"Director Chen, can you tell me why there are so many of you foreigners in a Cantonese restaurant like Yuedong Restaurant?"

Unlike Chen Taoran's tone, Li Jun's tone was full of smiles.

However, although Chen Taoran's tone was cold, people could hear that he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, while Li Jun's tone was full of smiles, but it made people feel creepy and their hair stood on end.

For example, Chen Taoran on the other end of the phone, after hearing what Li Jun said, his face, which was already extremely ugly, became uglier than his mother's death.

At this moment, Chen Taoran completely understood that MI6 had lost, and lost very thoroughly, even the bodies were seized by Li Jun.

Chen Taoran also understood that once Li Jun exposed the identities of these bodies, what would the entire Hong Kong Island react to.

MI6 is the intelligence agency of Eagle Country, which is currently the sovereign of Hong Kong Island. However, people from MI6 have caused such a terrorist attack in Hong Kong Island. Once this matter is reported, it will be a huge shock to Eagle Country and the high-level officials of Hong Kong and Britain.

Especially the high-level officials of Hong Kong and Britain, who not only have to face the anger of the citizens of Hong Kong Island, but also the pressure from international public opinion, especially the pressure from the north.

If this matter is really confirmed, the north can even forcibly take back Hong Kong Island on the grounds that the high-level officials of Hong Kong and Britain planned the terrorist attack behind the scenes and destroyed the stability of Hong Kong Island.

In that case, it will be a disaster for both the Hong Kong and British governments.

Thinking of this, Chen Taoran's back has been wet with cold sweat, and his forehead is also full of cold sweat. The seriousness of this matter has even exceeded the upper limit of what he, the Acting Commissioner of Police, can handle.

Fuck, he didn't kill anyone, and left such a big hidden danger. What a waste!

Chen Taoran greeted the people from MI6 in his heart and said, "Li Jun, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, Director Chen, you foreigners let me see such an explosive scene and gave me such a powerful gift. We Chinese are most particular about reciprocity, so I naturally have to return the favor to you foreigners."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Li Jun, I advise you not to be impulsive, otherwise you will definitely regret it!"

At this moment, Chen Taoran was a little confused and didn't know what to say. He could only say something to threaten Li Jun.

"Hahahaha, Director Chen, I am not as impulsive as you foreigners, but I don't know what punishment you will get for your impulsiveness this time?"

Li Jun laughed.

But in Li Jun's laughter, Chen Taoran only felt the chill to his bones.

After a few seconds of silence, Chen Taoran slowly said, "Li Jun, tell me what you want."

At this moment, Chen Taoran understood that he had no choice but to give in to Li Jun.

"Director Chen, please tell the Governor that such a big thing happened in Central, and someone among you foreigners must take responsibility. If you don't take the initiative, then I can only take the initiative for you."

Li Jun said with a smile.

"Okay, Li Jun, I will definitely tell the Governor of Hong Kong."

After listening to Li Jun's words, Chen Taoran hesitated for a long time before slowly speaking.

"By the way, Director Chen, the Governor of Hong Kong will pass on the gift I gave you to you. I hope you will like it when the time comes."

After Li Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Chen Taoran to speak again.

"Beep beep~"

On the other end of the phone, Chen Taoran hung up after hearing the busy tone from the receiver. After thinking for a few seconds, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"I am Chen Taoran. Send someone to check the situation at Yuedong Restaurant immediately. Report to me immediately after you get any news."

After the call was connected, Chen Taoran spoke directly.

After saying this, Chen Taoran hung up the phone and leaned heavily on the back of his chair.

A few minutes later.

"Ring ring ring~"

A phone rang.


After Chen Taoran picked up the phone, he only said one word and remained silent, but his face became uglier and uglier.

A few minutes later.

Chen Taoran, whose face turned extremely livid, did not speak and hung up the phone directly. After thinking for several seconds, he dialed the number of the Governor's residence.

"Hello, I am Chen Taoran, Acting Commissioner of Police. I have something very important to talk to the Governor."

After the call was connected, Chen Taoran spoke immediately.

"Okay, Director Chen, please wait."

A woman's voice came from the receiver.

After a few dozen seconds.

"Director Chen, what do you want to talk to me about?"

The voice of Governor Peng Jiakang came from the receiver.

"GovernorSir, MI6's operation in Central failed. Li Jun just called me directly and told me. "

Chen Taoran recounted the conversation between him and Li Jun in detail to Peng Jiakang.

On the other end of the phone, after listening to Chen Taoran's words, Peng Jiakang's face turned extremely pale. After a long silence, he said: "Director Chen, can you confirm that what Li Jun said is true?"

"Mr. Governor, I have sent people to check, but..."

Speaking of this, Chen Taoran paused slightly, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face, "Mr. Governor, although I also hope it is false, the situation is the same as Li Jun said, it has reached the worst point."

After listening to Chen Taoran's words, Peng Jiakang fell into a long silence again. After several minutes, he continued to say: "Director Chen, you just said that Li Jun asked you to tell me that someone in the high-level British Hong Kong must come out to take responsibility, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Governor. "

Chen Taoran replied immediately.

"Director Chen, please make an appointment with Li Jun for me and tell him that I want to talk to him in person."

After hearing Chen Taoran's affirmative answer, Peng Jiakang spoke slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong."

Chen Taoran nodded immediately.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Chen. "

Peng Jiakang hung up the phone after saying this.



Peng Jiakang, who claimed to be an upper-class gentleman, slammed his fist on the desk, shocking Richard who was standing behind him.

Peng Jiakang never dreamed that he would suffer such a big loss in such a small place as Hong Kong Island.

Before he took office, he never thought that things in Hong Kong Island would be so difficult. In Peng Jiakang's opinion, he wanted to be the finance minister, foreign minister or even prime minister of the Eagle Country, and coming to Hong Kong Island was a serious waste of talent.

As a result, in Hong Kong Island, Li Jun slapped him hard and told him that you can't even do the job of the governor of Hong Kong!


After venting, Peng Jiakang regained his composure and shouted.

"Governor, I'm here. "

Richard responded immediately.

"After Li Jun arrives at the Governor's residence, you take people to find Chen Taoran. After receiving my notice, you tell Chen Taoran that the British Hong Kong senior officials need him to make the final contribution to the Queen. If he is willing to take the initiative to be decent, it would be the best. If he is not willing to take the initiative to be decent, you should help him to be decent."

Peng Jiakang said slowly, word by word.

"Mr. Governor, you..."

Hearing Peng Jiakang's words, Richard's eyes flashed with a trace of shock. He never expected that Peng Jiakang would do this.

However, Richard was interrupted by Peng Jiakang before he finished speaking, "Richard, Li Jun could have contacted me directly, but he asked Chen Taoran to help him pass the message. This meaning is actually very obvious. Chen Taoran can't understand it, but you should be able to understand it. "

"But, Mr. Governor, there is no need to use that kind of means. After all, Chen Taoran is the Commissioner of Police and an absolute senior figure among our British Hong Kong senior officials. Isn't it a bit too much to use such means on him? "

Richard expressed his opinion.

"Li Jun asked Chen Taoran to take the gift from me because he knew that no matter whether it was the British Hong Kong senior officials or me, the Governor of Hong Kong, they needed someone who would not refute to take responsibility. Only the dead would not refute anything, and the gift Li Jun gave to Chen Taoran was death."

Peng Jiakang said faintly.

Then, without waiting for Richard to speak, Peng Jiakang continued: "After Chen Taoran's death, the Hong Kong Island Police Force will be completely under the control of Li Jun, and our British Hong Kong senior officials will no longer be able to exert the slightest influence on the Hong Kong Island Police Force. "

Speaking of this, Peng Jiakang smiled bitterly, his eyes full of frustration.

This time, in dealing with Li Jun, not only was MI6 completely wiped out, but even the Hong Kong Island Police Force would be completely owned by Li Jun. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as losing both the wife and the army.

But Peng Jiakang didn't know that this was just the beginning. In the following time, he, the last Governor of Hong Kong, would have to endure many times of frustration until the British high-level officials in Hong Kong completely fell.

On the other side, after being hung up by Peng Jiakang, Chen Taoran pondered for a few minutes, then picked up the mobile phone and dialed Li Jun's number.

"Li Jun, I am Chen Taoran, the Commissioner of Police."

This time, in order to avoid being humiliated by Li Jun, Chen Taoran directly reported his name and position.

"Director Chen, I know you are the Commissioner of Police, no need to emphasize it."

It is obvious that Li Jun has ten thousand ways to tease Chen Taoran.

Chen Taoran took a few deep breaths and suppressed his anger beforeHe said, "Li Jun, the Governor wants to see you and have a chat with you in person."

"No problem, I will go to the Governor's Mansion to see him in person."

After hearing Chen Taoran's words, Li Jun showed a bright smile on his face.

Half an hour later.

A Mercedes-Benz car stopped at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

"Asan, go tell the Governor that Li Jun is here."

Li Jun said to Asan who was guarding the gate.

After hearing Li Jun's words, Asan's eyes showed a trace of anger. The Chinese who came here, no matter what their status, were polite to him, and no one was as arrogant as Li Jun.

However, although he was very angry, Asan still said respectfully, "Mr. Li, please wait a moment, Mr. Richard will come to pick you up in person soon."

Because Asan, who was guarding the Governor's Mansion, had already been notified, as long as someone named Li Jun arrived, he would immediately notify Richard, the officer of the Governor's Mansion.

Soon, Richard, dressed in a suit and tie, walked to Li Jun's car and said to Li Jun respectfully, "Mr. Li, I am Richard, the official in charge of the Governor's Residence. The Governor is already waiting for you in his office. Please follow me."

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