From the moment Han Bin and Longkong decided to follow the Jiang family, Thirteenth Sister's fate was doomed.

After killing Han Bin and Longkong, Li Jun would not have left Thirteenth Sister, the best friend of Han Bin, alive.

Thirteenth Sister told Han Bin not to go against Li Jun, but Han Bin did not listen, killing himself and Thirteenth Sister. It can only be said that fate is playing tricks on people.

After Thirteenth Sister's death, the Jiang family forces in Hongxing were almost wiped out.

Before Thirteenth Sister was killed, Hongxing's ancestral hall, Hongxing Jingwu Hall.

After receiving Li Jun's notice, all members of Hongxing at the level of big bottom and above rushed here.

This also caused the originally small hall to become very crowded.

Except for the twelve hall cover fit people like Sha Ji and Fatty Li who can sit, the rest of the people, even the ordinary hall cover fit people, have to stand.

"Hey, Aji, you are always well-informed. What happened tonight? Why did Li Jun call so many people here?"

Fatty Li approached Shaji and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I know something must happen tonight."

Shaji said seriously.

"Fuck you, you still want me to say something must happen tonight? Nothing happened. Is Li Jun too bored to call so many people to a meeting?"

Fatty Li was stunned when he saw Shaji's serious look. He tasted Shaji's words, then he came to his senses and got angry.

"No, Fatty Li, your fucking observation is too poor. See if there are fewer people?"

Shaji pointed to the somewhat empty Twelve Halls Fitting Area and said slowly.

"Something is indeed wrong. Let's not talk about Liang Kun, Da Fei, and Li Jun. Why didn't Big Brother B and Prince come?"

At this point, Fatty Li suddenly had a bold guess in his mind, "Aji, could it be that Big Brother B, Prince, Han Bin, and Dinosaur are openly fighting with Li Jun, so Li Jun wants to gather all the people in the club and suppress Big Brother B and others in the name of the club."

"Wow, so many people, don't leave after the meeting, I'll treat you to midnight snacks."

After Fatty Li finished his "bold guess", Sha Ji was about to speak when Liang Kun's iconic crow voice came into the ears of everyone present.

Then, Liang Kun, with a cocky look on his face, walked straight to his seat and sat down.

After Liang Kun sat down, Da Fei also walked into the club.

However, he did not move forward, but stopped and pulled the door, like a waiter.

Soon, a figure familiar to everyone present appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Jun!"

To everyone's surprise, Liang Kun was the first to jump up and greet Li Jun, just like a eunuch welcoming the emperor.

"Brother Jun!"

"Brother Jun!"

"Brother Jun!"

After being taken over by Liang Kun, the others present did not want to be outdone and greeted Li Jun one after another.

Li Jun nodded slightly to the Hongxing people, and then, in full view of the public, he once again sat on the seat that Jiang Tiansheng had originally been able to sit on.

At this moment, the eyes of all the Hongxing members present were focused on Li Jun. He was the only focus of the entire Hongxing Jingwu Hall at this moment. Everyone knew that he was not the leader, but he was better than the leader.

Hongxing ancestral hall, Hongxing Jingwu Hall.

Dozens of Hongxing's big bottoms, cover fit people, and the cover fit people of the twelve halls all looked at Li Jun, waiting for Li Jun to speak.

Li Jun first looked around at everyone present, and all those who were swept by Li Jun's eyes avoided Li Jun's gaze and did not dare to look at him.

Then, Li Jun slowly said: "Everyone present is the cornerstone of Hongxing. It can be said that without you, there would be no Hongxing Society today."

"Hongxing is built by all the predecessors and brothers of Hongxing over decades. It is our home."

Li Jun's opening remarks made everyone's face change slightly, and everyone seemed to realize what Li Jun was going to say next.

At this point, Li Jun's tone suddenly changed, becoming a little angry and a little sad: "I just received news that Ah B, Prince, Han Bin, and Dinosaur were ambushed by Dongxing people and all died."

'Kou Boom~'

Hearing Li Jun's words, everyone present, even Liang Kun, showed a look of shock on his face.

However, unlike others, others were shocked that the four twelve hall cover fit people of Hongxing were killed, while Liang Kun was shocked by Li Jun's ability to lie with his eyes open. This is definitely Zhao Gao in ancient times, pointing to a deer as a horse, it was obviously you who did it, but you blamed it on Dongxing, right?

This guy really thinks that everyone in Hongxing is a fool.Thinking of this, Liang Kun covered his face and lowered his head a little embarrassedly. At this moment, he realized that he was not as thick-skinned as Li Jun.

"Ah Jun!"

Sure enough, just as Liang Kun thought, some people in Hongxing did not believe it. After Li Jun's voice fell, Fatty Li immediately spoke.

"Uncle Li, do you have any instructions?"

The smile on Li Jun's face was very "warm", which made Fatty Li feel cold all over.

"It's okay, Ah Jun, you continue."

Fatty Li immediately chose to follow his heart, and he wanted to slap himself twice in his heart. Damn, dozens of people present didn't speak, only you, Fatty Li, were smart?

Li Jun smiled at Fatty Li, and then continued: "Everyone, when this happens, we Hongxing must give a strong counterattack, but there is a problem now. The leader position of our Hongxing is vacant. At this time, Hongxing must have a leader. "

Hearing Li Jun's words, Liang Kun, who had covered his face, immediately put down his hands and looked at Li Jun, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.

'Fuck his mother, I, Liang Kun, will take this position after all!'

Liang Kun was ecstatic.

Sure enough, Li Jun continued: "I propose that we choose the leader of Hongxing now, and then go to war with Dongxing!"

"I agree with Brother Jun."

After Li Jun's voice fell, Liang Kun was the first to jump out and raise his hand in agreement.

"I agree too."

As expected, Da Fei was the second to agree.

Then, Sha Ji, Fatty Li, Greyhound and others also raised their hands in agreement.

They have all seen that tonight is Li Jun's plan.

If they don't cooperate, the people of 'Dongxing' can kill Big Brother B, Prince, Han Bin and Dinosaur, or they can kill them.

"Since everyone agrees, let's start the election now. I recommend Liang Kun to be the leader of Hongxing. "

Li Jun looked at Liang Kun and said slowly.

"Brother Jun, you have made great contributions to the society, and you should be the leader."

Liang Kun quickly said modestly.

"Liang Kun, I am just a red stick. It is not legitimate for me to be the leader directly. Outsiders will laugh at us Hongxing. You have also made a lot of contributions to the society. You are the most suitable to be the leader."

Li Jun said with a smile.

In fact, after refusing once, Liang Kun was very nervous, fearing that Li Jun would take advantage of him and directly agree to let him be the leader.

Seeing that Li Jun still wanted him to be the leader, Liang Kun finally relaxed. He smiled and said, "Since Brother Jun said so, I will do it reluctantly."

"Fuck your mother, I haven't even raised my hand to vote, Liang Kun, you loser, and Li Jun have already been determined to be the leader, right? Fuck! "

Seeing Li Jun and Liang Kun talking to each other as if Liang Kun had already become the leader of Hongxing, Sha Ji cursed in his heart, and at the same time, he had a bright smile on his face: "Ah Jun, you are selfless and dedicated to the society. I, Ah Ji, admire you. I support Liang Kun to be the leader of Hongxing!"

Soon, with Li Jun's "recommendation", Liang Kun finally got his dream of sitting on the leader position.

What made Liang Kun feel a little unsatisfactory was that after he became the leader, Li Jun did not give up the position he was sitting in now.

However, Liang Kun did not dare to ask Li Jun to give up, and could only say to himself in his heart that he should come earlier next time to occupy that position, and Li Jun would naturally have to sit in another position.

"Everyone, now that Hongxing has a leader, it is time for us to settle accounts with Dongxing. Liang Kun, you are the leader now, what do you think we should do? "

Li Jun looked at Liang Kun and said slowly.


Hearing Li Jun's words, Liang Kun was slightly stunned.

As an eyewitness, he naturally knew who killed Big Brother B, Prince and others, and he didn't want to go to war with Dongxing from the bottom of his heart.

If in the past, when Hongxing and Dongxing went to war, he was just a cover, he could shirk his strength.

But now he is the leader, how can he shirk his strength?

However, the opponent is Dongxing, which is one of the six major societies in Hong Kong Island together with Hongxing, and in recent years, under the leadership of Camel, it has been thriving and its strength has already surpassed Hongxing.

Going to war with such a society, Liang Kun's family fortune accumulated by selling flour for many years will be 100% wiped out.

Thinking of this, Liang Kun slowly said: "Ajun, according to the rules, before the society goes to war, it must issue a war notice and the leaders must meet. I am now the leader of Hongxing. I think I should first ask Camel to meet and then officially start the war. What do you think? ”

“No problem, Liangkun, you are the leader now, everything is up to you.”

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