"Superintendent Liang, whether you believe it or not, I still respect Director Li very much. From the beginning, I had no intention to harm him, but..."

At this point, Li Jun shook his head helplessly.

Faced with Li Jun's words, Liang Wenfeng was speechless. Now Li Wenbin is dead. No matter how you die, Li Wenbin can't jump out of the coffin to refute.

"Superintendent Liang, I hope you learn from Director Li's lesson, don't think about it anymore, and don't make it difficult for me."

Li Jun looked at Liang Wenfeng who was silent. Although his tone was calm, Liang Wenfeng felt a chill on his back and his hair stood up. He quickly replied, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I won't make it difficult for you at all."

"That's good, Superintendent Liang, it's getting late, have dinner with me, and I'll ask the manager of Mengzhi Club to get you a membership later. If you have time in the future, come here to relax your body and mind. It will be good for your work."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

Hearing Li Jun's words, Liang Wenfeng's eyes flashed with a trace of entanglement. After a few seconds, he said: "Mr. Li, there is another thing I want to tell you, which is also a way to show you our sincerity."

"Oh? Superintendent Liang, what is it?"

Li Jun looked at Liang Wenfeng and asked curiously.

"Mr. Li, half a year ago, our Criminal Intelligence Department took the lead in implementing a plan called Crouching Tiger, sending some police officers to various major societies in Hong Kong Island as undercover."

"The Crouching Tiger plan was very successful, so some time ago, our Criminal Intelligence Department continued to lead an operation called New World."

"Mr. Li, you should know that the main leaders of Hongxing, Number Gang, and Liansheng were assassinated a few days ago. These things are our police force's New World Operation."

Liang Wenfeng directly told Li Jun the bottom of the Criminal Intelligence Department. He believed that this news would definitely be valued by Li Jun.

However, Liang Wenfeng never dreamed that Li Jun was the real planner of these two actions, and even the names of the two actions were given by Li Jun.

As the real boss behind the scenes, Li Jun smiled and said to Liang Wenfeng: "Superintendent Liang, the two things you told me are very helpful to me. If I need it in the future, I will contact you and ask you for help."

Obviously, Li Jun did not intend to let Liang Wenfeng know who the real planner of the two actions was.

"Okay, Mr. Li."

Liang Wenfeng smiled and nodded in response, feeling slightly relieved.

The things that Li Wenbin used to lure Li Jun into the trap finally played a little surplus value.

"Let's go, Superintendent Liang, the food is almost cold."

Li Jun looked at Liang Wenfeng with a very bright smile on his face.

At the same time, in an apartment building in Central, Hong Kong Island.

"Director Zhuo, I can feel that you have been very distant from me recently. Is it because you have been promoted to deputy director and feel that I am useless, or because you have a new partner?" Huo Tianren looked at Zhuo Jingquan in front of him and asked. "Professor Huo, you think too much. I am the same as before, and there is no change." Zhuo Jingquan immediately denied it. Although he is now working with Li Jun, he still needs Huo Tianren to fool the middle-level police officers for him to expand his influence in the police force. "Director Zhuo, don't forget that I am a doctor of psychology." Huo Tianren looked at Zhuo Jingquan deeply, as if he wanted to see through the new deputy director of the police department in front of him. "Professor Huo, I can only tell you that my beliefs have not changed at all." Zhuo Jingquan was a little scared by Huo Tianren's look, and immediately defended himself. "Director Zhuo, what is your belief?" Huo Tianren said faintly. "Professor Huo, there is no fairness in Hong Kong Island ruled by foreigners. If we want fairness, we must break the rule of foreigners. This concept has never changed in my mind." Zhuo Jingquan looked at Huo Tianren and said slowly, word by word. "Okay, very good, Director Zhuo, I am very pleased that you still think so." Huo Tianren said slowly. Then, Huo Tianren said a few more words to Zhuo Jingquan, and Zhuo Jingquan said goodbye and left. After Zhuo Jingquan left, the door of a room in the apartment was opened, and then Zhang Wenyao, Mo Weichen and three other police superintendents walked out of the room. "Zhuo Jingquan, he betrayed our ideals." Huo Tianren looked at Zhang Wenyao and others and said faintly. "Professor Huo, what should we do now?" Zhang Wenyao asked immediately after hearing Huo Tianren's words. "Zhuo Jingquan is now the Deputy Commissioner of Police, which is very important to us. Since he has noIf we fall out, then there is no need for us to fall out with him. "

Huo Tianren said slowly.

"Understood, then Professor Huo, shall we still follow Zhuo Jingquan as before?"

Zhang Wenyao continued to ask the letter.

"Well, I am doing a big thing now. Before this big thing is done, you should temporarily obey Zhuo Jingquan's orders and don't expose yourself." Huo Tianren nodded in response.

Hearing Huo Tianren's words, Zhang Wenyao's eyes moved slightly, pretending to ask casually: "Professor Huo, I don't know what big thing you are doing?"

After Zhang Wenyao's voice fell, Huo Tianren looked at Zhang Wenyao deeply, and then said lightly: "It is related to ICAC, don't ask anything else."

"Okay, Professor Huo."

Hearing the four letters ICAC, Zhang Wenyao's face changed slightly, and he bowed his head and responded.

"Hey, Hong Kong Island is changing too fast, and we must speed up! "

Huo Tianren sighed lightly, and then continued to speak slowly, word by word.

The next day, morning.

Ring, ring, ring~

A phone call woke Li Jun up.

This time, before Li Jun reached out to take the mobile phone, Mengna, who was sleeping next to him, had already put the mobile phone next to Li Jun's ear.

"Jun, it's me."

Li Zhan's voice came out from the receiver.

"Uncle Zhan, what do you want?"

Li Jun asked with a smile.

"Jun, didn't I tell you before that I owed someone a life-saving friendship? Now that person has found me again and wants me to be a middleman to meet you and have a chat."

Li Zhan said a little embarrassedly on the other end of the phone.

"Hahaha, Uncle Zhan, which Hong Kong boss wants to see me? "

Li Jun neither agreed nor refused, but asked Li Zhan who he wanted to see.

"Li Zhaoji from Zhaoji Real Estate, he is waiting for you in my villa now. If you want to meet him, come to my villa. If you don't want to meet him, just say it directly, no need to give me face."

Li Zhan answered.

Since selling the injured Champa International, Li Zhan has basically been focusing on Li Jun. Basically, he does whatever Li Jun arranges him to do. Between the two, it seems that Li Jun is the elder and Li Zhan is the younger.

"Uncle Zhan, of course I have to give you face. Let Mr. Li wait, I will be there soon."

After hearing that the person who wanted to see him was Li Zhaoji, Li Jun showed a bright smile on his face.

Li Jun had already expected that Li Zhaoji would see him, otherwise wouldn't his three file bags be given away in vain?

"Okay, Jun. "

After Li Zhan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Beep beep~"

After hearing the busy tone from the receiver, Li Jun also hung up the phone, threw the mobile phone aside, and prepared to get up and put on his clothes.

"Brother Jun, Li Zetian from the Li family asked you to have lunch today at noon, saying that he wanted to introduce you to a heavyweight. "

Seeing that Li Jun was about to leave, Mona immediately told him the information she had not had time to tell him last night.

There was no way. Li Jun was like a human aphrodisiac to Mona. As long as she was alone in a room with Li Jun, she could not help wanting him.

And Mona was indeed a natural beauty. Although her physical fitness was far inferior to Huang Xiaoqi's, her combat power was not weaker than Huang Xiaoqi's at all. She could deal with Li Jun in normal mode by herself.

She could even provide good service to Li Jun the next morning.

Of course, this was also because Li Jun did not go all out. Otherwise, with his extra physique, even if Mona and Huang Xiaoqi joined forces, they would be defeated.

"Okay, I got it. Tell Li Zetian that I will be there at noon. "

Li Jun nodded slightly and said with a smile.

He was also a little curious about who the heavyweight person Li Zetian was talking about.

After that, Li Jun turned and left the room.

After Li Jun left, Mengna also put on her clothes, restored her dignified elegance during the day, slowly walked out of the room, and started her new day's work.

On the other side.

In Li Zhan's villa in Mount Kadoorie.

"Lao Zhao, my son-in-law agreed to meet you."

After putting down the phone, Li Zhan looked at Li Zhaoji who was sitting on the sofa not far away and said.

"Thank you, A Zhan."

Li Zhaoji showed a grateful smile on his face.

"Thank you, there's no need. If it wasn't for you, I would have died in Shenshuiwa. I'll just repay you for your favor. But now we have different paths and can't make plans together. If there's nothing to do in the future, you'd better not come to me. "

Li Zhan said calmly.

"Zhan, in fact, sometimes I wonder if my original choice was wrong. If I had not agreed to the loan from HSBC, would everything be different now? "

HearingLi Zhaoji said with emotion.

"Lao Zhao, if you don't accept that loan, you are not Lao Zhao, just like if I accepted that loan from HSBC, I would not be Li Zhan."

Li Zhan said lightly.

"Yes, at first I thought that business was business, and it was all business behavior. Even if I took a little bank loan from the foreigners, it would be fine. I could just pay off the loan when I made money. But I got deeper and deeper into trouble. In the end, I couldn't get rid of the foreigners at all. I even had to discuss with the foreigners about what land to get and what houses to build."

"In the eyes of outsiders, I am one of the four major real estate developers in Hong Kong Island, but I don't know how aggrieved I am. I am not as good as your Champa International. Although the location I got is not that good, at least I can do whatever I want and use my money however I want."

Li Zhaoji seemed to pour out all the grievances he had suffered from the foreigners, and his tone was very excited.

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