At the same time, Lei Yingdong was also observing Li Jun carefully.

Lei Yingdong was very concerned about this underworld figure. Because of the relationship with the North, Lei Yingdong actually wanted to win over someone like Li Jun.

After all, it was very necessary for the North to have such a person who controlled the underground power to help do something.

However, Lei Yingdong had never found a suitable time to meet Li Jun. He did not expect that Li Jun would take the initiative to meet him before he met him.

Thinking of this, Lei Yingdong said, "Mr. Li, what do you want to see me this time?"

As a professional, Lei Yingdong always spoke directly and did not beat around the bush.

"Mr. Lei, the reason I came to you is very simple. I am going to do something and need your help."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

"What's the matter?"

Lei Yingdong looked at Li Jun, his eyes condensed, and asked lightly.

"Mr. Lei, you should have read the news about the police this morning, right?"

Li Jun asked with a smile.

Hearing Li Jun's question, Lei Yingdong's eyes moved slightly, becoming more solemn, looking at Li Jun and nodding slightly.

"Mr. Lei, what I'm going to do next..."

Li Jun slowly told Lei Yingdong about his next plan.

"Mr. Li, you..."

"Cough cough cough~"

After Li Jun finished speaking, Lei Zhenhuan, who was shocked, couldn't help but speak, but he was interrupted by his father Lei Yingdong with a cough.

Then, the whole study fell into silence.

Li Jun was not in a hurry, and looked at Lei Yingdong, who was solemn, with a smile on his face.

A few minutes later, Lei Yingdong looked at Li Jun and slowly said, "Mr. Li, I have heard of your name before, but to be honest, I did not put you in a high position. I was wrong. With your skills alone, there is no young person in the whole Hong Kong Island who can compare with you."

After hearing Lei Yingdong's words, Lei Zhenhuan's face turned slightly red. He knew that he was also one of the young people in Lei Yingdong's mouth.

"Mr. Lei, you are too kind."

Li Jun said modestly.

"Mr. Li, let me ask you a question now, are you interested in joining the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce?"

Lei Yingdong said slowly.

Hearing his father's words, Lei Zhenhuan's face showed a hint of surprise.

In Hong Kong Island, there are many chambers of commerce, and each region has its own chamber of commerce. The influential ones include Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce, Wuyi Chamber of Commerce, Shunde Chamber of Commerce, etc.

In addition to these regional chambers of commerce, the two largest chambers of commerce are the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce.

The interests behind these two chambers of commerce are also completely different.

To put it bluntly, the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce is supported by the top leaders of the British Hong Kong government, while the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce is supported by the North.

Before the North negotiated with the British, the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce could only be described as unpopular, with only a dozen members.

It is not that only a few businessmen in Hong Kong are patriotic, but that every businessman who joins the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce will be suppressed by the top leaders of the British Hong Kong government to a greater or lesser extent.

However, after the North negotiated with the British, the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce began to become popular.

Everyone knows that the North will take back Hong Kong sooner or later, and joining the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce is to buy a talisman for their future, so whether you love the country or not, you have to join the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce.

However, it is not so easy to join the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce at this time.

You must invest a certain amount in the North before you can apply to join the Chamber of Commerce, and you must also be reviewed by Lei Yingdong and others.

There are very few people like Li Jun who are directly invited by Lei Yingdong in the whole Hong Kong Island.

Not to mention that Li Jun is the leader of Hongxing.

Even so, his father took the initiative to invite Li Jun to join the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce. Lei Zhenhuan was shocked.

However, Lei Zhenhuan's shock was far from over.

"Mr. Lei, I'm not a businessman."

Li Jun smiled and replied, tactfully rejecting Lei Yingdong.

He can be patriotic, but how to be patriotic is up to him, Li Jun.

Li Jun admires patriotic businessmen like Lei Yingdong, but it does not mean that he has to follow Lei Yingdong's ass to be patriotic.

Hearing that Li Jun actually rejected his father's invitation, Lei Zhenhuan was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out. Others invested tens of millions and hundreds of millions just for a qualification to join the association. Why do you, Li Jun...

"Mr. Li, you should know that you don't have to be a businessman to join the Chamber of Commerce."

When Lei Zhenhuan heard his father's words, his face was numb. He couldn't figure out why.Why did his father want Li Jun to join the Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce so much, and even had a bit of a flavor of begging Li Jun.

"Mr. Lei, everyone has their own way of doing things, but as long as the purpose is the same, everyone is a like-minded friend."

Li Jun rejected Lei Yingdong again.

Joining the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce now does have benefits. If Li Jun did not have the Great Hero System, he would immediately nod and agree to Lei Yingdong.

But with the Great Hero System, it would be completely different. The stronger Li Jun is, the higher the reward for patriotism. It's not that he is not patriotic, but if he can get more benefits while being patriotic, why not do it?

After hearing what Li Jun said, Lei Yingdong looked at Li Jun deeply, and then said: "Mr. Li, in this case, then tell me, what benefits can I get from helping you this time?"

Lei Yingdong's meaning is very clear. If you join the Hong Kong Islanders Chamber of Commerce, you are one of us. You can help your own people without talking about benefits, but since you don't join, you have to talk about it.

"I know Mr. Lei must have his own friends in the police force. After sending the foreigners away, everyone will compete fairly. Isn't that enough?"

Li Jun said with a smile.

"Not enough."

Lei Yingdong refused directly.

"Mr. Lei, I am really a little stumped by you now."

A smile appeared on Li Jun's face.

"Hahahaha, Li kid, just pretend. You must have thought of what conditions I want to propose, and deliberately waited for me to speak, right?"

Seeing the smile on Li Jun's face, Lei Yingdong laughed.

But the conversation between Li Jun and Lei Yingdong once again confused Lei Zhenhuan who was sitting next to him. 'Damn, what did you say? One or two of you kept it a secret. You think you have a good brain, right? '

"Mr. Lei, can you do one thing?"

Li Jun said to Lei Yingdong with a smile.

"Li kid, your matter is very troublesome."

The expression on Lei Yingdong's face was a smile.

"Two things, this is my limit."

Li Jun said slowly.


Seeing that Li Jun had stated his bottom line, Lei Yingdong nodded with satisfaction, and then continued, "Little Li, I'm really curious, to what extent you can push the foreigners this time."

"Mr. Lei, then please wait and see!"

Li Jun smiled slightly, and said slowly word by word.

After dealing with Lei Yingdong, Li Jun had all the chess pieces in his hand, and the next step was to force the foreigners into a dead end step by step, waiting for them to surrender...

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