After hearing Zhou Junnian's words, Peng Jiakang didn't seem surprised at all. He smiled slightly and said slowly: "I know everyone has concerns. I have studied Li Jun. He is extremely crazy, but he is also rational in his madness, which makes us, the British Hong Kong leaders, very uncomfortable. We want to turn against him, but it's not worth it. If we don't turn against him, he will be unscrupulous."

Speaking of this, Peng Jiakang paused slightly: "Everyone, you may think that our British Hong Kong leaders are too compromising, but have you ever thought that if there is no British Hong Kong leader's clamp, you are just a piece of meat on Li Jun's chopping board, and he can cut and eat whenever he wants."

After listening to Peng Jiakang's words, the 10 people in the conference room nodded slightly.

Indeed, with Li Jun's style of doing things, if there is no British Hong Kong leader, he may really lead people to wipe out the nest of these people.

"Mr. Governor, what do the British Hong Kong leaders plan to do?"

At this time, He Dong, the head of the He family, who has the longest experience and the strongest strength among the four major families in Hong Kong Island, finally spoke.

Hearing He Dong's question, Peng Jiakang's eyes moved slightly. In fact, he called these 10 people to talk, and the main target was He Dong, Guo Yongnian, and Li Peicai.

As for the four major foreign companies, HSBC, and Standard Chartered Bank, strictly speaking, they are all foreigners. Peng Jiakang only needs to say hello. With his status in the Eagle Country, they must sell their face.

And Zhou Junnian? He is just a dog raised by the high-level British Hong Kong officials. Peng Jiakang is too lazy to listen to his opinions.

But He Dong, Guo Yongnian, and Li Peicai are different, especially He Dong. The He family has been making a fortune in Hong Kong Island for more than 100 years. It is said that wealth cannot last for more than three generations, and the He family is already in the fourth generation in He Dong's hands.

In these 100 years, the He family has not only made amazing wealth in Hong Kong Island, but more importantly, they have formed an invisible alliance with a large number of wealthy families through marriage, training, etc.

For example, He Xin, the gambling king of Macau, is actually a branch of the He family.

Being able to pull such a family onto his chariot, Peng Jiakang can ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Thinking of this, Peng Jiakang smiled slightly and said slowly: "Mr. He, you are businessmen, I will only talk to you about business matters. I need you businessmen who love Hong Kong Island and are truly for the good of Hong Kong Island to join forces to remove Li Jun's capital from Hong Kong Island."

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, you should know better than us that Li Jun is not scary because of how much money he has."

He Dong said lightly.

"Mr. He, so I just said that I will only talk to you about business matters. You don't need to consider other aspects. Our Hong Kong and British high-level officials will handle it."

Peng Jiakang said with a smile.

He Dong's eyes moved slightly when he heard Peng Jiakang's words, and then he continued to ask: "Mr. Governor, Li Jun's men have too many victims. Whether it's for my family or for my family, I hope you can let me know."

He Dong paused slightly, looked at Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai and said with a smile: "I think Mr. Guo and Mr. Li think the same as I do."


"That's right!"

As soon as He Dong's voice fell, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai nodded in response.

Whether it was He Dong, Guo Yongnian or Li Peicai, they had all experienced the cunning and viciousness of the foreigners. They were the only three people present who were not considered foreigners. If they didn't make everything clear, they would most likely be tricked by Peng Jiakang, the foreigner.

After listening to the speeches of He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai, Peng Jiakang's expression did not change at all, and he still had a smile on his face. He first glanced at He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai, and then smiled and said: "You three gentlemen should have heard of our legendary agent of MI6."

After listening to Peng Jiakang's words, He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai's faces moved slightly, and it was obvious that they had also heard of the name of this legendary agent.

"I have already greeted the head of MI6. This time MI6 will send their strongest agent to help us deal with Li Jun."

Speaking of this, Peng Jiakang showed a bright smile on his face and continued: "Three gentlemen, in this way, you should not need to worry, right?"

After Patten finished speaking, He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai all nodded slightly. They believed not in the legendary agent 007 of MI6, but in the huge organization of MI6, one of the three major intelligence organizations in the world.

The fact that 007 was dispatched to deal with Li Jun shows the determination of the British high-level officials and MI6.

"Everyone, I have heard many people say that Hong Kong Island is the foreigners of our Eagle Country. In fact, I have never really agreed with this.In other words, Hong Kong Island is not only our Eagle people's Hong Kong Island, but also your Hong Kong Island. "

Peng Jiakang looked at He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai and said slowly.

At this moment, everyone present understood that the Eagle country's high-level officials sent Peng Jiakang to Hong Kong Island to be the governor, not only to deal with Li Jun, but he also had a bigger task, such as turning Hong Kong Island into a bomb, a bomb controlled by their Eagle people...

Soon, time came to the evening.

Tonight, the most lively place in Hong Kong Island is the Governor's Mansion.

The inauguration banquet held after each Governor of Hong Kong takes office is known as the inspector of the wealthy families in Hong Kong Island.

Only those who were invited to attend this dinner People and families are the real rules of Hong Kong Island.

In the Governor's Mansion that night, anyone who was randomly picked might have a net worth of several billion Hong Kong dollars.

As the initiator of the dinner, Governor Peng Jiakang was naturally the absolute core of the entire dinner.

However, this absolute core did not go out to entertain his guests, but sat in his office, looking through the window at the well-dressed and polite wealthy ladies in the yard, and smiled to Richard, the new Governor's Mansion Affairs Officer standing behind him, saying: "Richard, if the people in Hong Kong Island are like these people, then my life will be easy."

"Mr. Baron, in this land tamed by the empire, only those tamed by the empire can obtain the wealth bestowed by the empire."

Richard said with a smile after listening to Peng Jiakang's words.

In addition to being a senior Conservative Party official, Peng Jiakang is also Baron Barnes of Eagle Country.

"Richard, although I agree with your words, this sentence will affect my completion of the task assigned to me by the Prime Minister, so don't say it again in the future. "

After listening to his officer Richard's words, Peng Jiakang smiled and said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Baron."

Richard, let alone other things, can kill Eugene's officer Damon in terms of etiquette and manners.

The gap between Peng Jiakang and Eugene can be seen from the gap between the officers alone.

"This is Hong Kong Island, Richard, you have to call me Mr. Governor."

Peng Jiakang corrected Richard's words again.

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