Also on this night, in a house in Legaby City.

"Did Jun Ge tell us to wait for him tonight, and he will come to us?"

Li Wang felt the dot in his mind that represented Li Jun was as still as a mountain, and asked Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo in front of him with a confused look.


Wang Jianjun nodded affirmatively.

"But it's almost 5 o'clock now, and it will be dawn if Jun Ge doesn't come."

Li Wang asked Wang Jianjun a soul-searching question.

"Don't worry, Jun Ge will come sooner or later."

Faced with Li Wang's soul-searching question, Wang Jianjun didn't know what to say, and could only say something equivalent to nonsense.

Of course, they didn't know that while they were working hard to stay up late waiting for Li Jun, Li Jun was also working hard to stay up late.

Huang Xiaoqi is indeed a master who has practiced. She is the only woman who can fight with Li Jun for an hour, and since she is still a beginner, she can tap her potential, which makes Li Jun have to sigh that the physical fitness of warriors is still good!

However, even Huang Xiaoqi, with his physical fitness, could only bow down to the 30-point physical fitness.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

A phone call woke up Li Jun who was resting.

Li Jun opened his eyes and looked at the time. It was 8:35.

Then, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something last night. He seemed to have made an appointment with Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others.

Thinking of this, Li Jun instantly woke up, then reached out and picked up the phone receiver not far away, and said, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to call you so early."

Thomas Fernandi's voice came from the receiver.

"Fernandi, what's the matter?"

Li Jun asked directly.

"I received news that my eldest brother will go to Sulong for a patrol tomorrow morning. If possible, you'd better make preparations there now."

Thomas Fernandi said on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, Fernandi, I'll give you something later. You must carry it with you tomorrow. Remember?"

It was the familiar CIA tracker. There were two trackers in the set that Li Jun bought last time. One was destroyed at HSBC, and the remaining one came in handy this time.


Fernandi responded immediately.

"There is one more thing, Fernandi, remember, when I do things, you just have to listen carefully. Do you understand?"

Li Jun said slowly, word by word.

"Mr. Li, please forgive my rudeness just now. Of course, you decide what to do."

Fernandi's face was very cold on the other end of the phone, but his tone was full of sincerity. He was obviously a good actor.

But he didn't know that everything that happened tomorrow would make him remember what Li Jun just said for the rest of his life, and he dared not violate it at all...

At 9 o'clock in the morning that day, Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others who had been waiting for a night finally waited for Li Jun.

"Brother Jun!"

Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Li Wang, and Feng Yuxiu are all martial artists. They are full of energy and are still energetic even after staying up all night.

"Sorry, I was busy last night and was delayed."

Li Jun apologized for his behavior of opening up a new battlefield, and then continued: "Jianjun, Jianguo, you go to this address, report the code, and then take the munitions inside to find an ambush point on the way to Sulong."

While speaking, Li Jun handed a page of paper to Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo. The paper recorded the location where the Huang family's munitions were stored in Liyabi, and the code for taking the munitions.


Wang Jianjun took the note and nodded in response.

After instructing Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, Li Jun went to a dock less than 30 kilometers away from Liyabi without stopping.

According to Li Jun's order, Luo Sanpao was waiting here with several ships.

Luo Sanpao, who is already a regimental commander, can now summon 1,500 soldiers. When it comes to the combat of these soldiers, he is considered a top pirate even in the entire South China Sea.

His only shortcoming is that the ships he has are still a little short. Currently, he only has 10 small boats, of which 4 are armed merchant ships converted from merchant ships, and the remaining six are relatively fast small boats.

However, Luo Sanpao's strength will soon be qualitatively improved.

Two days later, the equipment from the Russians will be transported to this dock. After that, Luo Sanpao will have 6 more patrol ships with a draft of 800 tons.

The Russians are still bolder than the Americans. The patrol ships sold to Li Jun are original. Not only are the cannons on the ship not dismantled, but 50 shells are also included. With this firepower alone, not to mention beating the Luzon Navy, at least playing with them is no problem at all.

At least blockade the entire Mabast IslandIt is more than enough to get up.

That's right, the trick Li Jun is going to play is exactly the same as the trick played by the Malay monkeys in his previous life.

Completely block the entire island and cut off the island's contact with the outside world. Then, the Malay monkeys on the island will be completely controlled by Li Jun.

"Brother Jun!"

After Li Jun boarded the ship where Luo Sanpao was, Luo Sanpao, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him.

"Pao, what's the situation on Mabaste Island now?"

In addition to waiting for the arms from the Russians, Luo Sanpao also has an important task to monitor Mabaste Island and get intelligence on the island.

"After the discovery of the gold mine, the Nannuo family recruited 3,000 soldiers. Together with their original 1,000 soldiers, the number of soldiers exceeded 4,000."

"But according to my investigation, even the earliest batch of soldiers on the island had not received any military training, and the 3,000 soldiers recruited later were even worse. They were only used by the Nannuo family to monitor the Chinese on the island and supervise the workers in the gold mine."

"As long as your order comes down, my men can take over the island."

Obviously, Luo Sanpao's intelligence work has been very good in the past two days.

"Don't worry, wait until the patrol ship and munitions arrive. Now, the most important thing for us is to absolutely control this island, block everything on the island, and ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Facing Luo Sanpao who took the initiative to ask for battle, Li Jun said with a smile.

Then he said lightly, "4,000 soldiers can be used for mining for a long time."

Hearing Li Jun's words, Luo Sanpao could already imagine the fate of the Malay monkeys on the island in the future.

On this day, after instructing Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, and Luo Sanpao to complete their tasks and prepare, Li Jun had a warm time with Huang Xiaoqi, and then Huang Xiaoqi returned to Dart City, while Li Jun waited alone for his first battle in the South Seas.

The next morning.

A convoy set out from Legapix City and headed for Sulong, located at the southernmost tip of the Bikel Region in Luzon.

In fact, the Bikel Region is a region consisting of the southern part of Luzon Island and 6 small islands, with a total population of 9 million. Although its economy is not the worst in Luzon, it can be considered extremely poor.

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