Late at night, when Li Jun was stirring up trouble in the Macao River.

In the office of Governor Eugene, the Governor's residence in Mid-Levels, Central, Hong Kong Island.

Governor Eugene, Chief Executive Shi Kang, Financial Secretary Gerald, Commissioner of Police Mai Yanhao, and Director of the Political Department Dai Anmin are all here at the moment.

But the faces of everyone present are not very good.

"Everyone, I have already talked with Colonel James. Although the process was not very happy, James finally decided to support our Hong Kong British high-level officials. Tomorrow he will formally submit his resignation to the Zujia Military Department."

Governor Eugene said slowly.

Hearing Eugene's words, the faces of everyone present changed slightly. Although Eugene did not elaborate, just hearing him say that the process was not very happy, it was known that the Hong Kong British high-level officials must have agreed to some conditions of the garrison commander before he agreed to resign voluntarily.

After Eugene finished speaking, he looked at Dai Anmin sitting in the corner.

"Mr. Governor, and gentlemen, tomorrow afternoon, our Political Department will hold a funeral for the 18 colleagues who died. After the funeral, I will submit my resignation to the Governor."

Dai Anmin stood up immediately after receiving Eugene's eyes and spoke.

Originally, the resignation of the minister of a confidential unit like the Political Department did not need to be made public, but this time Dai Anmin's resignation was a political task, so it had to be made public.

At the same time, in order to slightly restore the impression of the British high-level officials in the hearts of the Hong Kong citizens, this time, for the first time, a funeral will be held for the 18 police officers who died in the Political Department. Including the Governor, all the British high-level officials from the three departments and eleven bureaus will attend the funeral.

After Dai Anmin finished speaking, he sat down immediately.

Eugene continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about business now. This time, our Hong Kong government has lost face. If this happens again, everyone present here will resign."

"So, we must think carefully about what we should do and what the top leaders should do when facing Li Jun."

After Eugene finished speaking, everyone present was silent.

For these people, Li Jun's power in Hong Kong Island is not terrible, but Li Jun's power in Golden Peak is terrible, but they are out of reach of Golden Peak and have no way to do anything.

"Mr. Governor, I have an idea."

Finally, after nearly 3 minutes of silence, Financial Secretary Gerald spoke.

"Secretary Gerald, just say what you think."

Eugene said immediately.

"This method is actually very old-fashioned. It is a method that our Hong Kong senior leaders have used for more than 100 years, using the enemy to defeat the enemy!"

Gerald said slowly.

"Secretary Gerald, please be more specific."

Eugene asked immediately.

"Everyone, it's not that our Hong Kong British high-level officials can't do anything to Li Jun, but we have to pay a heavy price to kill him. Am I right?"

Gerald glanced at everyone present and continued.


Hearing Gerald's words, Eugene, Shi Kang and others nodded.

Until now, even though he was forced by Li Jun to sign the most humiliating Governor's Order, Eugene still felt that the Hong Kong British high-level officials could definitely kill Li Jun, but it was not to the point of a desperate struggle.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his point of view, Gerald continued: "If this is the case, then it's very simple. Find a way to kill Li Jun and let Li Jun's men vent their anger on their compatriots. In this way, we can sit back and watch them fight to the death."

"Director Gerald, who do you think is suitable to be the gun in the whole of Hong Kong Island?"

Eugene asked immediately.

"Mr. Governor, I don't know who it is, but that person must be strong and must be completely dependent on us Eagles. Then we can slowly guide him until he kills Li Jun!"

Gerald smiled and said slowly.

After listening to Gerald's words, Eugene's eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded slowly and said, "You are all high-level officials of our Hong Kong British high-level officials. I plan to set up a working group against Li Jun. I will be the leader myself. Mr. Governor, you will be responsible for the implementation of the working group's plan. This studio will exist until Li Jun completely disappears from Hong Kong Island!"

It is obvious that Eugene was really driven out of anger by Li Jun and wanted to fight Li Jun to the end.


After Eugene's voice fell, Shi Kang, Mai Renhao, Gerald and others spoke up.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed early."

After discussing a new way to deal with Li Jun, Eugene finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

"Minister Dai, you stay first."

Seeing Dai Anmin was about to get up and leave, Eugene stopped him.He.

After everyone left, Eugene looked at Dai Anmin and said slowly: "Director Dai, due to the current severe situation in Hong Kong Island, MI6 will set up an office in Hong Kong Island. I have recommended you to the MI6 office in Lion City as the director of the Hong Kong Island office. Lion City will give you all the help. What you need to do is to gather all your strength to set up the Hong Kong Island office as soon as possible, and also to fully assist the Hong Kong British high-level officials to deal with Li Jun!"

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I will definitely not let you down this time."

Originally, Dai Anmin thought that his career would end, but he didn't expect Eugene to open up a new path for him. Now Dai Anmin wanted to kneel down and recognize Eugene as his godfather and die for him.

"Minister Dai, I trust your ability very much, but Li Jun is a guy who doesn't play by the rules. He is a destroyer and we are law-abiding people. We are born to suffer. There is no way, but I hope you will learn from your lessons in the future and not be played by Li Jun."

Eugene said slowly.

The next day, a piece of news shocked both sides of Hong Kong Island and Haojiang. Last night, Li Jun brazenly destroyed the two societies of Haojiang, the Number Gang and the Water Room, and became the Hongxing Haojiang Gang in Haojiang, and became the emperor of the underworld in Haojiang.

Once this news came out, it was like Mars hitting the Earth, and it shocked the whole of Hong Kong Island.

Especially the three people, Zhang Zhiyong, the leader of the Number Gang, Xu Huayan, the leader of Xinji, and Deng Wei, the uncle of Liansheng, all felt a little numb after hearing this news.

Li Jun, this man, has brought too many shocks to them in the past few days.

At this moment, this man who has brought infinite shocks to Hong Kong Island and Haojiang is enjoying the tenderness of a woman.

"Ajun, it's done."

He Tianer smoothed the last wrinkle on Li Jun's suit, carefully checked it, and after confirming that there were no more wrinkles, he said to Li Jun with a smile.

After last night's frankness, He Tianer became the shape of Li Jun from inside to outside, from top to bottom.

"Thank you, Tian'er."

Li Jun smiled and thanked He Tian'er.

"Ah Jun, are you really not going to stay in Haojiang for one more day?"

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