"Ring, ring, ring~"

Just then, the phone on Eugene's desk rang.

Hearing the ring, Eugene's eyes moved slightly, and then he slowly picked up the phone: "Who?"

The next second, Eugene's pupils shrank, and his face changed suddenly...

Hong Kong Governor Eugene was talking on the phone with someone.

The person he was talking to was George Sawers, the deputy director of the MI6 office in Singapore.

And the news Sawers told Eugene was that a man named Gao Jin was appointed as the deputy governor of Chiang Mai by the governor of Chiang Mai, Sisupong.

This immediately aroused the interest of MI6, and then after investigation, they found something more interesting.

This man named Gao Jin was a henchman of Li Jun, the leader of the Hongxing Society of Hong Kong Island, and he eliminated Guanchai Ba, the largest warlord in Chiang Rai, Siam, and Khun Sa, the largest warlord in Cape Kinh Sam in just two days a few days ago, and was about to become the largest warlord in Cape Kinh Sam.

Before becoming the Governor of Hong Kong, Eugene briefly served as the Governor of Lion City and had a good personal relationship with Sowers. That is why Sowers called Eugene.

"Sowers, do you mean that the younger brother of a big brother of our Hong Kong Island community has killed Khun Sa in Cape Kin San and is about to become the largest warlord in Cape Kin San?"

Eugene felt that he was confused now. This was even more unbelievable than a fairy tale.

"Although it sounds incredible, Eugene, my friend, this is indeed true."

The expression on Sowers' face on the other end of the phone was also very complicated.

At this moment, Eugene finally figured out everything. No wonder Li Jun dared to provoke him, the Governor of Hong Kong, and the high-level officials of the British Hong Kong. It turned out that he was not crazy, but he really had the confidence.

Although Eugene looked down on the native warlords in Nanyang, being able to destroy two big warlords in two days was enough to prove Li Jun's strength.

Of course, even if Li Jun has this strength, Eugene can still choose to fight Li Jun. The worst case scenario is that Li Jun will continue to kill a few dogs raised by their foreigners, let the people of the Hongxing Society stir up trouble in Hong Kong Island, and send his pirates to stir up trouble in the open sea.

Although these made Eugene very disgusted, very angry, and very angry, they did not touch the core interests of the Hong Kong British high-level officials and their Eagle people.

Eugene also believed that smart people like Li Jun would never touch the core interests of the Hong Kong British high-level officials before they completely turned against each other.

But the question is, what if they turned against each other?

Eugene can sweep away everything that Li Jun has in Hong Kong Island, including the Hongxing Society and even Champa International, the home of his girlfriend Li Jieying, and then what?

Li Jun now has Jinshan Cape as a base and has the military strength to destroy tens of thousands of militants. Eugene feels numb when he thinks about the consequences of turning against such a person.

Just like this morning, Li Jun killed so many policemen from the Political Department in one breath, and even killed Wang Ailin, the police superintendent of the Political Department. Now it seems that Li Jun's purpose is not only to retaliate against the Political Department, but also to warn the high-ranking officials of the Hong Kong British, to warn him.

It's like a person encountering a mad dog. The person can indeed beat the mad dog to death, but he will also be seriously injured by the bite. This is completely unnecessary. If you encounter a mad dog, just hide away, unless the mad dog chases and bites people, and must fight with people to death.

He slowly said: "Sovos, thank you, your news is very important to me."

"Eugene, we are friends, why are you so polite, but you have such a person in Hong Kong Island, and you will have a headache in the future."

Sovos said slowly.


Eugene sighed, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he thought of something, and immediately asked: "Sovos, when did you know that Li Jun's people became the deputy governor of Chiang Mai?"

"Just this morning, I called you immediately after I knew this information, why?"

Sovos asked curiously.

"Okay, okay, Sovos, I know, thank you."

At this moment, Eugene felt that his heart slowed down by half a beat, and the whole person seemed to be ten years older. The hand holding the microphone put down weakly, and whispered to himself: "Li Jun, you have calculated all this. From the beginning, the entire Hong Kong British high-level officials were all counted in by you, right?"

Li Jun's three punches stunned the Special Department, the Hong Kong Island Police Force, the Hong Kong British high-level officials, and the Governor.

Governor Eugene even thought of resigning at one point.

However, after Eugene glanced at the photo of Queen Elizabeth, he suppressed the idea of ​​escaping, took a deep breath, picked up the satellite phone beside him, and dialed a number.

"Mr. Governor, it's me, Eugene."

After the call was connected, Eugene spoke.

"Mr. Governor, what can I do for you?"

The phone wasOn the other hand, Shi Kang had already boarded the cruise ship he came from, ready to leave Baishi Island, the place that made his blood pressure soar.

"Mr. Governor, you find Li Jun immediately and tell him that we agree to all his requests."

Eugene's voice was extremely bitter at this moment.


Mr. Shi Kang subconsciously exclaimed, then reacted and hurriedly continued: "Mr. Governor, did I hear it wrong? You just said that you agree to all Li Jun's requests?"


Eugene replied.

"Mr. Governor, I don't doubt your decision, I just can't accept it. Can you tell me why?"

Shi Kang's feeling at this time is no longer confused, but stupid.

He couldn't figure out why he had to bow to Li Jun, and why?

"Hey, Mr. Governor, talk to Li Jun first, and I'll explain to you when I come back."

Eugene sighed deeply, his tone full of helplessness.

"Okay, Mr. Governor, there is no problem in talking, but this agreement has nothing to do with me, and I will not sign such an agreement."

Shi Kang directly passed the buck.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shi Kang, I will take all the responsibility!"

Faced with Shi Kang's passing the buck, Eugene felt very tired.

"Okay, Mr. Governor, then I will go talk to Li Jun again."

Shi Kang also knew that he had just gone too far, so he didn't talk nonsense, hung up the phone directly, and got off the boat again to find Li Jun.

Damon followed behind Shi Kang with a complicated look in his eyes. He never expected that the man who was younger than him could force the two most powerful men in Hong Kong Island to this extent?

Ten minutes later.

In fact, it only takes 5 minutes to walk from the pier to Li Jun's house, but Shi Kang really didn't want to see Li Jun, so he walked for more than ten minutes before returning to the house.

"29 minutes, wow, Mr. Governor, it seems that you don't want to see me!"

Looking at Shi Kang who had gone back, Li Jun glanced at the time on his watch and said with a smile.

"Li Jun, I won't waste time with you. Our Hong Kong British high-level officials have agreed to all the conditions you proposed. You should be satisfied now, right?"

Shi Kang stared at Li Jun and said slowly.

"Mr. Governor, it seems that your memory is not very good."

Li Jun's face was calm, and he didn't seem to care at all that the Hong Kong British high-level officials agreed to his request.

"Li Jun, what do you mean?"

Shi Kang tried to keep his face calm and tried his best to restrain his anger.

"Mr. Governor, I just said that you can't make the decision. Let someone who can make the decision come and talk to me."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Li Jun, don't go too far!"

This time, Shi Kang finally couldn't help it and pointed at Li Jun and shouted loudly.

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