He never expected that Li Jun would force the Governor and the British high-ranking officials to this point so quickly.

"If he didn't have this ability, he wouldn't have come to me on his own initiative."

Unlike his son, Lei Yingdong's face was much calmer, but if you look closely at his eyes, you can still see a little ripple. Obviously, Lei Yingdong's heart at this moment is not as calm as his face.

"Father, should we..."

Before Lei Zhenhuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lei Yingdong: "No hurry, there is no news from Li Jun, which means we don't need to take action here for the time being."

"But, father, the foreigners have already sent out the army. What tricks does Li Jun have to resist the foreigners' army? Will he go down himself?"

Hearing his father's words, Lei Zhenhuan's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Go down in person? Zhenhuan, in this situation, even you can't go down in person. How could Li Jun do such a stupid thing? It seems that there is no solution for the foreigner to send out the army, but as long as he makes a move, it means that the foreigner has revealed a flaw."

Lei Yingdong smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Father, what flaw did the foreigner reveal?"

Although he was demoted by his father again, Lei Zhenhuan didn't care at all. He just wanted to know what Li Jun would do now.

After hearing his son's question, Lei Yingdong didn't rush to answer. Instead, he poured the brewed tea into the teacup, took a sip, and then looked up at Lei Zhenhuan and said lightly: "I don't know either."

Lei Zhenhuan felt a little speechless now.

"Zhenhuan, what you need to do now is to restrain your curiosity and take a good look at Li Jun's next move. Remember, to achieve great things, you must first be able to keep calm..."

Lei Yingdong said slowly.

"Okay, father, I know what you mean."

Seeing this, Lei Zhenhuan could only sit next to his father and began to pour tea.

"Zhenhuan, we are Li Jun's killer move. We must use it at the most critical moment. Li Jun can keep his composure, and we must keep our composure even more."

Seeing that his son's mind was still not settled, Lei Yingdong gave a small hint.

"Father, what do you mean..."

Hearing Lei Yingdong's words, Lei Zhenhuan's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of something, and looked up at Lei Yingdong.

But Lei Zhenhuan was interrupted by Lei Yingdong before he finished speaking: "Zhenhuan, watch carefully, the real drama has just begun!"

Half an hour later.

Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters Building.

Just as Lei Yingdong said, the real drama has just begun.

Office of the Commissioner of Police.

Mai Renhao, with a gloomy face, was standing by the window, looking at the dense crowd downstairs.

The entire Hong Kong Island, including the Governor's Residence, the Hong Kong British Government Residence, the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters Building and other important departments, are already surrounded by people.

The only thing that makes Mai Renhao feel fortunate is that the emotions of these citizens are relatively stable at present and there is no radical behavior. They just put forward two demands to the Hong Kong British high-level officials.

The first is to make the case involving Smith-Schweiler public, and absolutely not allow favoritism and abuse of power;

The second is to severely punish the Deputy Commissioner of Police Yan Liguo and the Commissioner of Police Mai Renhao who threatened Zhou Xingxing.

In fact, the Hong Kong British high-level officials can do the first demand with gritted teeth. Before, the scene was not big, and Smith-Schweiler was saved as much as possible. Now that it is so big, they don't care about the face of the four major foreign companies. It doesn't matter if Smith-Schweiler is sent directly to jail.

The most critical thing is the second demand. Dealing with Yan Liguo is easy, but dealing with the Commissioner of Police has already touched the bottom line of the Hong Kong British high-level officials, and they can't give in anyway.

Otherwise, if the Commissioner of Police is changed this time, will the Chief Secretary for Administration be changed next time, and the Governor of Hong Kong will be changed next time?

"Knock, knock, knock~"

"Commissioner Mai, it's me."

Just as Mai Renhao was staring at the crowd downstairs in a daze, a knock on the door sounded, and along with the knock on the door, the voice of his secretary also came into Mai Renhao's ears.

"Come in."

Mai Renhao said lightly.

As Mai Renhao's voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open.

Mai Renhao turned his head and saw a bald foreigner in a brigadier general's uniform standing next to his secretary.

The moment he saw this foreigner in military uniform, a hint of joy flashed in Mai Renhao's eyes.

"General Pike, I finally waited for you to come."

After Peng Jiakang announced that Hong Kong Island was in a state of emergency, he immediately contacted Mai Renhao and told him that the new commander of the Eagle Country's army stationed in Hong Kong Island would bring troops to assist him and regain the command of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.Power.

Mai Renhao spent half an hour looking forward to Parker's arrival.

"Director Mai, since you know me, I won't waste time introducing myself. The situation is urgent, so I'll be brief."

Parker acted like a soldier and spoke very decisively. "This time, I will bring out all 1,500 Eagle Country native soldiers and 6,000 Gurkha soldiers in Stanley Barracks. You, Director Mai, will be in charge of how to use them and where to use them. The order given to me by the Governor is to help you regain the command of the Hong Kong Island Police Force by any means."

Obviously, because of the soldiers' incredible performance when Li Jun sent people to attack Stanley Barracks, Parker did not bring the soldiers out to perform the mission.

"Okay, okay, okay, General Pike, with your support, we will win this time."

After hearing Pike's words, Mai Renhao finally showed a smile on his face. After saying this, Mai Renhao pondered for a moment before continuing: "General Pike, there is an old saying that to capture a thief, you must first capture the king. What you will do next..."

Mai Renhao slowly and carefully told Pike his plan.

"Okay, Director Mai, my people will act collectively in half an hour."

After listening to Mai Renhao's words, Pike nodded slightly and said lightly.

But what Mai Renhao didn't know was that everything that happened next would exceed his imagination.

This will be the first and only military-police war in Hong Kong Island, just like the police-ICAC war, it will be recorded in the history of Hong Kong Island...

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