However, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and Hu Yingxing were silent and did not respond to Li Bancheng's words.

The four people present actually understood the little thoughts of the foreigners. They were just worried that these foreign-loving dogs would break free from their dog leashes when they became stronger, so they specially tightened the dog leashes.

Saving the Taikoo Group was just a reason. The purpose was to drain the cash flow of the four major real estate companies, force the four major real estate companies to continue to borrow from HSBC and Standard Chartered, and bind the four major real estate companies to the two major banks at a deeper level.

You know, the four major real estate companies seem to have a total profit of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars each year, but nearly half of them are actually contributed to HSBC and Standard Chartered.

On the surface, the real estate of Hong Kong Island was hyped up by the people of Hong Kong Island themselves, but in fact, most of the real estate developers are spokespersons for the foreign banks. These foreigners sucked blood from everyone in Hong Kong Island through real estate, and they were very happy.

Li Zhaoji and others didn't even need to think about it to know what was waiting for them next.

As for Li Bancheng?

In the eyes of Li Zhaoji and others, the reason why Li Bancheng was able to develop so fast and even surpass others was that he sold his ass more thoroughly. Li Zhaoji and others could still talk about mutual cooperation and mutual use with the foreigners, while Li Bancheng was already a thorough spokesperson for the interests of the foreigners.

This is also the reason why the meeting tonight was held in Li Bancheng's villa.

"Acheng, I understand what you mean. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After Li Bancheng finished speaking, Guo Desheng was the first to speak.

"Mr. Guo, please go."

Hearing Guo Desheng's words, Li Bancheng's eyes moved slightly, and then he spoke slowly.

Soon, Guo Desheng, Li Zhaoji, and Hu Yingxing left Li Bancheng's villa one after another.

After the three left, a bald foreigner walked out of the room, walked in front of Li Bancheng, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, it can be seen that these people don't seem to be very happy."

This bald foreigner is Shen Bi, the general manager of HSBC.

It was also because of Shen Bi's strong support for Li Bancheng against all odds that Li Bancheng became the number one real estate developer in Hong Kong Island.

"Manager Shen, I can understand them. If you can walk on your own, who would want to be dragged by someone with broken legs?"

Li Bancheng said calmly.

"Mr. Li, it seems that you also have a lot of resentment?"

After hearing what Li Bancheng said, Shen Bi looked at Li Bancheng and said with a smile.

"Manager Shen, I have no choice now, don't I?"

Li Bancheng shrugged and said calmly.

"Yes, not only you have no choice, but the three of them have no choice either. The Swire Group cannot afford to lose. It may not be named Shi Huaiya, but it must not fall into the hands of Hong Kong Islanders."

Shen Bi said slowly.

"Manager Shen, I really want to know why?"

Li Bancheng looked at Shen Bi and asked calmly.

"Mr. Li, it's better for you not to know."

Shen Bi glanced at Li Bancheng and said calmly.

On the other side, in a room next to the banquet hall on the fifth floor of Mengzhi Club.

"Mr. Li, when are you going to take action against Taikoo Foreign Exchange?"

He Dong looked at Li Jun sitting in front of him and asked slowly.

Like He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai also looked at Li Jun, waiting for Li Jun's answer.

"He Family Master, this question should not be asked by you, but by me. I have created all the conditions for you, and I am waiting for you to attack Taikoo Foreign Exchange in the stock market."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Mr. Li, everything you have done is indeed admirable, but it is still not enough. Taikoo Foreign Exchange has been operating in Hong Kong Island for more than 100 years. Not to mention that the foreigners will definitely protect it, but its own foundation and strength are already strong enough."

He Dong looked at Li Jun and said slowly.

"He Family Master, tomorrow the police will announce the evidence that Smith-Schweiya manipulated the stock market and assisted foreign forces in money laundering. I think once this evidence is made public, your concerns should be much less."

Li Jun said with a smile.

Hearing Li Jun's words, He Dong, Guo Yongnian, and Li Peicai exchanged glances with each other, and then He Dong smiled and said: "Mr. Li, since you have made arrangements, we have no concerns. We will start as soon as the good news you said arrives."

"Okay, Mr. He, Mr. Guo, Mr. Li, then I look forward to your performance tomorrow."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

Next, He Dong, Guo Yongnian, and Li Peicai exchanged a few words with Li Jun before saying goodbye and leaving.

After He Dong and the other two left, Li Jun immediately picked up the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Jianjun, the few people who met with the landlordThe guy said that we can start trading the stocks of Swire Group. "

After the call was connected, Li Jun said calmly.

"Understood! "

Wang Jianjun's voice came out from the receiver.

After hearing Wang Jianjun's answer, Li Jun immediately hung up the phone and walked towards the door of the room.

This time, Li Jun not only wanted to cheat Taikoo, but also He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai. Li Jun did not intend to let them go. If he did not slaughter the fat sheep that came to his door, Li Jun himself would feel unforgivable.

Again, if He Dong, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai wanted to take advantage of Li Jun, they should also be prepared to be taken advantage of by Li Jun.

Most people in Hong Kong Island do not know that today's "Police Force Battle" is only the first climax of this storm in Hong Kong Island, and its second climax will begin tomorrow in the stock market of Hong Kong Island.

And this night stuck in these two climaxes will not be peaceful either.

"Mr. Xu, Brother Zhiyong, Uncle Deng, I heard that you have been waiting for me? "

As soon as Li Jun left the room, Mengna came up and told Li Jun that Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei were waiting for him in another room.

So, this is how Li Jun met the three.

"Ajun, you are no longer the same as before. You are the leader of our Hong Kong Island underworld alliance and represent our entire Hong Kong Island underworld. It is our duty to wait for you."

Xu Huayan immediately said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Mr. Xu, I feel a little embarrassed to hear you say that. I have to thank you three for your help today. Otherwise, things would not be so smooth."

Li Jun laughed.

"Ajun, you are the leader of the underworld now. Of course, we have to listen to you when you speak. However, many people from each of our societies have been dispatched today. In fact, the brothers below have some complaints."

The smile on Xu Huayan's face became brighter and brighter.

"Mr. Xu, I understand what you mean. "

Li Jun smiled and nodded to Xu Huayan, then looked at Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei, and continued to ask: "Brother Zhiyong, Uncle Deng, do you and Mr. Xu have the same idea?"

"Ajun, it would be hypocritical for me to say otherwise, but now my younger brothers are getting smarter and smarter, and it is indeed much more difficult to get them to do something than before."

Zhang Zhiyong also said with a smile.

"Ajun, you should also know a little about our situation with Liansheng. Even if I want to do something, I have to pay my younger brothers to do it. There is no other way."

Uncle Deng also sighed.

The purpose of the three people coming to Li Jun this time is very obvious, that is, to get benefits.

"Mr. Xu, Brother Zhiyong, Uncle Deng, what you said makes sense, and the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. Otherwise, how about this, you will do a statistics in the society, and then send the money to me. After I review it, I will give you the money. What do you think? "

Li Jun looked at Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei and said with a smile.

Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei exchanged glances again, and Xu Huayan said again: "Okay, Mr. Li, we promise you."

For Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei, what they valued was not how much money Li Jun paid, but whether Li Jun would give in.

And the answer Li Jun gave them made the three of them very satisfied.

But at this moment, Xu Huayan, Zhang Zhiyong and Deng Wei did not know what was waiting for them...

Office of Li Wenbin, Director of the Criminal Department, Police Headquarters Building.

"Old Li, let me introduce you to the rising star of our Criminal Intelligence Department, Liu Jianming, who I told you about before."

Liang Wenfeng pointed to Liu Jianming standing next to him and said to Li Wenbin with a smile.

"Hello, Minister Li, I am Liu Jianming, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Department of the Kowloon Region. "

After Liang Wenfeng's voice fell, Liu Jianming immediately greeted Li Wenbin.

Although almost everyone in the police force knew that Li Wenbin was about to be promoted to Deputy Commissioner of Police, he was still the head of the Criminal Department, so a large-scale operation like New World must be commanded and coordinated by him, the highest officer of the Criminal Department.

"Liu Jianming, I know you. Superintendent Liang has recommended you to the Police Department to be promoted to the head of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau of the Kowloon Region. You must not let Superintendent Liang down."

After Liu Jianming introduced himself, Li Wenbin looked at Liu Jianming and spoke slowly.

Because he was about to be promoted to Deputy Commissioner in charge of the management department, Li Wenbin needed to place his confidants in the Criminal Department so that he could remotely control the Criminal Department.

After all, the Criminal Department is Li Wenbin's base in the police force. The heads of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Liang Wenfeng, and the Criminal Investigation Bureau are all good friends of Li Wenbin, not to mention the head of O Ji, who is Li Wenbin's old subordinate. This is basicallyThe plan must not be lost.

Therefore, future stars of the Criminal Division like Liu Jianming are also the focus of Li Wenbin's efforts.

"Minister Li, I know that I will not let down Superintendent Liang and your cultivation."

Liu Jianming also very tactfully put Li Wenbin on the list of thanks.

Hearing Liu Jianming's words, Li Wenbin nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Sir Liu, I have read your action plan. The timing tonight is good, but it is indeed a bit hasty. Are you sure that the undercovers under your command can successfully complete the mission?"

"Minister Li, the undercovers in the Crouching Tiger Operation are all carefully selected by me. Their abilities are beyond doubt. As long as our police force gives them some space tonight, they will definitely be able to complete the mission."

Liu Jianming said with a firm face.

"Liu Sir, since Superintendent Liang believes in you, then I naturally believe in you too. Tonight, the entire Criminal Division, including O, CID, NB (Narcotics Investigation Division), all departments will fully cooperate with the New World' operation."

After taking a deep look at Liu Jianming, Li Wenbin slowly spoke.

He fully supports Liu Jianming and has his own plans. Li Wenbin knows very well that the cooperation between him and Li Jun has come to an end, and the two will definitely have conflicts in the future.

If all the major societies in Hong Kong Island except Hongxing can be controlled by the police force and in the hands of Li Wenbin, it is obviously good news for Li Wenbin.

But Li Wenbin never dreamed that everything he did tonight was to help Li Jun.

"Thank you, Minister Li!"

Liu Jianming put his legs together and thanked Li Wenbin loudly.

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