After returning from the White House, Xu Huayan has been in a bad mood. Not to mention the servants of the Xu family, even his own son Xu Baishi has to avoid him, for fear that he will accidentally offend Xu Huayan and be beaten by him.

This caused a very serious problem. Xu Huayan had no place to vent his anger. At this time, someone reported to him that someone who claimed to be Li Jun's subordinate came to see him.

Hearing that Li Jun's subordinate was looking for him, Xu Huayan was immediately a little surprised. With some curiosity and some doubts, Xu Huayan asked his subordinates to take Ah Hua to his study. After meeting, he asked the sentence just now.

"Mr. Xu, from your appearance, you were captured by the ghosts today. What happened afterwards should make you very unhappy?"

"I guess, the guys in the political department want to take you as a dog?"

Ah Hua turned the tables and said to Xu Huayan with a smile.

"You are so sharp, are you interested in working in our Xinji?"

Xu Huayan also changed the subject.

"Mr. Xu, your Xinji just lost five tigers and ten heroes, and even the action team was almost wiped out. If I come to your Xinji now, won't it make me look stupid?"

Ahua said with a smile, and every word was stabbing Xu Huayan's heart.

Sure enough, after hearing Ahua's words, Xu Huayan's already ugly face became even uglier. He waited for Ahua and said slowly: "Tell me, what did Li Jun ask you to come to me for?"

"Mr. Xu, please read the news first, and then call me."

While talking, Ahua handed a piece of paper with a string of numbers to Xu Huayan.

"What news?"

Xu Huayan asked subconsciously.

"Mr. Xu, when you see the news, you will know."

Seeing that Xu Huayan had taken the note, Ah Hua immediately stood up and said to Xu Huayan with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I have a lot of things to do today, so I'll leave first."

"Mysterious, incomprehensible!"

Looking at Ah Hua's back as he left, Xu Huayan said in a low voice.

Although he said so, his body honestly put the note that Ah Hua had just handed him into his pocket.

"Li Jun, what are you playing?"

Xu Huayan frowned and muttered to himself.

Next, Ah Hua went to the homes of Zhao Dengwei and Zhang Zhiyong respectively. What he did was very simple, just to do it again what he did in Xu Huayan's villa.

Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei had the same reaction as Xu Huayan, their mouths were hard, but their bodies were honest.

The Political Department pushed them too hard this time. Being the dog of the Political Department, once this kind of thing is exposed, not to mention Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei, even if it is a family-run company like Xinji, Xu Huayan will not be able to withstand the backlash. The final result is either the Xu family steps down or Xinji splits and declines.

No matter which one it is, Xu Huayan cannot accept it, so even Li Jun did not directly refuse.

At the same time.

The headquarters building of Asia TV.

Under Li Jun's streamlined administration, Asia TV has regained its vitality, and the screening center, which was originally deserted, has become busy again.

After all, if you want your program to be on the show quickly, the opinions of the screening center are very important, so many program directors and TV series directors will squat in the screening center before the program or TV series is broadcast, to strive for the opportunity for their programs or TV series to be released as soon as possible.

However, the originally busy screening center was idle today.

It is not because Asia TV has fewer programs and the ratings have dropped, but because there are 8 more uninvited guests in the screening center.

If Hong Kong Islanders were asked to choose three jobs they least likely to run into, 100 out of 100 would choose the Special Branch of the Hong Kong Police Force.

Labels such as a spy department, a lackey of foreigners, and a special agent for foreigners to suppress Chinese people have made the Special Branch a notorious place in Hong Kong Island.

And all these rumors about the Special Branch are true. Those who are targeted by the Special Branch will be punished if they don't die.

In this case, ordinary people will have to stay away from the people of the Special Branch, let alone those who take the initiative to contact them.

Therefore, after the police from the Special Branch moved into the projection center, the popularity of the projection center dropped rapidly.

If it weren't for the salary deduction, the employees of the projection center would want to go off work directly. They always feel uncomfortable staying in the same place with these lackeys of foreigners.

However, the police from the Special Branch didn't care about the reactions of these TV station employees at all, and even felt a little proud.

As a spy department, what they want is for others to be afraid of them.

Moreover, as a famous "Western-loving Dog" training base in Hong Kong Island, the Political Department is also very particular about selecting new recruits., its new recruits are basically selected from students of Hong Kong Island University.

It is for this reason that the police officers of the Political Department have no bottom line when doing things in Hong Kong Island. There is no need to worry about anything when doing things here. The orders of the superiors are the most important. In order to complete the orders of the superiors, any means can be used.

On this day, when it was almost time to get off work, Wang Sanri walked into the screening center with several cassettes.

"What's in your hand? Show it to us first."

As soon as Wang Sanri walked in, a police officer of the Political Department immediately stopped Wang Sanri and asked to see the content of the cassette in his hand.

"No problem, you can take your time to watch it."

The cassette in Wang Sanri's hand was a new episode of Criminal Storm, and he was not panicked at all.

Hearing Wang Sanri's words, the police officer of the Political Department glanced at Wang Sanri and took the cassette in his hand.

However, at this time, several men with cold faces also walked into the screening center.


Seeing this, a policeman from the Political Department immediately stopped several people and wanted to ask questions, but at this moment, the cold-faced men pulled out pistols from their waists and pulled the triggers at the eight policemen from the Political Department.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

After a burst of gunfire, all eight policemen in the Asia TV projection center were shot dead.

Fuck, so cruel, so cool!

Although it was expected, the decisiveness and cold-bloodedness of the "old soldier of a hundred battles" still surprised Wang Sanri.

Then, under the coercion of these cold-hearted men, Wang Sanri took a cassette and put it into the projection machine in the projection center, and then pressed a button.

At this moment, the entire Hong Kong Island, as long as they were watching Asia TV, saw the TV screen flash, and the shooting screen appeared on the TV.

The sharp-eyed Hong Kong Island citizens immediately recognized it and connected it to the rumor in the morning.

Less than 2 minutes after Asia TV first released this picture, TVB also released this video.

At the same time, the 1 million newspapers that Xu Zhiliang had prepared were delivered free of charge to residents in various districts of Hong Kong Island by 20,000 members of the Hongxing Society.

In an instant, public opinion in Hong Kong Island exploded.

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