Then, He Xin said, "Ajun, you should know that my grandfather is the sixth son of the second generation of the Hong Kong He family, right?"

"I know, my uncle comes from a famous family."

Li Jun replied with a smile.

"Famous family, just a comprador family. Let's not talk about this. Last night, He Dong from the He family called me and said he wanted to meet you."

Obviously, He Xin didn't have a very good impression of the Hong Kong He family.

In fact, Li Jun could understand it very well. When He Xin was a child, his family fell into poverty. The He family, which was already the first family in Hong Kong at that time, not only did not lend a hand, but also treated as if there was no one in the He family, and almost expelled He Xin's lineage from the family tree.

However, when He Xin made a name for himself in Haojiang and became the gambling king of Haojiang, the Hong Kong He family seemed to suddenly recover their memories and remembered that the He family once had a lineage of six rooms.

So, it was very normal for He Xin not to have a good impression of the He family.

"He Dong wants to meet me? According to convention, he should have met with the new Governor of Hong Kong, Peng Jiakang, last night."

After hearing what He Xin said, Li Jun's eyes moved slightly.

"Ah Jun, there are 5 million people in Hong Kong Island, and there are hundreds of families, big and small. In this place, we have never been a solid group."

After hearing Li Jun ask this question, He Xin said slowly, word by word.

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

After listening to He Xin's words, Li Jun seemed to understand what his cheap father-in-law meant.

"Ah Jun, no one knows the He family better than me. This is a profit-seeking family. He Dong wants to meet you for only one reason. They think that you, Li Jun, can bring more benefits to their He family than the Governor of Hong Kong, Peng Jiakang. In short, the He family wants to bet on you."

He Xin said slowly.

"Hahaha, interesting, uncle, please tell He Dong that I will meet him."

Li Jun said to He Xin with a smile.

Li Jun is not afraid of others' intentions towards him. If you want to get something from him, you have to pay the corresponding price...

That afternoon, Haojiang, He's Manor.

After meeting He Xian and He Xin, Li Jun accompanied them directly back to Haojiang, waiting for He Dong's arrival. In addition, Li Jun also had to wait for a few people to do two "bold things."

"Tian'er, your mother criticized me, saying that our progress was too slow, which greatly delayed the time for her to hold her grandson, making her very unhappy."

After arriving in Haojiang, Li Jun conveyed the reprimand from her mother to He Tian'er.

"Then, let's work hard tonight?"

As she spoke, He Tian'er's pretty face flushed.

He Tian'er wanted to get familiar with the operation of her own casino as soon as possible, and take over her father He Xin's class as soon as possible, so as to lay a foundation for her son.

After half a year of hard work, He Tianer now thinks that she has already figured out how to run a casino. Just at this time, her mother came to assist, and He Tianer immediately decided to give birth to a successor for the He family's business.

"That depends on your sincerity, Tianer."

Li Jun said with a smile.

"I bought a very sexy pajamas, and I will wear it for you tonight."

He Tianer's cheeks were blushing, her eyes were watery, and she whispered in Li Jun's ear.

"Dong Dong Dong"

Just as Li Jun was about to ask He Tianer what pajamas she was wearing, there was a knock on the door, and then He Xin's voice came in: "Ajun, He Dong from the He family is here."

"Tian'er, I don't think your mother will hold her grandson so soon, and now your father has to take full responsibility."

Li Jun said to He Tianer with a smile.

Hearing Li Jun's words, He Tianer rolled her eyes at Li Jun with her big eyes and said with a smile: "Ajun, stop talking nonsense and go get busy."

"Wait for me in the evening."

After leaving a kiss on He Tianer's forehead, Li Jun stood up and walked to the door and opened it.

A few minutes later.

The tea room of He's Manor.

Li Jun saw an old man with white hair who looked like a mixed-race.

Without He Xin's introduction, Li Jun could guess that this was He Dong, the fourth-generation head of the Hong Kong He family.

"This must be Mr. Li Jun, he is indeed a young talent, extraordinary."

Without waiting for Li Jun to speak, He Dong took the initiative to stand up, looked at Li Jun, and said with a smile.

"He Family Master, you are too kind."

Li Jun smiled slightly and nodded in response.

"Brother Dong, I have brought Li Jun here. You guys can chat slowly."

After He Xin said this to He Dong, he turned his head and gave Li Jun a suggestive look, patted Li Jun on the shoulder, and left the tea room.

"Jun, sit down."

After He Xin left, He Dong smiled and said to Li Jun, as if he was the owner of this tea room.

"Master He, you took the trouble to come to Haojiang to meet me.On the other hand, you must have something very important to tell me, right? "

Li Jun came straight to the point, and his meaning was very clear. If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have something to say, fart quickly, I am not in the mood to chat with you.

"Hahaha, Jun, you are a quick-witted person. To be honest, before the dinner yesterday, Peng Jiakang met with the heads of our four major families, as well as the managers of the four major foreign companies, HSBC, and Standard Chartered Bank in advance to discuss how to deal with you."

He Dong directly revealed Peng Jiakang's bottom line, which was also his token of loyalty to Li Jun.

"Oh, Master He, it turns out that the Governor of Hong Kong values ​​me so much that he has to gather all of you bigwigs in Hong Kong to deal with a short mule like me. Why is there such a big fuss? "

Li Jun had a bright smile on his face.

"Ah Jun, who gave you the strength to overturn the table? Unless the Eagle Country really pays a huge price and hunts you all over the world, otherwise, it is estimated that it is difficult to do anything to you with only the Hong Kong British high-level officials, right?"

He Dong's words were obviously praising Li Jun, but in fact he wanted to test how strong Li Jun's power was.

"Haha, Master He, don't listen to the rumors outside. I dare not offend the Hong Kong British high-level officials and the Governor, let alone the Eagle Country. I just want to make some money peacefully now."

Li Jun directly ignored He Dong's temptation and lied with his eyes open.

"Haha, Ah Jun, I know you are still wary of me, it doesn't matter. It's normal for no one to be open-hearted when cooperating for the first time."

He Dong laughed.

"Master He, let's talk about it. What do you want to say to me? "

Li Jun urged again.

After being urged twice by Li Jun, the smile on He Dong's face faded, and then he slowly said: "Ajun, you should know something about our He family, right?"

Without waiting for Li Jun to answer, He Dong said to himself: "The first generation of our He family, that is, my great-grandfather, was a Dutchman. After coming to Hong Kong Island, he did shipping business. Later, my grandfather developed our He family's business. It was also in his hands that our He family became the first family in Hong Kong Island, but our He family's road also ended here. "

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