Africa, a small country.

A building that looks like the American White House.

With a loud bang, a blond foreigner in a neat suit and sunglasses, carrying a box, walked out of the building that was exploding violently behind him.

‘Bang bang bang bang~’

Faced with the black uncles rushing towards him, the blond foreigner did not even change the frequency of his steps. He just raised his pistol and shot one bullet at a time, accurately sending these black uncles away.

At this time, a silver sports car slowly stopped by the road not far away.

The car window slowly rolled down, and a blond beauty smiled and said to the blond foreigner: "It seems that I came at the right time."

"That's right, if it's a little later, you can collect my body."

The blond foreigner smiled slightly, then flew over the silver sports car and sat in the co-pilot seat.

"James, tell me, how should you thank me this time?"

The blonde beauty looked at the ghost sitting next to her, her eyes full of ambiguity.

"If I were you, my attention would not be on the handsome guy next to you, but on the vicious warlord soldiers on the other side."

The blonde ghost smiled slightly, then directly pulled out the steering wheel from the main driver's seat, inserted it into the joystick in front of him, stepped on the accelerator, and the silver car started instantly, completing the acceleration from 0 to 120 in a few breaths.

"James, with you here, I don't need to worry about any other man hurting me. After all, you are James Bond, the most charming and mysterious man in the world."

The blonde beauty looked at James Bond, her eyes were already drawn.

"Is the brain of the people in MI6 stuffed with shit? How could you let someone like you be my liaison?"

James Bond said lightly while driving a sports car at a speed of 200 yards on a bad road.

"Bond, that's not what you said in bed last night."

Obviously, although the blonde beauty is obsessed with James Bond, she is not obsessed enough to be insulted by James Bond in person.

"Nancy, you are indeed the best partner in bed, but you are a disaster out of bed."

James Bond turned his head to look at Nancy and smiled.

"It seems that what others said is right. You are a bastard, a ruthless bastard."

The silk in Nancy's eyes dried up.

"Nancy, before we part, I have a word for you. Never believe what a person says in bed, whether he is a man or a woman."

After James Bond said this, he slammed on the brakes.

Nancy didn't react for a while and almost hit the dashboard in front of her.


Nancy was about to get angry when she was interrupted by James Bond.

"Miss Nancy, see? The Eagle Country Embassy is 20 meters ahead. After you go in, the people inside will arrange a flight for you. If everything goes well, you can take a bubble bath and take care of your delicate skin at your home in South Cape Town tomorrow."

James Bond pointed to a European-style villa next to him and said with a smile.

"You, Bond, I will definitely ask my father to ask MI6 to hold you accountable."

Nancy pointed at James Bond and said loudly.

"Miss Nancy, I am just going to hold MI6 accountable first and ask them what they are thinking. A member of parliament can let them put a parallel import next to me."

James Bond picked up the satellite phone next to him and dialed a number while talking.

"Seri, it's me."

After the call was connected, James Bond said lightly.

Then he started his output.

"Yes, thanks to your help, you sent a smart and capable woman to help me. I almost couldn't go back to Eagle Country."

"No, I'm not blaming you, I'm thanking you. Believe me, if there is a next time, I will definitely come to thank you in person."

"Oh, Hong Kong Island, murder? What are those two old guys Morris and Sowers doing? Killing a Hong Kong Islander, is that possible?"

"Supervisor's order? Seri, let the supervisor listen to the phone."

"Three months of vacation, MI6 will be responsible for all expenses during the period? Supervisor, I have always followed your orders to the letter. Don't worry, I will go to Hong Kong Island right away."

At this point, James Bond paused slightly, "By the way, Supervisor, I drove the baby daughter of the South Cape Town MP out of the car in advance. I hope you can give an explanation to the MP."

After saying this, James Bond hung up the phone without waiting for the MI6 supervisor to reply.

Then, he looked at Nancy who was still sitting in the main driving seat, and said with a smile: "Miss Nancy, do you want me to carry you out of the car like last night?"


After hearing James Bond's words, Nancy snorted coldly, then opened the car door and walked out.

"Hey, Miss Nancy, after returning to Eagle Country, I can always work with you again, like last night, intimate and frank."

James Bond looked at Nancy's perfect figure from behind and said with a smile.


He was answered by a heavy door slamming.

"Wow, the girl has a temper."

James Bond smiled and shook his head, then stepped on the accelerator and quickly drove away from the original place.

2 hours later.

A simple airport.

A military transport plane was parked quietly on the runway. It is worth mentioning that this transport plane is exactly the same as the one Li Jun "hijacked" in Stanley Military Camp.

"Sir, we will stop in Saudi Arabia to refuel, and it will take until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning to reach Hong Kong Island."

The pilot of the transport plane said to James Bond with a smile.

"For such a long time, you didn't arrange a few beauties to accompany me. Alas, the treatment is getting worse and worse. "

James Bond smiled and shook his head, then boarded the transport plane.

The pilot looked at James Bond's back and thought, 'You want a beautiful woman to accompany you, I want a beautiful woman to accompany me too!'

At the same time, Hong Kong Island.

Although Swire & Co. deliberately concealed the news of the theft of the Swire Shipyard, it was in vain in front of Hong Kong Island reporters.

Soon, the news of the theft of the Swire Shipyard spread throughout Hong Kong Island.

The stock price of Swire Shipping Co., Ltd., a listed company under Swire & Co., Ltd., began to collapse instantly, and the stock price of the Swire Group also fell slightly.

However, in this regard, Smith-Swiss He was not panicked. The fluctuation of the stock was within his expectations. What he had to do was very simple. He just spent some money to stabilize the downward trend, and then announced the Taikoo City real estate plan to raise the share prices of the Swire Group and Swire Shipping Co., Ltd. in one fell swoop.

However, his idea was indeed beautiful, but it was limited to thinking.

That morning.

In the ward where Liang Junyi was in Kowloon Hospital.

A nurse walked into the ward holding a bouquet of flowers. While placing the bouquet on the bedside table next to Liang Junyi, she smiled and said, "Mr. Liang, someone just asked me to bring this bouquet to you, and said there is a gift for you in it."

After hearing the nurse's words, Liang Junyi's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled and said, "Thank you. "

A few minutes later, after the nurse left, Liang Junyi picked up the bouquet and searched for it, and soon found a small bag wrapped in oil paper.

Liang Junyi opened the bag and took a look, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

The bag contained several photos, and the photos were of Liang Junyi's missing subordinate Lin Yixiang.

On the back of the photo, there was a phone number written, and a line of small words attached below: call me.

If it was yesterday, Liang Junyi would have been very excited when he saw this stack of photos, because Lin Yixiang was not only his subordinate, but also his friend and brother, and he knew that Liang Junyi had done something illegal. Lin Yixiang can turn Liang Junyi from a great and glorious policeman into a prisoner at any time. Therefore, he must save Lin Yixiang, but if he does, he will definitely fall into the trap of the other party and will definitely die. But now it is different. After Liu Jianming came to see him last night, he analyzed all the possible things that might happen in the future, including using Lin Yixiang to force Liang Junyi to leave the police protection and fall into the trap. Liu Jianming has already prepared for Liang Junyi. So, without a moment's hesitation, Liang Junyi memorized the phone number written on the back of the photo, put the photo in his pocket, and then stood up and walked towards the door of the ward.

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