"Hahaha, Jianming, you can be promoted so quickly because of yourself. The Crouching Tiger Plan is very successful, and the superiors are very satisfied with you. If not, they would not have promoted you in just half a year." Liang Wenfeng laughed. Liu Jianming understood what Liang Wenfeng said. In fact, he himself never expected that the Crouching Tiger Plan would be so successful. In just half a year, all 50 undercovers became middle-level members of major societies. Among them, some of the most closed ones have even become the leaders of their own societies. Of course, Liu Jianming would not know that it was precisely because of the success of the Crouching Tiger Plan that the upper echelons of the police force had illusions that they could control their respective societies through these undercovers, and then fight with Li Jun and kill Hongxing. This is the biggest reason why Liu Jianming was promoted so quickly. "Liang Sir, in view of the huge results of the Crouching Tiger Operation, I have planned another operation." Liu Jianming looked at Liang Wenfeng and said with a smile after pondering for a few seconds. "Oh? Jianming, what action?"

Hearing Liu Jianming's words, Liang Wenfeng immediately became interested and asked with a smile.

"Liang Sir, take a look at these first."

Liu Jianming took out a stack of documents from the bag beside him and handed them to Liang Wenfeng.

"Hahaha, Jianming, it turns out you are well prepared."

Liang Wenfeng said with a smile, and at the same time took the stack of documents handed to him by Liu Jianming and began to look through them.

The thickness of this stack of documents is not thick, but Liang Wenfeng took more than ten minutes to read all the contents of the documents. In the process of reading, it can be clearly seen that Liang Wenfeng's attitude is becoming more and more focused.

Ten minutes later, Liang Wenfeng slowly re-stashed the stack of documents, looked at Liu Jianming, and said, "Jianming, you always surprise me."

"Let the undercovers in the Crouching Tiger Operation fight each other, disrupt the underworld, and then with the cooperation of other departments of our police force, take the leading position of each society and completely control that society. It's a very bold plan."

At this point, Liang Wenfeng's smile became even bigger, "To be honest, Jianming, if your plan can succeed, there is no problem in giving you my position. This credit is really too great."

The war between the police and the society has never stopped since the establishment and growth of the society in Hong Kong Island. Although the police have an absolute advantage most of the time, the society is like a centipede, dead but not stiff. Countless old societies have fallen, but countless new societies have emerged, endlessly and endlessly.

However, if Liu Jianming's plan can succeed, the society will become a puppet of the police force. Liang Wenfeng feels a little excited when he thinks about this credit.

"Sir Liang, you are too kind. I just made a bold plan based on the current progress of Operation Crouching Tiger."

Liu Jianming replied with a smile.

"Jianming, you are too modest. I can guarantee that as long as I hand this plan to the senior police officers, it will immediately attract their attention. Maybe even the first brother will personally read your plan."

Liang Wenfeng also said with a smile.

"Sir Liang, do you think the senior police officers will agree to this plan?"

Liu Jianming's face showed a trace of nervousness at the right time, and he began his acting.

"Yes, the senior police officers are very concerned about Operation Crouching Tiger. After you hand over this plan to them, you will definitely get their support."

At this point, Liang Wenfeng paused slightly, then looked at Liu Jianming, and continued to say with a smile: "By the way, Jianming, I see that you didn't name the action in your plan?"

"Sir Liang, this action has a name. I call it New World."

Liu Jianming smiled slightly and said slowly.

This plan was naturally given to Liu Jianming by Li Jun. The purpose was very simple. He borrowed the power of the police force to let his 50 undercover agents take high-level positions in various societies.

On the surface, the Hong Kong Island Police Force controls the major societies in Hong Kong Island, but in fact, it is Li Jun who controls the major societies in Hong Kong Island. As long as the New World Operation is successful, Li Jun will truly control the entire Hong Kong Island underworld.

Using the manpower and force of the Hong Kong Island Police Force to do things for himself, and making the Hong Kong Island Police Force willing, this is Li Jun.

"New World?"

Hearing Liu Jianming's words, Liang Wenfeng was slightly stunned, and then smiled and said: "What a good name, Jianming, if this operation is successful, our police force will indeed let Hong Kong Island enter a new world, a new world without underworld and societies."

"Sir Liang, I won't bother you for now, goodbye."

After exchanging a few words with Liang Wenfeng, Liu Jianming said goodbye and left.

A few minutes later, in a Toyota sedan downstairs of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters.

After getting in the car, Liu Jianming did not rush to start the car, but took out a mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Hua, everything is done, and the plan has been submitted."

After the call was connected, Liu Jianming said.

"Okay, Sir Liu, thank you for your hard work."

Ah Hua's voice came out from the receiver.

"Brother Hua, is this plan really for controlling the underworld?"

Before Ah Hua hung up the phone, Liu Jianming asked hurriedly.

He needed Ah Hua to give him a reason, an excuse, even if that reason or excuse was false.

"Sir Liu, there is only one voice in the underworld, no war, no fighting, only everyone makes their own money, isn't that good?"

On the other end of the phone, Ah Hua smiled slightly and said slowly.

Obviously, he has reached a perfect level in pua Liu Jianming.

"Brother Hua, you are right."

Hearing Ah Hua's words, Liu Jianming breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and he spoke.

"Beep beep~"

Liu Jianming was answered by a busy tone, but Liu Jianming didn't care. After throwing the mobile phone on the passenger seat, he started the car and drove towards the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building.

40 minutes later.

"Sir Liu, something happened!"

As soon as Liu Jianming walked into the office of the Kowloon Regional Criminal Intelligence Bureau, a female police officer came up and said loudly, which scared Liu Jianming.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Jianming pretended to be calm, looked at the female police officer, and asked.

"Sir Liu, something happened to the monitoring team. Inspector Liang Junyi (from the movie Overheard)'s team, Senior Police Officer Yang Zhen's family had a car accident. Another Senior Police Officer Lin Yixiang has not been contacted yet. Liang Junyi just received a call and was in a bad mood. He left the police station directly."

The female police officer reported to Liu Jianming.

The Criminal Intelligence Department is divided into five groups: ABCDE.

Group A is the monitoring team, commonly known as the rabbit team, and its main work is to contact and recruit informants;

Group B is commonly known as the intelligence team, which is responsible for analyzing, filtering and confirming the intelligence collected from various channels. It is the most important department of the Criminal Intelligence Department;

Group C is the support action group, which is also the most tiring group in the entire Criminal Intelligence Department. It is responsible for the vehicle team and equipment in the action and needs to follow the case throughout the process;

Group D is the action support group, which is mainly for tracking support;

Group E is the technical support group, which is responsible for arranging various eavesdropping equipment and long-range telescopes to perform long-range eavesdropping tasks.

Originally, Liu Jianming was the supervisor of Group B. After being promoted to Chief Inspector, he was temporarily in charge of the overall work because the police superintendent of the Criminal Intelligence Department of the Kowloon Region was temporarily vacant. He was in charge of the five groups, A, B, C, and D.

The Liang Junyi team that was in trouble now was from the Technical Support Group of Group E, and the supervisor of the Technical Support Group was named Li Guang, a senior inspector.

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