
Amei pulled He Xin's clothes and whispered anxiously.

"Hehe, Ajun, hello."

At his wife's strong request, He Xin squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said to Li Jun.

"Ajun, your uncle has been in a bad mood these two days. It's not against you. Don't take it to heart."

Amei hurriedly explained for her husband.

"It's okay, auntie, I completely understand."

Li Jun really understood.

"It's good to understand. He is such a good guy. Not bad, Tianer, you have a good eye."

Amei looked at Li Jun and was more and more satisfied. Not only was he handsome, but his temperament was also first-class.

Seeing his wife so enthusiastic, He Xin was speechless.

"Mom and Dad, let's sit down and talk."

Seeing that his father was still embarrassed, He Tianer spoke to ease the atmosphere.

But the next half hour was basically a question and answer between Amei and Li Jun.

In just half an hour, A-mei was already thinking about when she could hold her grandson.

"A-jun, have lunch at home at noon. I'll ask the kitchen to prepare whatever you like."

Obviously, in A-mei's eyes, Li Jun was already her son-in-law.

"Aunt, I'm really sorry. I have to rush to Nanyang to discuss a business today. I really don't have enough time. Next time, next time." It takes 3 hours to fly from Haojiang to Luzon. Li Jun took He Xian's private plane. There was actually plenty of time, but looking at He Xin's face, he knew that the old guy was in a bad mood at the moment. Li Jun didn't have the habit of sticking to a cold butt, so he left directly.

"Well, next time you come to Haojiang, you must eat at home, otherwise your aunt will be angry."

A-mei said to Li Jun with a smile.

Afterwards, Li Jun and He Tianer flirted with each other outside the villa before getting on the Rolls-Royce sedan they came in.

"Third brother, let's go to the airport."

Li Jun waved goodbye to He Tianer and then spoke to Huang San.

"Father-in-law didn't leave any food?"

Huang San teased.

"Father-in-law needs to adjust his mentality. Everything needs a process of acceptance."

Li Jun replied with a smile.

On the other side, when He Tianer sent Li Jun back to his villa, he heard his mother A Mei scolding his father.

"A Xin, you look so ugly, I wouldn't stay home for dinner if it were me!"

He Xin was scolded by A Mei and felt helpless. When he saw He Tianer coming back, he immediately said to He Tianer: "Tian'er, come with me to the study, I have something to tell you."

At the same time.

Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

Hong Kong Governor Eugene, Chief Executive Shi Kang, Police Commissioner Mai Yanhao, Financial Secretary Gerald, and Secretary for Justice Zhou Bingwen sat in Eugene's office, looking at each other in silence, and everyone looked very ugly.

They had received news from Macao not long ago that more than a dozen MI6 agents had been killed, and the whereabouts of the 100 million US dollars used to redeem the military transport plane were unknown. This meant that they had paid so much, but had gained nothing except an apology from Macao.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

At this time, a telephone rang, attracting the attention of all the foreigners present.

Eugene slowly picked up the phone and said lightly: "Who is it?"

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, it's the same person who wants to talk to you yesterday."

Hearing this, Eugene pondered for a long time before saying: "Okay, you take his call."

After that, Eugene pressed the hands-free button and put down the phone.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I'm sorry, there was a little accident in the transaction."

The cold male voice was still in the phone speaker.

"Humph, what tricks do you want to play?"

Eugene snorted coldly.

"It's like this, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong. If you give us another 100 million dollars, we will definitely return the plane to you this time."

In the receiver, the cold man's voice was teasing.


"Fuck, you are going too far!"

Eugene slammed his fist on the table and roared.

Then, he was furious, his eyes rolled up, and he leaned straight on the back of the chair.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong!"

Shi Kang, Mai Renhao and others around him were anxious...

Haojiang, He's Manor.

"Tian'er, what do you think of Li Jun?"

He Xin looked at his daughter sitting in front of him and asked.

In fact, He Xin wanted to ask He Tian'er this question yesterday, but he couldn't open his mouth until Li Jun came to his house today. He made up his mind and asked this question.

"Dad, I think Jun is the best candidate for my husband."

He Tian'er looked at her father He Xin and said slowly.


He Xin confirmed."Really."

He Tianer nodded heavily.

"Tianer, you should know what your being with Li Jun means to our He family, right?"

He Xin continued to ask.

"Dad, the burden of the He family will fall on me in the future, and will also fall on my children in the future."

He Tianer looked at his father and said slowly, word by word.

After hearing his daughter's words, He Xin was silent for a long time, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Tianer, I didn't expect that I would have to work for others at such an old age."

"Dad, how can working for your own family be called working?"

He Tianer also showed a smile on his face.

"Tianer, you haven't even married yet, and you've already turned your elbow to Li Jun..."

He Xin suddenly felt unhappy again.

On the other side, Li Jun and Huang San got on He Xian's private plane together.

Huang San followed Li Jun, which was also He Xian's request. He asked Huang San to ensure Li Jun's personal safety.

At 6 pm that day, Legapi City, Luzon.

A private plane slowly landed on a small runway.

Although it is the capital of the Bicol Region of Luzon, this city is much worse than Manila, the capital of Luzon.

Even the airport is a small airport that can only allow small passenger planes to land, and the length of the runway is barely 2 kilometers.

The reason why this city can become the capital of the Bicol Region is very simple. It is the "dragon's rise" of the Fernandi family, one of the seven major families in Luzon.

The political system of Luzon is different from that of most countries in the world.

Although Luzon also claims to be an elected president, without exception, all the presidents of Luzon are from the seven major families, such as the first president of Luzon, whose surname is Fernandi.

These seven major families are also the rulers of the seven major regions of Luzon.

Under these seven major families, Luzon has dozens of small families and small warlords. They rely on the seven major families and each rules a province or a city.

Li Jun's target, Mabaste Island, belongs to Mabaste Province, and its ruling family, the Nannod family, is subordinate to the Fernandi family.

This time Li Jun came to Legabee City to meet an "old acquaintance", Thomas Fernandi, the younger brother of the head of the Fernandi family.

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