiang, Api, I didn't see you wrong. There is an arms dealer named Doctor in Chonburi, and she has a man named Li Jun. Go and kill them."

Guanchai Ba's tone was full of murderous intent.

"Yes, General!"

Bao Qiang and A Pi shouted in unison.

"Well, you guys get ready tonight and set off tomorrow. I have arranged someone to pick you up there."

Guan Chai Ba waved his hand and motioned for the two to leave.

After Bao Qiang and A Pi left, a middle-aged woman came out of the room behind Guan Chai Ba and said with a smile: "Chai Ba, isn't it too difficult for Bao Qiang and A Pi to kill the Doctor and Li Jun?"

The woman who spoke was Guan Chai Ba's wife Cheng Yingsi. Cheng Yingsi contributed 80% to Guan Chai Ba's current strength.

Cheng Yingsi's grandfather was the colonel commander of the Guo army who stayed in Myanmar. After the Guo party occupied the treasure island, he was left in Myanmar to fight guerrillas. It was because of the help of Cheng Yingsi's family that Guan Chai Ba was able to develop rapidly, and even its current strength exceeded that of Cheng Yingsi's family.

"Let them attract the attention of the Doctor and Li Jun. My real killer move is not these two."

Guan Chai Ba said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?"

Cheng Yingsi asked curiously.

"You'll know when the time comes."

Guanchai Ba smiled mysteriously.

However, Guanchai Ba and Cheng Yingsi didn't know that when they were talking about how to kill Li Jun, Wang Jianjun had already brought 900 "veterans" to the vicinity of their military camp.

"Sir, Guanchai Ba has about 1,500 soldiers in this military camp..."

The "guide" hired by Xiaolong at a high salary was obviously very powerful. Not only did he accurately bring Wang Jianjun to Guanchai Ba's military camp, but he even knew everything about the situation in Guanchai Ba's military camp.

After the "guide" talked about the situation in Guanchai Ba's military camp, he originally thought that the fierce-looking man leading the team would arrange tactics before attacking, but he never expected that this man would actually go straight up with his men.

He might never have dreamed that Wang Jianjun had never considered the death rate at all. As long as he could win, even if he was the only one left to die, it would be okay.

At this moment, in Guanchaiba's military camp.

Guanchaiba's soldiers either gathered together to gamble, or gathered in groups of three or five to knock "flour". Only a few people were doing serious work, wiping their guns, or honing their skills.

In the four directions of the military camp, a watchtower was built, equipped with a searchlight and a heavy machine gun, and two people were responsible for guarding.

On the west watchtower, two guards looked at the gambling crowd not far away with nothing. One of them asked: "Asha, when will the general bring a woman over? I haven't touched a woman for half a month. I'm going crazy."

In order to make their soldiers work harder, these warlords in Nanyang usually use three tricks.

The first trick is to make the soldiers lose money in gambling, and then they will owe loan sharks and have no choice but to work hard;

The second trick is to let the soldiers absorb "flour". After becoming addicted, they will not leave and will be eager to work hard to earn more "flour";

The last trick is to bring women to the barracks regularly to let the soldiers vent.

However, because there are too many wolves and little meat, and each of them has been holding back for a long time and is too thirsty, so they play too hard. Many people who do business with women do not do this kind of business in the barracks. Therefore, many times, people like Guanchaiba directly go to the village to rob a batch, and if it is not enough, they will hire a few more with high salaries.

This can barely satisfy the desires of his soldiers.

"It's only half a month, and I have endured it for a month at most."

Another guard said with disdain.

"How did you endure it?"

"Don't tell others."

While talking, the guard took out a somewhat tattered poster from his waist, and you can vaguely see that there is a woman on the poster.

But it was this blurry woman that made the guard who had been holding back for half a month's eyes glow red, and he almost couldn't help but cast a spell on the spot.

"Hey, be gentle, don't pull..."

Before the poster owner finished speaking, a blood hole appeared on his head, and red and white splashed all over the guard next to him.


Feeling the hot liquid sprayed on him, the guard subconsciously screamed, and then a blood hole appeared on his head.

"What's going on?"

The guard's scream also played a role, alerting the nearby Guanchaiba soldiers.

However, at this moment.

"Bang bang bang"

A dozen flash bombs exploded in the air, instantly illuminating the dark night in the jungle, and blinding the eyes of Guanchaiba's soldiers.

"Da da da da da da~"

Then, bursts of fierce gunfire rang out in the barracks.

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