Even if we don't know what these new troops are like, at least they are Chinese. At least they won't be worse than when Pixar Nan Nord was here, right?

"Uncle Tai, see, I'm right, our compatriots not only dealt with the soldiers in the gold mine, but also Pixar Nan Nord, and these traitors..."

At this point, Chen Wanglin's tone became three points colder. He pointed to a Chinese man with gray hair, but in much better condition than Uncle Tai and said, "See, Uncle Tai, Lin Honghui is kneeling there, and the end of these traitors is coming!"

"Hey, Wanglin, even if we kill them, we can only vent our anger, and there is still little hope for the future."

Uncle Tai sighed and said slowly.

"Uncle Tai, what do you mean by this?"

Hearing Uncle Tai's pessimistic words, Chen Wanglin was a little confused.

"Wanglin, when we moved here more than 30 years ago, you were just born and have no memory."

"In fact, we Chinese people did not move here voluntarily. We were forced to move to this island by the Fernandi family. Don't look at Pix Nannod so arrogant, he is just a dog of the Fernandi family."

"Our compatriots can kill Pix Nannod, but they can't stand the Fernandi family. At that time, new macaques will come to the island, and our Chinese people's life will still not get better."

Obviously, many years of desperate life have made Uncle Tai unable to think about things in a positive way.

"Uncle Tai, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. I believe in our compatriots."

Chen Wanglin did not refute Uncle Tai's words, but told Uncle Tai in his own way and in his own language that there is still hope here, there is still hope on Mabast Island, and there is still hope for them, the Chinese people.

"Tap, tap, tap~"

At this time, a neat sound of footsteps appeared in everyone's ears, and even the crowd who were talking around them subconsciously lowered their voices.



A man, who was about to say that it was an old man, was escorted out of the manor by two tall soldiers, which immediately caused a sensation among everyone present.

Because this old man was Pix Nannod, who had ruled Mabaste Island for more than 20 years and was regarded as a devil by all the Chinese on the island.

However, at this time, Pix Nannod no longer had the domineering power he had in the past on Mabaste Island. Now he was like a weak old man, with dull eyes and a frivolous pace, announcing his weakness in front of everyone.

Seeing this, even the most pessimistic Uncle Tai had a glimmer of light in his eyes.

He went to the island at the age of 20 until now, almost 40 years, and he didn't know how much bullying and humiliation he had suffered from Pix Nannod, but he endured every one of them for the sake of the overall situation.

This scene in front of him had actually appeared in his dreams countless times.

Next, Pix Nannod's family was also escorted out along with Pix Nannod.


At this moment, the scene was completely boiling.

All Chinese people knew what this meant.

The Nannod family's brutal rule on Mabast Island for more than 20 years will end from now on.

"Wanglin, come on, slap me and see if I'm dreaming."

Uncle Tai was excited.


Chen Wanglin didn't hesitate for a moment and slapped Uncle Tai in the face.

"I'm not dreaming, I'm not dreaming, I'm not dreaming!"

At this moment, Uncle Tai showed an ecstatic expression on his face, but then his tears flowed unconsciously, and he knelt down on the ground, muttering: "Father, mother, A Tang, did you see it, did you see it? These demons of Nan Nord are finally going to be punished."

"A Tang, my A Tang, come and see!"

When Uncle Tai looked up, he was already in tears.

When Chen Wanglin saw this scene, he couldn't help crying. He knew that Uncle Tai's wife was called A Tang. She was a famous beauty at the beginning. It was because of this that she was targeted by the Nan Nord family. In the end, she would rather die than surrender and jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

It was also after that that the originally optimistic A Tai became a taciturn A Tai, and finally became Uncle Tai who dared not ask for hope.

Among the Chinese people who were watching, many were as emotional as Uncle Tai, with tears streaming down their faces. Li Jun had only escorted the people out, but he had already gained the loyalty of a large number of people.

After everyone's emotions had accumulated, Li Jun, along with Li Wang, Feng Yuxiu, and Feng Wenxuan, who he had just summoned, slowly left the Nanno family.

Li Jun, who had a strong aura, attracted the attention of everyone present the moment he walked out of the manor.

"Tap, tap, tap"

Although Li Jun did not walk heavily, the sound of his footsteps seemed to be in everyone's heart, affecting everyone's emotions.

Finally, Li Jun walked to the center of the open space, took the horn handed to him by Li Wang, and slowly said: "Everyone, I invite you here this time for three things."

"The first thing is, from now on, I have the final say here!"

"The second thing is, all those who have betrayed and humiliated the Chinese on this island will pay the price!"

"The third thing is, from now on, here, Chinese people are supreme!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, there was silence at first, and then...


The cheers and shouts like a tsunami instantly resounded through the sky.

The Chinese people around were venting their emotions wantonly. Some were shouting wildly, some were crying with masks on, and some were silent, but everyone's eyes began to light up.

Li Jun stood in the middle of the crowd, looking at the various people around him, with a smile on his face.

Ten minutes later, the cheers slowly died down.

At this time, Li Jun continued to say: "Today, what I have to do is very simple, punish evil!"

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, Pix Nan Nord was taken to Li Jun's side.

"Pix Nan Nord, you should all be familiar with him. I won't talk about his crimes. There are too many. I'm going to trouble you. Now I announce that Pix Nan Nord is sentenced to death!"

Li Jun said lightly.

Originally, Pix Nan Nord's legs were weak. After hearing the death penalty from Li Jun's mouth, he couldn't hold it on the spot. If it weren't for the two special forces holding him tightly, he would have collapsed to the ground.

But the wetness of his crotch had already told everyone how frightened he was at the moment. Unfortunately, his mouth was sealed and he couldn't even say a word.

"Pix Nannod, do you have any objection to my trial?"

Li Jun looked at Pix Nannod, whose mouth was sealed with tape, and asked lightly.

"Woo woo woo~"

Pix Nannod tried his best to beg for mercy, but everything he did was in vain.

"It seems that you have no objection, so the death penalty will be executed immediately."

Li Jun said slowly, word by word.

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