"Ahua, I heard from Sir Zhang that you agree with my point of view and want to meet me?"

Huo Tianren looked at Ahua and spoke slowly.

"Professor Huo, I don't agree with your point of view. I agree that you need to overthrow the foreigners first to make Hong Kong fair."

Ahua said truthfully.

"Oh, what about overthrowing the foreigners?"

Huo Tianren's eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Professor Huo, I am a pragmatist. We must take one step at a time and eat one bite at a time. Since we have a common goal, let's work together to achieve this common goal, and then you go your way and I go mine."

Ahua said slowly.

"Ahua, I like your honesty. This is the basis for cooperation. Tell me, what can we do together?"

Huo Tianren smiled.

"Mr. Huo, in the police force, you have your resources and I have mine. I'm not saying that we should share our resources completely, that's not realistic, but I hope we can communicate more."

Ahua looked at Huo Tianren and said lightly.


Huo Tianren nodded slightly.

"Then Professor Huo, I wish us a happy cooperation?"

Ahua smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand to Huo Tianren.

However, Huo Tianren did not extend his right hand, but slowly said: "Ahua, I want to know why you or you are against the foreigners."

Hearing Huo Tianren's words, Ahua's eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "Professor Huo, do you need any reason to oppose the foreigners?"

"Don't allow the foreigners to interfere?"

Huo Tianren smiled, and then continued, "Then I am different from you. I oppose the foreigners because they are too greedy. They make 99 yuan out of 100 yuan, which I can tolerate. They want me to earn 1 yuan on my knees. I can't tolerate this. The world shouldn't be like this."

"The foreigners and us are like a copper wall and an iron wall and an egg, and I will always stand on the side of the egg."

"Professor Huo, I was shocked after listening to your words."

After Huo Tianren's voice fell, Ahua said with a smile.

"I hope you are really shocked. I will cooperate with you and defeat the foreigners directly."

At this moment, Huo Tianren extended his right hand.

A few seconds later, Huo Tianren and Ahua held their right hands together. At the same time, Huo Tianren whispered, "Ahua, I hope that the person behind you will come to see me in person next time, so that we may have a deeper communication."

Without waiting for Ahua to speak, Huo Tianren continued, "Ahua, don't deny it, everything about you is perfect and seamless, except that you lack a little bit of the temperament of a decision maker."

"Professor Huo, you are very interesting. I look forward to working with you. Goodbye."

After hearing Huo Tianren's words, Ahua showed a sincere smile on his face. After throwing down these words, he turned and left.

"Zhang Hua..."

Huo Tianren looked at Ahua's back and whispered to himself.

On the other side, the Hong Kong Police Force Stormtrooper Training Center.

"Damn, there must be a reason why those bastards took Richard's right hand away."

Zhu Huabiao cursed loudly.

He was originally an inspector of the serious crime team. Because of his mistakes, he was demoted and transferred to the assault team as a team leader. Yang Zhilong was his direct superior and died in front of him yesterday.

Zhu Huabiao swore that he must avenge Yang Zhilong, so he has been investigating the case on his own, such as asking his Interpol girlfriend to help him find out what Richard's hand is used for.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

Just then, a phone rang.

After hearing the phone ring, Zhu Huabiao didn't care about arguing with Fan Jiao, and immediately picked up the phone and said, "I'm Zhu Huabiao."

Half a minute later.

"Okay, okay, I know."

After Zhu Huabiao said this, he immediately hung up the phone and dialed another number.

"Sir Guan, it's me, Zhu Huabiao, listen to me, the evidence room at Interpol headquarters can only be opened with Richard's right fingerprint. Tonight, the gangsters who killed Richard will definitely go to Interpol headquarters to get back their $90 million. Send someone to Interpol headquarters immediately!"

After the call was connected, Zhu Huabiao said immediately.

"Damn, you're crazy, I'm at Interpol headquarters, how come I didn't see any gangsters?"

On the other end of the phone, Guan Tingye, a senior inspector of the Hong Kong Island Police District Crime Squad, said with disdain, and then hung up the phone.

But after hanging up the phone, Guan Tingye asked the Interpol next to him: "Excuse me, where is your evidence room?"

At the same time.

InterpolPolice headquarters evidence room.

"Da da da da da da~"

After a fierce gunfire, all the Interpol officers guarding the evidence room were shot dead.

A man with a goatee and a man with a cocky face slowly walked to the door of the evidence room. They were the gangster professor and the bird.

The bird took out a right hand from the pocket and put it on the combination lock at the door of the evidence room.

"After a clatter, the bird pushed open the door of the evidence room, looked at the 90 million US dollars inside, and said to the professor with a smile: "Professor, the property is returned to its original owner!"

"Let's go!"

The professor still had a calm face and said lightly.

"Hey, who are you? "

Just then, Guan Tingye arrived here with his men and several Interpol police officers, and then...

"Da da da da da da~"

After a fierce exchange of fire, the professor and Xiaoniao left with 90 million US dollars.

However, the professor and Xiaoniao did not notice that just outside the Interpol headquarters building, a car was quietly parked on the side of the road. After the professor, Xiaoniao and others left, he picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

"The person has left the Interpol headquarters. "

30 minutes later.

The professor and Xiao Niao took a van and drove into Stanley Barracks, the base of the foreign army in Hong Kong Island.

When they entered Stanley Barracks, a man was lurking in the woods on a hill about 1,000 meters away from Stanley Barracks. He stared at Stanley Barracks with a high-powered telescope, watching the van parked next to a military transport plane, and picked up a satellite phone to dial a number.

"A van just entered Stanley Barracks, confirmed to be the target vehicle"

On the other end of the phone, Ah Hua immediately informed Li Jun of the news.

5 minutes later.

At the gate of Stanley Barracks.

Several guards saw a truck driving towards the gate of the barracks.

"Hey, military stronghold, no passage! "

A foreign officer made a gesture to stop the truck from moving forward and shouted at the truck.

Then, the truck stopped and two men in coats with cold faces got off the truck.


"Da da da da da~"

In the shocked eyes of the foreign officer, the two men pulled out MP5s from their coats and fired wildly at him and the guards at the gate of Stanley Barracks.

This burst of gunfire also woke up the originally silent Stanley Barracks.

But at this moment, the foreign officers and soldiers stationed in Stanley Barracks did not know what they were about to face...

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