From the beginning, he was fooling Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei.

Wang Ailin knew very well that the people in the Causeway Bay Central Plaza were the elites of Xin Ji, He Liansheng and the Number Gang. They were the eggs of these three societies.

After eliminating Hongxing, Wang Ailin's next step was to hold the eggs of Xin Ji, He Liansheng and the Number Gang and completely control the Hong Kong underworld in the hands of their political department.

On the other side, in a large restaurant on the third floor of the plaza, Da Fei, Jiu Wenlong, Ye Qiu, Yu Zhanjie and other Hongxing strongmen, as well as the nearly 200 Hongxing lackeys they brought, all looked solemn.

All the Hongxing people present knew that as bait to attract Xin Ji, He Liansheng and the Number Gang, they might never leave the plaza today. They might be afraid or nervous, but no one would back down.

After this, many people called this gang war in the square the Causeway Bay War, and after this war, Shimao Group's Causeway Bay Central Plaza had a new name in the Hong Kong underworld, Shura Plaza...

Shimao Group's Causeway Bay Central Plaza.

This square is very similar to the future commercial center, the only difference is that this central square does not have a residential area, and the 5-story building is all commercial.

In the past, this square was not crowded, but there were people coming and going.

But today, after nearly a thousand strong and fierce men walked in here, even if they didn't know what would happen next, many customers left the square.

When these nearly a thousand people vaguely surrounded a restaurant on the third floor of the square, the entire square was already deserted.

In addition to those who like to watch the excitement, those who still stay in the square are those who have tasks.

For example, on the third floor, not far from the restaurant where the Hongxing people were, there was a camera that would record everything that happened in front of it, and there were dozens of such cameras in this square.

"Master Jing, all the people from Hongxing have been surrounded by us."

Chen Jingtian, one of the Ten Tigers of the Number Gang, walked to Ling Jing's side and spoke.

This time, Xu Huayan not only sent out all the Five Tigers and Ten Heroes of Xinji, but also sent out his right-hand man Ling Jing to preside over the overall situation in the square.

"Go ahead, remember, don't leave anyone alive!"

Ling Jing said coldly, with a hint of bloodthirstiness and excitement in his eyes.

As someone who had commanded the Tuen Mun Battle, Ling Jing was naturally a ruthless character, but even in the Tuen Mun Battle, the Xinji and the Number Gang fought so fiercely that only dozens of people died on both sides.

More than 200 people died at one time, which is unlikely to happen in the gang fights of this era.

It's not that so many people can't be killed, but too many people will be watched by the police, which will be very troublesome, so both sides will restrain themselves.

But today, the Political Department has already made a deal with the police, and what they have to do is to kill all the Hongxing!

After receiving Ling Jing's order, Chen Yaoxing, one of the five tigers of Xinji and the most famous tiger of Wanchai after the tiger of Tsim Sha Tsui, Axe Jun, was abolished, took the lead and led everyone in Xinji to pull out their machetes in unison. After tying the handles of the machetes firmly to their right hands with red ropes, Chen Yaoxing shouted loudly: "Brothers of Xinji, come on, kill the pouncers of Hongxing!"

With Chen Yaoxing's shouting, nearly a thousand people from the three societies of Xinji, Number Gang, and Liansheng rushed towards the restaurant where the Hongxing people were from all directions.

"Brothers, see you in the next life!"

On the Hongxing side, Ye Qiu, Jiu Wenlong and others who had been prepared for a long time also roared, pulled out the machetes they had prepared, and rushed towards the people from Xinji, Heliansheng, and the Number Gang.

Originally, the area of ​​this restaurant was not small, but if more than 1,000 people were fighting here, it would be very cramped.

The entire restaurant was full of battlefields of fighting. The people from Xinji, Heliansheng, and the Number Gang fought hard, but Ye Qiu, Jiu Wenlong and others were even more desperate. After 3 minutes, although the people from Hongxing suffered heavy losses, they successfully held back the people from Xinji, the Number Gang, and the Number Gang.

At this time, expressionless and indifferent men kept coming out from the toilets, ventilation ducts, and other corners of the square.

After these men came out, without a moment's hesitation, they directly pulled out the daggers from their waists and rushed towards the people from Xinji, the Number Gang, and the Number Gang.

"There's an ambush!"

Ling Jing, who was standing outside the battlefield, spotted these people at the first moment, and these three words appeared in his mind at the same time.

However, now that the arrow has been shot, there is no turning back. Not only Hongxing has no way out, but also Xinji, the Number Gang and Heliansheng have no way out.Even now, Ling Jing still believes that his side can win. No one knows better than him how powerful the Five Tigers and Ten Heroes, the Five Tigers of the Number Gang, and the Nine Red Sticks of Liansheng are.

However, after fighting with these men, Ling Jing realized that his previous thoughts were completely wrong.

"Damn it, where did Li Jun find so many crazy people!"

These people are fearless and even want to take others with them even if they die.

If their hands are cut off, they kick them with their feet. If their feet are cut off, they hit their heads and bite them with their teeth. This recklessness alone is shocking. The most important thing is that these people are still very strong, and their numbers are still increasing.

Ling Jing became more and more desperate as he fought.

"Damn it, it's not us who are besieging and killing Hongxing people, it's clearly Hongxing people who are besieging and killing us!"

Ling Jing has already cursed the people in the Political Department and the eighteen generations of the ancestors of those foreigners who want to deal with Li Jun in his heart.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people standing beside him, Ling Jing's face became more and more ugly.

"Fuck you, I'll fight you!"

At this time, a voice that Ling Jing was very familiar with came into his ears. Ling Jing turned his head and saw that the tiger of Wan Chai, Chen Yaoxing, was holding the handle of the machete and stabbing a man's body with force. The man didn't care about the knife inserted into his body at all, but stabbed Chen Yaoxing with the dagger again and again.

In the end, it was the man who stabbed Chen Yaoxing to death first, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

"Fuck you, fight with me, you..."

Chen Yaoxing was just about to say a few words of victory, when a dagger stabbed into his waist fiercely.


Chen Yaoxing raised the knife and was about to turn around and chop the man who stabbed him, but in less than 2 seconds, the man had stabbed Chen Yaoxing's waist 4 or 5 times, directly stabbing his waist.


Chen Yaoxing, one of the five tigers and ten heroes of Xinji, the tiger of Wan Chai, has since disappeared from the underworld of Hong Kong Island.

Just after Chen Yaoxing was killed in the explosion, within less than 2 minutes, Xinji's Hongchu Tiger Mai Gao, Tuen Mun Tiger Rao Zhiqiang and seven of the ten heroes were all killed in battle, and each died miserably.

"Retreat, everyone retreat!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Jing no longer cared about completing the mission and killing all the people in Hongxing. He just wanted to escape from this square, which was like Shura Hell.

At this time, there were less than 300 elites from Xinji, Heliansheng and the Number Gang. In fact, many of these people had wanted to run away long ago.

They were not "old soldiers who fought hundreds of battles" who were fearless of death.

It was just that they were sandwiched between two groups of Hongxing people inside and outside. If they wanted to escape with only one or two people, they would die faster. It would be safer to resist together.

However, after hearing Ling Jing's order to retreat, the last bit of courage these people had to resist also disappeared, and they fled madly towards the exit of the square, and some even jumped directly from the third floor.

In the middle of these people, in a corner of the restaurant.

Of the 200 or so Hongxing members who were originally in the restaurant, only less than 20 were still standing at this time.

Yu Zhanjie lay on the ground, feeling pain all over his body, and his consciousness was a little blurred.

In the melee just now, he alone withstood the siege of two members of the Xinji Action Team. Although he was slashed by them several times, when he was already a little unable to hold on and was about to fall to the ground, the two guys suddenly let him go and turned around and ran away.

Yu Zhanjie, who was relaxed, fell to the ground in an instant, panting rapidly.

Damn, I forgot to tell my mother the password of another bank card. "

Yu Zhanjie closed his eyes and thought secretly in his heart.

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