Just as He Dong said, neither Li Peicai nor Guo Yongnian completely trusted Li Jun, or rather, they trusted the foreigners more. After all, the foreigners had ruled Hong Kong Island for so many years, and their image as the god of war had long been deeply rooted.

The reason why they agreed to cooperate with Li Jun was that they really wanted to try whether Li Jun could cause any trouble to the foreigners and let them profit from it. Secondly, it was because of the He family. If Li Jun won, they would eat meat with the He family, and if Li Jun lost, they would eat meat from the He family. In short, they would not lose in any case.

"He Family Master, I won't say much more. I can only say that for a family like ours, eggs are never put in one basket."

Guo Yongnian's face was obviously thicker than Li Peicai's, and he said to He Dong with a smile.

"Guo Family Master, if there is nothing else, please leave."

He Dong did not respond to Guo Yongnian's words, but issued an order to expel him.

"Haha, Master He, I'll take my leave first."

After hearing He Dong's order to expel him, Guo Yongnian turned around and left He Dong's villa.

"Hmph, in such a war that determines life and death, you still want to bet on both sides. It's really naive. No matter who wins, the first to die are you fence-sitters."

Looking at Guo Yongnian's back as he left, He Dong snorted coldly.

Obviously, He Dong was not as calm as his expression showed about Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai's betting on both sides.

Originally, He Dong was a little surprised, and thought that he could not even let down the four younger generations, Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, and Hu Yingxing.

Now that it was confirmed that Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai were betting on both sides, He Dong suddenly realized that it was no wonder that even if the three families gathered their hands, they could not suppress the share price of Taikoo Group in the past three days. He Dong originally thought that it was the all-out attack of the foreigners that led to this result, but he had not received any news from HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.

Thinking of this, He Dong picked up the phone receiver next to him and dialed a number.

"Mr. Li, it's me, He Dong."

After the call was connected, He Dong spoke directly.

"Mr. He, I have been waiting for your call for a long time."

On the other end of the phone, Li Jun was sitting in a Mercedes-Benz car. On the way back to Mengzhi Club, he heard He Dong's voice in the receiver and said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, do you already know what I want to say to you?"

After hearing Li Jun's words, He Dong's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

"After three days, the share price of Swire Group has not dropped a penny, and HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank have not made any moves. Mr. Li, if I still can't see that there is a problem in your three families, then I am blind."

Li Jun smiled and said slowly.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Li, it is indeed a wise choice to cooperate with you. You are right. Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai are betting on both sides, betting on you to win and betting on the foreigners to win."

After hearing what Li Jun said, He Dong laughed.

"Mr. He, to be honest, my original plan was to cheat all three of you. Your call has reduced a lot of losses for your He family."

Li Jun said with a smile.

When He Dong heard what Li Jun said, he was slightly stunned, and then subconsciously asked: "Mr. Li, I am actually very curious, how are you going to cheat our three families?"

"Mr. He, don't worry, wait and see!"

Li Jun kept it a secret, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

On this morning, many places in Hong Kong Island were unusually busy.

For example, the Legislative Council Building and the Hong Kong Police Headquarters Building.

As the Deputy Secretary for Justice and a member of the Hong Kong Bar Association, Zhou Junnian also has an important position, an elected member of the Legislative Council.

Originally, Hong Kong Island did not have a Legislative Council, but after the restoration of Hong Kong, with the secret support of America and the Russians, a wave of colonial liberation swept the world.

In order to avoid criticism and keep the Oriental Pearl in their hands, the Eagle Country ghosts began to pretend to be democratic.

The establishment of the Legislative Council is one of the measures.

At the beginning, the Legislative Council had only 13 members, 11 of whom were appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong, and the Chairman was also the Governor himself.

Later, as the wave of freedom became more and more fierce, the Eagle Country gradually relaxed restrictions, first adding 6 elected members to bring the number of elected members to 8, and also stipulated that the 8 elected members must be Hong Kong Islanders, and then the Governor of Hong Kong could not serve as the Chairman, and the Legislative Council had to elect the Chairman himself.

But one thing is that the chairman elected by the Legislative Council is appointed by the Governor after all.

In the final analysis, it is just a change of name, the Legislative Council is still firmly controlled by the foreigners., and Zhou Junnian, as the head of the Zhou family, is the most successful family of foreign-loving dogs in Hong Kong Island, and Zhou Junnian, as the head of the Zhou family, can naturally get a position as an elected member of the Legislative Council.

Like the House of Commons of Eagle Country, the Legislative Council only holds two regular meetings every Wednesday and Friday. The rest of the time, unless there is something very urgent, is a rest. It is an absolute golden position.

Like every Wednesday, Zhou Junnian arrived at the Legislative Council building early and walked into the meeting room with a briefcase.

"Mr. Zhou!"

"Mr. Zhou!"

In the meeting room, other elected members nodded and greeted Zhou Junnian after seeing him.

After all, he is the eldest brother of the foreign-loving dog family, and he is also a dog king among dogs. Naturally, other foreign-loving dogs have to please Zhou Junnian a little.

However, unlike the elected members, none of the official members took the initiative to greet Zhou Junnian. Instead, Zhou Junnian greeted these foreigners with a smile on his face.

After all, people don't take the initiative to greet dogs, but dogs take the initiative to please their owners.

A few minutes later.

With a "creak~" sound, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and then the Legislative Council Chairman Tang Nak walked into the conference room.

"Hello, Chairman Tang Nak."

Zhou Junnian was the first to stand up and greet Tang Nak.

Then, the other 7 elected members also stood up to greet Tang Nak, while the 11 official members did not even move their butts.

Obviously, as pure foreigners, the 11 official members not only look down on foreigners like Zhou Junnian, but also look down on mixed-bloods like Tang Nak.

In the eyes of these Eagle Country foreigners, if it is not to show the dog-day democracy and freedom, foreigners like Zhou Junnian and Tang Nak would never appear at the same table with them.

However, Zhou Junnian's idea is different from these official members. He sees the future of the Zhou family from Tang Nak.

Zhou Junnian has three sons. The eldest son married the daughter of a wealthy family in Hong Kong Island to consolidate the Zhou family's power in Hong Kong Island. The second son married his classmate in Eagle Country, the daughter of a foreign lawyer. Zhou Junnian planned to train his second son's descendants to join the Hong Kong British government and inherit the Zhou family's political resources. Zhou Junnian believed that with half of his foreign blood, his grandson would definitely climb higher than himself.

Zhou Junnian even planned to let his third son marry an heir of a Scottish nobleman so that his grandson could inherit the Scottish title.

This was mainly because the nobles of Eagle Country would not intermarry with the Chinese even if they were in ruins. Otherwise, Zhou Junnian would have to find a wife for his third son.

On the other hand, Donnack, who had been the chairman of the Legislative Council for nearly 10 years, had long been accustomed to the attitude of these foreigners under him. He also knew that he could sit in this position purely for political needs, so he was always very low-key in the Legislative Council.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Donak walked to his seat, sat down, and then spoke to Zhou Junnian and others.

Even though he was a mixed-race, Donak believed from the bottom of his heart that he was nobler than Hong Kong people like Zhou Junnian.

If the foreigners didn't respect him, Donak could ignore it, but if Hong Kong people like Zhou Junnian didn't respect him, hum...

After everyone sat down, Donak said directly: "Dear members, the Governor of Hong Kong invited me to the Governor's House yesterday, and he told me..."

Donak repeated the conversation between him and Peng Jiakang yesterday in detail.


After listening to Donak's words, all the official and elected members present made a series of small discussions.

In fact, the relationship between the members of the Legislative Council and the various sectors of Hong Kong Island is not that close. They have only heard of people like Li Jun, a popular hottie in Hong Kong Island, but most of the members do not know about his deeds.

Therefore, when everyone heard Donak say that Li Jun, a Chinese, could force the Governor into such a situation, they were surprised.

Among these people, Zhou Junnian was the calmest.

Because he had heard of Li Jun's name before, Zhou Junnian was very concerned about Li Jun and was more familiar with what he had done recently.

If it were other Hong Kong Islanders, they might think that Li Jun was very closed-minded and could force the British high-level officials and the Governor to make concessions, but Zhou Junnian was different. He really wanted Li Jun to die.

After all, when the master was beaten, the dog naturally had to protect the master.

Thinking of this, Zhou Junnian was the first to speak: "Chairman Donak, let's pass the regulations proposed by the Governor as soon as possible."

"Haha, Mr. Zhou, I know you are anxious, and I know the Governor is anxious, but no matter how anxious you are, the rules of the Legislative CouncilWe still have to abide by it. How can we pass and implement the plan on the same day? If we do this, won't our Legislative Council become a joke? "

As soon as Zhou Junnian finished speaking, a foreign member of parliament sneered.

"Mr. Cavendish, now that the Governor and the Hong Kong British government are in such a big trouble, what do you think our Legislative Council should do?"

If it were normal, Zhou Junnian could pretend that he didn't hear anything after being scolded by the foreigner, but this matter was ordered by the Governor of Hong Kong, Peng Jiakang, so for Zhou Junnian, the nature of the matter was different.

"The plan must be put forward today at the earliest, and discussed and passed on Friday. "

The councillor named Cavendish said calmly.

As a lifelong official councillor, Cavendish really can't give Peng Jiakang any face. After all, Peng Jiakang can't fire him. For Cavendish, maintaining the authority of the Legislative Council and ensuring his personal transcendent status are the most important things.


Zhou Junnian wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Donnack: "Councillor Zhou, Councillor Cavendish's words make sense. You are a barrister. Please draft a plan according to the Governor's wishes, and then we will have another meeting on Friday."

Donnack had already expected this scene, so he told Peng Jiakang to give Peng Jiakang a satisfactory answer within 3 days at the earliest.

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