As a foreign-loving dog who has been completely tamed by the foreigners, Wang Ailin has been studying in the Eagle Country since elementary school and became a lawyer in the Eagle Country. At the age of 38, he accepted the call of the foreigners and returned to his former hometown of Hong Kong Island to do spy intelligence work.

Although he has only been in the industry for 7 years, Wang Ailin has surpassed all the Chinese predecessors in the Political Department and became a superintendent, becoming the light of the Chinese in the Political Department. Of course, he himself does not identify himself as a Chinese. He thinks he is a British.

"Superintendent Wang, tell me what you think."

After listening to Wang Ailin's analysis, Hao Dejie asked with a smile.

"It's still the old method, pull a group, kill a group, and subvert this society from the inside."

Wang Ailin said slowly.

"Li Jun has a desperate armed force under his command, and Mr. Minister is very worried."

Hao Dejie said faintly.

"Trick them out and kill them!"

Wang Ailin's tone was full of murderous intent.


Hao Dejie looked at Wang Ailin with interest, as if he wanted to hear how Wang Ailin was going to cheat.

"Li Jun is a smart man. He will not sit still and wait for death. He will definitely take action. With his fierce style, he is very likely to use thundering means like he did to the Li family to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and our Political Department is obviously his best target."

"When the time comes..."

Wang Ailin said slowly.

"Hahahaha, Superintendent Wang, the matter is left to you. The Minister and I are very relieved."

After listening to Wang Ailin's plan, Hao Dejie was very happy and laughed.

"I will definitely not let Minister Hao and the Minister down."

Wang Ailin said with a serious face.

"Superintendent Wang, I heard that the Queen will award the Royal Medal of Courage to outstanding representatives of the Royal Hong Kong Island Police this year. I have reported your name. I believe you will soon be able to go to Eagle Country to accept the Queen's reward for you."

Hao Dejie said with a smile.

"Praise the Queen, and thank you, Minister Hao."

Hearing Hao Dejie's words, Wang Ailin's originally calm face showed ecstasy.

"Go and do something, Superintendent Wang, for the Queen."

Hao Dejie smiled slightly, indicating that Wang Ailin could leave.

"For the Queen!"

Wang Ailin said this firmly and turned to leave.

Hao Dejie looked at Wang Ailin's back as he left, and a trace of contempt appeared on his face.

The Chinese look down on the foreign dog, and the foreigners also look down on it.

On the other side.

Siam, Chiang Mai, originally belonged to Yin Xien Xisupong's manor.

Li Jun enjoyed treatment comparable to that of the King of Siam here.

After meeting Li Jun, Knod Xisupong made up his mind to cooperate with Li Jun.

Not only because of Li Jun's strength, but also because of Li Jun's sincerity.

Unlike Khun Sa, Li Jun's people will be stationed at the junction of Chiang Mai and Cape Golden Mountain, so that the Sisupong family will no longer have to worry about the bandits and warlords from Cape Golden Mountain.

Of course, this condition did not move Knode Sisupong.

What really moved Knode Sisupong was that Li Jun promised him that his people would only support the heir selected by Knode Sisupong to become the patriarch of the Sisupong family.

This is too important for Knode Sisupong.

After nearly a thousand years of development, the Sisupong family has spawned a large number of branches. Not to mention those collateral branches that have no inheritance rights, there are only three main families that have inheritance rights.

Generally speaking, these three families take turns to inherit the position of the patriarch of the Sisupong family.

In other words, no matter how powerful Knode Sisupong is in office, the next patriarch cannot be inherited by his descendants.

Because the strength of the three families is similar, no one can dominate alone. Even if Knod Sisupong is not happy, he can only do it according to tradition.

But now with Li Jun's promise, it is different. Knod Sisupong vaguely sees a Sisupong family that will always be ruled by his descendants.

Because of this, Li Jun is now Knod Sisupong's VIP. Even if the King of Siam comes, his importance must be ranked behind Li Jun.

At this time, in the manor, in the fragrance room that was originally only enjoyed by Yin Xien Sisupong, Li Jun was enjoying a Thai massage here.

"Ring ring ring ~"

At this time, the satellite phone rang.

"Who is it?"

Li Jun asked after picking up the phone.

"Brother Jun, it's me, the person from the political department just now..."

Ahua's voice came from the receiver.

"Well, did the hook we cast catch the target?"

After listening to Ah Hua's words, Li Jun nodded slightly and then asked.

Obviously, Li Jun had anticipated the actions of the foreigners and the political department.

"The people in the political department are very professional.The target has been hooked." Ah Hua answered.

"It doesn't matter, be patient, the bait is sufficient, and the big fish will take the bait." Li Jun smiled.

"I understand!" Ah Hua nodded in response.

"You can let the people in the club move around these few days. If the foreigners want to play, then play with them. "

Li Jun smiled and said slowly.

At the same time.

In the dense forest of Jinshan Cape.

Zhang Shuquan looked nervous, and he shuttled through the dense forest with more than 200 people.

A few hours ago, he was still confident. With 4,000 soldiers in hand, let alone a Hong Kong Islander, even if the troops of Wa State and Kokang came, Zhang Shuquan was not afraid at all.

But the facts proved that he overestimated himself and his soldiers even more.

When Li Jun's men began to attack him, Zhang Shuquan realized what it meant to be fearless and what it meant to be an elite veteran.

He had never seen a man without cover in his life. When people with cover fight each other, firepower can suppress those with cover.

More than 200 people of Li Jun's army died when they crossed the river. After crossing the river, Zhang Shuquan's 4,000 soldiers were like paper, and they collapsed at the first touch and were chased and killed by Li Jun's men.

In the chaos, only the 300 people trained by Zhang Shuquan himself according to the standards of the Kuomintang special forces maintained their combat effectiveness and followed him out of the battlefield.

After that, Zhang Shuquan had only one idea in his mind: Jinshanjiao was going to change, and he would either run away to Taiwan or retire to the mountains and forests and become a rich man with the money he had saved for so many years.

However, he also knew Before making a decision, he had to run back to Duoyilang Village to save his life.

After 5 hours of non-stop running and sacrificing the lives of more than 100 people, Zhang Shuquan finally fled back to Duoyilang Village with less than 200 remaining men before the sky began to darken, but when he saw the military camp clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

The corpses on the ground told him what had happened here before.

Then, Wang Jianguo and Gao Jin, who were arranged by Li Jun to stay here and wait for the opportunity, appeared behind the wall of the military camp with 200 elite bosses, and the black muzzles of their guns were all pointed at Zhang Shuquan and his group.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shuquan immediately turned his head and wanted to escape again.

However, behind him, a vaguely visible black shadow was less than 3 kilometers away from him.

At this moment, a trace of despair flashed in Zhang Shuquan's eyes.

"Uncle Quan, we..."

These elites trained by Zhang Shuquan are basically of Chinese descent. Seeing this situation, the young man standing next to Zhang Shuquan couldn't help but speak.

Looking at these young faces beside him, these Chinese bloods of the same origin as himself, Zhang Shuquan sighed deeply, and then threw the AK rifle that he had been holding tightly and never relaxed to the ground, and said loudly: "Everyone listen to my orders, surrender!"

"Yinyinming..." sounded, more than a hundred AK rifles were thrown to the ground, and more than 100 people knelt on the ground, raised their hands high, and surrendered to the enemy.

2 hours later.

In the incense room of a manor in Chiang Mai.

Li Jun, who had just received a call, had a comfortable smile on his face.

In order to save his own life and the lives of more than 100 of his men, Zhang Shuquan told Gao Jin, Wang Jianguo and others where Khun Sa kept his cash and weapons.

In Khun Sa's vault alone, there were nearly $300 million in cash, as well as hundreds of kilograms of gold and a large number of other currencies.

In Khun Sa's arsenal, there were armored vehicles, helicopters, artillery, and even weapons such as surface-to-air missiles. It was a pity that Khun Sa didn't know how to use them, so they could only be left in the arsenal to gather dust, and finally Li Jun got a bargain.

Li Jun didn't have this problem. The "old soldier of a hundred battles" didn't need Li Jun to worry about his military literacy. He could drive, sail, and fly planes. He could do everything. 3,000 system points were definitely worth the money.

After completely disintegrating Khun Sa's armed group, Li Jun summoned Mena, Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others to him.

After taking over the territory, it was natural to find a way to make a profit from it.

After this, Li Jun will return to Hong Kong Island to reunite Jiang Tianyang and his brother Jiang Tiansheng under the sea...

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