"Manager Wei, I always feel that something is wrong today."

Azhan held a flashlight and looked at the small ball of light in front of him and said.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Wei Jinchuan asked curiously.

"I can't explain it clearly. I always feel like someone is staring at us."

Azhan said with a smile.

"Azhan, I think you have been in love recently and have become nervous."

Atai, who was walking behind Azhan, said with a smile.

At this moment, a series of inaudible whooshing sounds broke the silent night sky.

Azhan, Atai, Wei Jinchuan and others almost felt a tingling in a part of their body at the same time. They subconsciously touched the tingling position, and then:

"Fuck, what is this, I..."

Atai shone the flashlight on the small syringe-like thing in his hand. Before he finished speaking, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground and fainted.

Almost within a few seconds, all the patrolling guards fainted.

Then, a dozen special forces appeared beside the guards, sealed their limbs and mouths with tape and rope, and locked them in a container. Another group of Adao and others had a similar experience as Wei Jinchuan and others, and also slept in the container.

Soon, the special forces took care of all the guards of the Taikoo Shipyard and sent a signal.

Half an hour later.

Two Sherman-class destroyers and four old Russian patrol ships stopped at the only dock of the Taikoo Shipyard, and put down the 3,000 special forces and 150 engineers on board, as well as some loading and unloading equipment.

Then, the two Sherman-class destroyers and four old Russian patrol ships slowly left the dock and gave the dock to two 50,000-ton cargo ships.

Under the command of the engineer, the 3,000 special forces immediately began to work "in full swing".

However, when the door of the shipyard workshop was forcibly opened, the automatic alarm was triggered. But no one knew who received the alarm, but it was not from the police.

As the largest shipyard in Hong Kong Island, the Taikoo Shipyard is very large. It took 3,000 people plus various equipment 5 or 6 hours to move the core equipment away. As for other garbage, in order to save time, Li Jun reluctantly let them go.

At 2 or 3 o'clock in the evening, when the shipyard workers living near the Taikoo Shipyard got up to urinate, they were a little surprised to see the lights on at the Taikoo Shipyard, and whispered: "Fuck his mother, who are these idiots who only care about money and not their lives, and are still working for foreigners in the shipyard. "

However, the shipyard worker did not care too much about this matter. The situation of Taikoo Shipyard has only improved in recent years. Ten years ago, they were treated like cattle and horses. It was much worse than now. Most workers have no feelings for such a shipyard.

Not to mention that they don't know that someone is moving Taikoo Shipyard. Even if it is moved in front of them, it is estimated that 60 out of 100 people will pretend not to see it, 39 will applaud and encourage, and only the only foreign dog will jump out to protect his owner's property.

The move was not completed until six o'clock the next day. At dawn, two 50,000-ton cargo ships were moved. The ship left with cargo and more than 3,000 people, leaving behind a much emptier Taikoo Shipyard.

Three days later, the two cargo ships will arrive at Mabast Island, and then Li Jun's second shipyard will be born.

In order to commemorate Taikoo Shipyard's contribution to the shipyard, Li Jun generously gave it a resounding new name: Dagu Shipyard.

After the cargo ship left, at 8 a.m., the first batch of Taikoo Shipyard workers who came to work were stunned. The scene they saw shocked them greatly.

The entire Taikoo Shipyard seemed to have been attacked by the Japanese devils that year, and almost all the core equipment was transported away.

"Build a ship? What the hell is this! "

Seeing this scene, the workers of the Taikoo Shipyard were stunned and said this subconsciously.

That morning, Taikoo House in Central.

"Fuck, such a large shipyard, so many equipment inside, all disappeared in one night, the police said they didn't know anything, fuck, then where did our Taikoo Company pay the police so much money every year? Raise 30,000 pigs?"

Smith Shih Wah Ya, the manager of Taikoo Company, cursed at the secretary standing in front of him.

This morning, he was still being affectionate with his girlfriend who flew from Hollywood to Hong Kong Island to spend the night with him, but he received a call telling him that the Taikoo Shipyard had been emptied.

After hearing this news, Smith Shih Wah Ya, let alone his girlfriend,Xing Wencuan, even if the Queen of Eagle Country was next to him, he couldn't sit still.

Swire has a total of six major industries, shipbuilding, shipping, sugar, beverages, real estate and Cathay Pacific Airlines.

Both shipbuilding and shipping businesses are heavily dependent on the business of Swire Shipyard. Now that Swire Shipyard is gone, it is a bolt from the blue for Smith Swire.

As the fifth-generation successor of Swire, Smith Swire has been in charge of Swire for 10 years. He swears that this is definitely the biggest crisis he has encountered in his 10 years in power.

"Mr. Swire, then I will communicate with the police again?"

After being sprayed by Smith Swire, his secretary asked cautiously.


Smit Shi Huaiya nodded slightly, and then, before the secretary turned around, he continued: "I will call Director Mai Renhao of the police force in person. Your task is to keep an eye on the police force and report to me immediately if there is any progress."

"Okay, Mr. Shi Huaiya."

Smit Shi Huaiya's secretary responded quickly.

After his secretary left, Smith Shi Huaiya immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Director Mai, it's me, Shi Huaiya from Taikoo Foreign Trade Co., Ltd..."

After the call was connected, Smith Shi Huaiya immediately spoke.

But his conversation with Mai Renhao was obviously not very pleasant. His face became worse and worse, and finally...

A few minutes later.



Smit Shi Huaiya smashed the microphone in his hand hard on the phone.

Mai Renhao told him that the police force was also fully investigating the suspects who stole from the Taikoo Shipyard, but the police force did not receive any alarms, including automatic alarms. The implication was that everything was the fault of Taikoo, and had nothing to do with our police force.

This kind of evasive talk made Smith Shi Huaiya very angry.

"Knock, knock, knock"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Smith Shi Huaiya said coldly.

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