After Damon left, Eugene and Mai Renhao looked at each other in silence.

As a shrewd person, Huifeng Bank manager Shen Bi saw at a glance that the two guys in front of him should know something. This matter is very complicated. As a qualified businessman, he knew that he should not wade into the muddy water, so it is best to stay away immediately.

So, Shen Bi immediately said: "Mr. Governor, Director Mai, Huifeng Bank still has a lot of things for me to deal with. I will take my leave first."

Eugene didn't care about Shen Bi at the moment. It was better for him to leave.

After Shen Bi left, Mai Renhao immediately picked up the mobile phone next to him and dialed a number.

"I am Mai Renhao. What is the situation in the Hong Kong Island Region now?"

After the call was connected, Mai Renhao immediately asked.

Then, Eugene saw that Mai Renhao's face instantly became more gloomy and ugly.

Half a minute later, Mai Renhao put down his mobile phone, and said to Eugene with a dead mother's face: "Governor, more than 200 people died, and Li Jun is not dead yet."

Hearing Mai Renhao's words, the dead mother's face was reproduced from Mai Renhao's face to Eugene's face.

After pondering for a moment, Eugene looked at Mai Renhao and said slowly: "Director Mai, what do you think we should do now?"

"Governor, hundreds of people died. This matter can't be suppressed anyway. There is an old saying called abandoning the car to save the king. I wonder if Mr. Governor knows it?"

Mai Renhao's face was also gloomy, and he said coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Eugene understood Mai Renhao's meaning.

"As long as MI6 doesn't expose it, then this is an attack on Li Jun planned by Li Jun's enemies, and our Hong Kong and British high-level officials can also lead public opinion to Li Jun."

Mai Renhao said slowly.

After hearing Mai Renhao's words, Eugene pondered for a few seconds and immediately made a decision. He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.

"Sovos, it's me, Eugene."

Eugene spoke immediately after the call was connected.

"Eugene, I know what you want to say. Those who attacked Li Jun are all his enemies. We in MI6 are completely unaware of this."

Sovos said slowly on the other end of the phone.

"Sovos, it turns out that you have already arranged it, then I am relieved."

Eugene was relieved when he heard Sovos' words.

"Don't worry, Eugene, I will let those people under my command keep the secret forever."

Sovos said faintly.

"Okay, I got it."

Eugene's face froze when he heard what Sowers said, then he slowly put down the phone, looked at Mai Renhao who was concerned, and slowly said: "Director Mai, MI6 has arranged everything."


Mai Renhao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Eugene's words, and just when he was about to speak.

"Bang Bang Bang~"

There was a knock on the door.

Then, without waiting for Eugene to speak, Damon pushed the door open and said hurriedly: "Mr. Governor, Asia TV is broadcasting the gunfight at the entrance of the Hong Kong Island Headquarters Building."


Hearing Damon's words, Eugene and Mai Renhao's faces, which had been somewhat relieved, suddenly became tense again. The two looked at each other subconsciously and instantly understood each other's thoughts: "Li Jun's counterattack is coming!"

"Director Mai, you immediately arrange for the police to hold a press conference to divert the attention of public opinion."

"Damon, you immediately contact the governor and let these media in Hong Kong know that reporting news requires evidence and cannot be speculated at random!"

Eugene immediately issued two orders.

"Okay, Mr. Governor!"

Mai Renhao and Damon also knew that the situation was urgent. Without a moment's hesitation, one turned around and left, and the other got up and left.


After Mai Renhao and Damon left, Eugene leaned heavily on his seat, slowly closed his eyes, and sighed heavily.

He never expected that he would be so embarrassed by a Hong Kong Islander time and again.

What Eugene didn't expect was that before Mai Renhao arranged for the police to notify the major media in Hong Kong Island to hold a press conference, Li Jun notified the major media in Hong Kong Island that he would hold a press conference on time at 5 pm to announce the truth he found to the citizens of Hong Kong Island and seek justice for the more than 200 innocent Hong Kong Islanders who died.

This is also the first press conference held by a gangster in the history of Hong Kong Island.

After receiving the news that Li Jun was going to hold a press conference, the major media in Hong Kong Island were eager to go. They knew that Li Jun would definitely release explosive information at this press conference, which made them a little impatient.

And this news of Li JunAfter the news was released, some people were happy, and naturally some people were worried.

After hearing the news, Hong Kong Governor Eugene, Chief of Staff Shi Kang, and Police Commissioner Mai Renhao gathered in Eugene's office again.

In addition to the three of them, Sawers, the head of MI6, also appeared here this time.

"Everyone, Director Sawers told me that none of the people sent by MI6 to kill Li Jun have returned to the team so far, and their bodies have not been found at the scene (good job). Li Jun, this bastard, is going to hold a press conference at 5 o'clock. What do you think we should do now?"

At this moment, Hong Kong Governor Eugene's face was extremely ugly.

"Eugene, based on my experience, I advise you to control Li Jun immediately and never let him hold this press conference!"

Sawers immediately gave his advice.

"Director Sowers, things are not as simple as you think. The whole of Hong Kong Island already knows that Li Jun is going to hold a press conference. If we take action to control Li Jun at this time, wouldn't it be a confession without being beaten?"

Shi Kang immediately retorted.

"It is better to confess without being beaten than for Li Jun to release explosive information. I support Director Sowers's opinion."

As the head of a violent organization, Mai Renhao obviously has a better brain circuit with Sowers.

After listening to what several people said, Eugene pondered for a moment, then looked at Sovos and asked, "Director Sovos, if, I mean if, the agents you sent out were indeed captured by Li Jun's people, can they keep the secret?"

"Eugene, I can only tell you that my agents have undergone rigorous training, and under normal circumstances, their will can keep all the secrets they want to keep."

Speaking of this, Sovos paused slightly, then he looked at Eugene and said slowly, "But, Eugene, human will has its limits. After exceeding the limit, no one can guarantee that they can still keep the secret."

"Director Mai, arrest Li Jun immediately, and the police force will hold a press conference at the same time!"

Hearing Sovos' words, Eugene did not hesitate for a moment and said directly to Mai Renhao.

Mai Renhao did not speak, but directly picked up the mobile phone next to him and was about to dial the number.

"Mr. Governor, Li Jun just announced to the media in Hong Kong that because the attack on him was related to our Hong Kong British Government, he was not safe in Hong Kong, so he has gone to Macao, and the press conference will be held in Macao..."

At this time, Damon pushed open the door of the office and said to Eugene hurriedly.

As Damon's voice fell, the expressions on the faces of Eugene, Sowers, Shi Kang, and Mai Renhao were instantly stagnant and frozen, and they were stunned on the spot...

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