Hong Kong Police Headquarters Building.

While the foreigners hadn't reacted yet, Zhou Xingxing continued to speak quickly: "Early this morning, Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Yan Liguo found me and told me that Brother Yi said that as long as I agreed to perjury, I would be promoted to Chief Inspector within a year, and none of the Flying Tigers in my group would be implicated in the arrest of Smith Swaya."

"To be honest, I wanted to directly refuse Deputy Commissioner Yan Liguo at that time, but I thought about it. If I refused him, he would definitely have other conspiracies. It's better to pretend to agree to him."

At this point, Zhou Xingxing looked at Yan Liguo and said loudly: "Commander Yan, I will officially answer you now. Not only me, but also more than 30 brothers in my group, we swore when we joined the police force that we would defend the justice of Hong Kong Island's laws and the freedom of the people with our lives."

"You foreigners who play with privileges, go eat shit!"


Zhou Xingxing's words immediately caused an uproar, and then

Papa ... "Director Mai, I understand."

As if awakened by Mai Renhao's words, Yan Liguo's eyes regained focus and he said loudly.

"Let's do it!"

Mai Renhao said slowly.

At this time, just as Mai Renhao and Yan Liguo thought, the most difficult moment for the Hong Kong Police Force has arrived.

When Zhou Xingxing finished speaking, not only did many reporters on the scene stand up and applaud him, but many Hong Kong citizens watching TV also stood up and applauded the inspector of the Flying Tigers.

For the sake of ideals and beliefs, knowing that his status and power are far inferior to the Commissioner of Police and the Deputy Commissioner of Police, but still dared to fight against the stone with an egg, such a person is a hero.

At this moment, the firewood has been completely prepared, and only a fire is needed to ignite the firewood and roast the foreigner.

At the top of Mount Kellett, in Li Zhan's villa.

"Ajun, don't tell me this is your handiwork?"

At this moment, Li Zhan looked at Li Jun with a shocked face, his tone full of disbelief.

"Some are, some are not, or it doesn't matter if you think they are all. In fact, what I do is just to remind all Hong Kong Islanders of their roots."

Li Jun turned his head to look at Li Zhan, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

Hearing Li Jun's words, Li Zhan took a breath of cold air. This is the real power struggle, playing with people's hearts, making people unconsciously willing to be his pawns.

Then, Li Jun picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Ahua, you can start the action."

After the call was connected, Li Jun said slowly.

As Li Jun hung up the phone, within ten minutes, hundreds of thousands of members of societies including Hongxing, Xinji, Number Gang, and Heliansheng almost came out in full force, and rushed to the streets in the name of supporting Zhou Xingxing and Huang Wenbin and fighting against the privileges of foreigners.

This move is the same as Li Jun's previous siege of the Hong Kong British government and the Governor's Mansion.

But the only difference is that at that time, the Hong Kong citizens who responded were still a minority, but this time...

"Director Mai, I just received a notice that nearly one million Hong Kong citizens have taken to the streets, demanding a thorough investigation of Smith and Shi Huaiya, and giving justice to Huang Wenbin, Zhou Xingxing and others."

Mai Renhao's secretary rushed into Mai Renhao's office and said loudly to Mai Renhao, who looked worried.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

Before Mai Renhao, whose face changed drastically, could speak, a phone rang.


Mai Renhao asked after picking up the phone.

"Director Mai, it's me, Peng Jiakang."

Peng Jiakang's voice came from the receiver.

After hearing Peng Jiakang's voice, Mai Renhao's face flashed with bitterness.

Even if Peng Jiakang didn't say anything, Mai Renhao guessed itThe Governor wanted to say something to him.

"Mr. Governor, what are your instructions?"

Even so, Mai Renhao still asked knowingly.

"Director Mai, you should know what instructions I have. Now nearly one million people are taking to the streets in Hong Kong Island. If our Hong Kong British high-level officials do not take action quickly, it is very likely to lead to extremely serious vicious incidents. At that time, it will be very difficult for you or me to get out of it unscathed."

"So, while the situation is still under control, I ask all of your Hong Kong Island police forces to go out and send all the groups home."

On the other end of the phone, although Peng Jiakang's face was still calm, the turbulent waves in his eyes had exposed his unstable state of mind at the moment.

No wonder Peng Jiakang's reaction was so big. Since the opening of Hong Kong Island, there has never been more than 1 million people. Now he is about to break this record. How can Peng Jiakang be calm?

"Okay, Mr. Governor, please rest assured that the police force will take action immediately and will never let the situation deteriorate further."

Without a moment's hesitation, Mai Renhao made a direct guarantee.

"Okay, Director Mai, I'll wait for your good news."

After saying this, Peng Jiakang hung up the phone directly.

Just after Peng Jiakang hung up the phone, Richard, the official of the Governor's Residence, immediately came up and whispered: "Governor, Sawers of MI6 wants to see you."

"Sawers, the deputy director of the Lion City Office?"

Hearing Richard's words, Peng Jiakang's eyes moved slightly and asked lightly.

"Yes, Governor."

Richard replied immediately.

"Okay, bring him to see me."

Peng Jiakang hesitated for a few seconds and said.

"Okay, Governor."

After Richard finished speaking, he turned and left.

On the other side.

Before Peng Jiakang talked to Mai Renhao.

The office of Zhuo Jingquan, director of the police force's operations department.

After the press conference in the early morning, Zhuo Jingquan regained his "freedom". After Zhou Xingxing denounced the Commissioner of Police Mai Yanhao and Deputy Commissioner Yan Liguo in front of everyone in Hong Kong Island, Zhuo Jingquan was completely shocked.

Almost all of this was controlled by the group behind him, and the process was almost exactly the same.

Zhuo Jingquan even thought that to achieve this, one must either be able to predict the future or be omniscient.

No matter which point, it was enough to convince Zhuo Jingquan.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Jingquan immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Da Lei, listen carefully, notify all brothers that no matter what order the foreigners issue today, the police are not allowed to go out. Do you understand?"

After the call was connected, Zhuo Jingquan shouted in a low voice.

"Okay, Zhuo Sir."

Da Lei on the other end of the phone was obviously Zhuo Jingquan's confidant, and he agreed without hesitation.

At the same time, Li Wenbin, head of the Criminal Division, and Lu Minghua, director of the Training Division, were both on the phone with their subordinates. The content of the call was the same as Zhuo Jingquan's. No matter what the foreigners ordered, they were not allowed to go out.

Of these two people, Li Wenbin was personally arranged by Li Jun, while Lu Minghua was supported by the north.

The three major forces of the police team joined forces, and it is conceivable what will happen next.

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