One hour later.

Hong Kong Island Wai Fung Bank Building, 1 Queen's Road Central, Central.

The entire building has 46 floors and 4 basements, with a total height of 180 meters. It was built with 30,000 tons of steel and 4,500 tons of aluminum. It was completed less than 2 years ago.

This Wai Fung Bank Building is actually the fourth-generation head office building of Wai Fung Bank, costing US$1 billion.

It is now the most expensive building in the world and the first building costing US$1 billion.

At the entrance of this Wai Fung Bank Building, there is a bronze statue of Thomas Sutherland, the founder of Wai Fung Bank. The statue of this foreigner is located in the most prosperous center of Hong Kong Island, and it seems to be overlooking the entire Hong Kong Island.

In fact, the development history of Wai Fung Bank is a history of blood and tears in Hong Kong Island.

This bank has achieved its current scale purely by sucking blood from the people.

In recent years, they have begun to support Li Bancheng and others, wanting to continue to suck blood from Hong Kong Island and the Chinese people to maintain their rule over the financial industry of Hong Kong Island.

At this moment, in the Huifeng Bank Building, a senior manager of the bank was leading Li Zetian, Li Wentian, and Li Guowei into the vault where the private items of senior customers of Huifeng Bank were stored.

Of course, this vault was not the vault where the bank's cash was stored, but the vault where the safe deposit boxes rented by senior customers were stored.

But usually, for safety reasons, banks would build these vaults together.

"Three, Mr. Li Xiaotian, we have rented 8 safe deposit boxes in Huifeng Bank. Do you want to take them all out?"

Just as the senior manager of Huifeng Bank was explaining very professionally to Li Zetian, Li Wentian, and Li Guowei, many men in coats and expressionless faces appeared outside Huifeng Bank.



A truck stopped directly at the door of Huifeng Bank's headquarters building, and more than a dozen cars stopped directly on the section of Queen's Road Central in front of Huifeng Bank Building, directly blocking this road in the most central location of Hong Kong Island.

Afterwards, nearly a hundred expressionless men rushed directly into the Huifeng Bank building.

"Da Da Da~"

After a fierce gunfire, more than a dozen security guards of Huifeng Bank were all shot dead.

But they also bought time for the bank staff to call the police.

However, what surprised these bank staff was that the robbers did not rob the people at their counter, but went straight downstairs.

"What's going on?"

A Huifeng Bank employee lying under the counter heard no movement outside the counter and asked her colleague next to her carefully.

Her colleague closed his eyes and shook his head frantically.

Seeing the reaction of his colleague, the questioning staff curiously stretched his head out of the counter to see what was happening outside. However, this look made her eyes suddenly widen, her pupils shrank sharply, and then she instantly shrank back under the counter, trembling.

"Amei, what's wrong?"

Amei's colleague next to her saw that Amei was so scared, and asked quickly.

"What a big, big bomb..."

Amei felt a chill when she thought about the bomb that was carried in by nearly 20 people.

At the same time, in the vault of Huifeng Bank.

"Three, these are the eight safes that Mr. Li Xiaotian stored in our Huifeng Bank. Here are the keys. You can open them here."

After taking out the safe, the senior manager of Huifeng Bank took Li Wentian, Li Zetian, and Li Guowei to the room inside the vault. After saying this to the three with a smile, he turned around and left the room.

"Awei, open it."

Li Zetian felt his heart beating like a deer at this moment. While paying attention to the movement outside the room, he said to Li Guowei with a smile.

"Da da da da da~"

When Li Zetian was extremely nervous, the 'old soldier' ​​had already killed his way to the vault of Huifeng Bank located underground. After quickly killing the guard, he put it into the safe vault located on the first underground floor.

Obviously, Huifeng Bank, like most of them, put the vault underground.

It's not because it's safe underground, but because you can boldly pour thick enough reinforced concrete underground, plus a strong enough door to protect the safety of the vault.

Of course, all the designers of bank buildings may never dream that a madman would buy a bomb worth 20 million US dollars to blow up the bank vault.

"Fourth uncle, there is nothing special in the safe except cash, jewelry, gold bars and deeds. Didn't Dad tell you what he put here in Huifeng Bank?"

In the vault room, Li Guowei, who had opened all 8 safes, looked at his fourth uncle Li Zetian and asked with a puzzled look.

"Avi, how could the eldest brother tell me this, otherwise you should look carefully. "

Li Zetian forced a smile and answered.

At the same time, he prayed madly in his heart, hoping that Li Jun's people would come quickly.

"There is nothing special..."

"Da Da Da Da Da~"

Just as Li Guowei was about to search again, a burst of gunfire came into the ears of Li Zetian, Li Wentian, and Li Guowei.

Hearing this burst of gunfire, Li Zetian, Li Wentian and Li Guowei's faces suddenly changed, but Li Wentian and Li Guowei were shocked, while Li Zetian was happy.

"Fourth uncle, what does your expression mean?"

Because Li Zetian didn't pretend directly, Li Guowei immediately discovered his abnormality.

"Da Da Da~"

The gunfire was getting closer and closer, Li Guowei didn't say anything, he pushed open the door of the room directly, and shouted loudly: "I am Li Zetian. "

Li Jun has already given these veterans an order. Except for Li Zetian, even if there are any living flies in the vault, they must be killed.

"Fourth uncle, you..."

"Old Four, you..."

Seeing the man with a cold face holding a UZI submachine gun almost approaching this room, Li Wentian and Li Guowei shouted at Li Zetian.

"Da Da Da Da Da~"

A burst of gunfire interrupted the shouting of Li Wentian and Li Guowei, leaving Li Zetian standing at the door of the room, looking at the bodies of his second brother and nephew, with no fear on his face, only ecstasy.

Li Zetian understood that from this moment on, he was the head of the Li family.

However, soon, Li Zetian also lay on the ground pretending to be dead, and secretly watched Li Jun's men killing in the vault. He wanted to see what Li Jun's men wanted to do next.


"Damn, this guy Li Jun is really crazy!"

Looking at the huge bomb carried into the vault by dozens of people, Li Zetian was stunned. Then he realized that he couldn't stay in this vault. Once this bomb exploded, this vault would definitely be ruined.

Thinking of this, Li Zetian's palms began to sweat. After the huge bomb passed in front of him, Li Zetian didn't care about anything else and ran straight to the exit of the vault.

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