Li Jun's actions on the island of New Guinea were led by Luo Sanpao in the navy, and by Xu Xi in the army, which consisted of nearly 10,000 elite veterans.

The principle that Li Jun gave to Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi was to kill some Javanese and capture some others.

Those who had the courage to resist were killed directly, and those who surrendered directly were sent to the gold mines for Li Jun to mine.

3 o'clock in the morning.

Luo Sanpao stood on the deck of the flagship, holding a telescope and could already see the light from the lighthouse of Port Nabire.

"Everyone prepare to fight!"

Luo Sanpao picked up the intercom and said lightly.

At this moment.

Most of the nearly 10,000 Javanese soldiers stationed in Port Nabire had fallen asleep.

Even the sentries on duty in the lighthouse were the same.

Only two recruits were forced by the veterans to watch on the observation tower of the lighthouse.

"Damn, when can I go home?"

A recruit said in Javanese, chattering.

"Soldiers like us have to serve for at least three years before we can be discharged. Just bear with it."

The second recruit shook his head and sighed.

"Alas, this kind of life will last for another three years."

The recruit who just spoke sighed.

"Don't be too anxious. After a year, when the next batch of recruits arrive, our life will be much better."

The second recruit comforted.

"I hope so."

The first recruit sighed, then picked up the telescope and stood up to observe the situation on the sea.

"There is no ghost here, what are you looking at? Just chat and kill time."

The second recruit said with a smile.

"That's right, ghosts don't want to come here."

The first recruit heard this, put down the telescope in his hand, and sat back in his original position.

But the two Java recruits didn't know that the eight ships had taken advantage of the night and sailed to a place less than 2 kilometers away from Nabire Port.

"First and Second Marines, move out!"

With Luo Sanpao's order, 1,000 special forces jumped directly into the sea and swam towards Nabire Port.

Ten minutes later, these 1,000 special forces were divided into 4 teams according to Bruno's intelligence and moved towards 4 coastal artillery batteries.

More than ten minutes later.

"Da da da da da~"

Bursts of gunfire rang out at the coastal artillery batteries.

Except for a few Javanese sentinels who were in a semi-comatose state, the rest of the soldiers guarding the coastal artillery batteries had fallen into a deep sleep.

In this situation, more than 200 special forces soldiers were like entering an empty land, and they easily occupied all 4 coastal artillery batteries.



On the four Sherman-class destroyers, 12 127mm/54 caliber single-barreled guns fired at the same time. With just one round of salvos, two of the three Javanese destroyers parked in Nabire Port were sunk, and another one was also severely damaged.

The entire Nabire Port was also awakened by this round of artillery fire.


Under the cover of artillery, four old Russian patrol ships carrying the first batch of 2,000 landing troops arrived less than 50 meters away from the beach.

Then, these 2,000 elite veterans rushed directly to Nabire Port.

After landing, these 2,000 elite veterans automatically divided into 10 groups and went to the barracks of various Javanese soldiers.

At this time, the Javanese soldiers were awakened, and they were caught off guard by these elite veterans before they even had time to line up.

"Da Da Da Da~"

In front of the Javanese soldiers, these elite veterans were like gods descending from heaven, and the fire snakes spewing from the muzzles of their automatic rifles ruthlessly harvested the lives of the Javanese soldiers.

Some Javanese soldiers knelt on the ground decisively, indicating that they wanted to surrender.


"Da Da Da Da Da~"

A string of bullets was also waiting for them.

Whether it was Xu Xi or Luo Sanpao, they all understood one truth, that speed is of the essence in war. From the beginning, in their combat plan, they did not plan to take prisoners tonight...

At this time, in a villa in Port Nabire.

Javanese Major General Schwark, who was awakened by the sound of artillery fire, was furious.

"Damn it, I don't know who knocked on the door! Where are the sentries? Where are the coastal artillery batteries! Why is there no reaction at all!"

Schwark cursed at his adjutant.

"Major General Schwark, it doesn't matter who the enemy is now. What matters is that they are too fierce. Our people can't stand it at all..."

The adjutant looked anxious. Obviously, he didn't care about Schwark's scolding him. He only cared about when Schwark would give the order to run away.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier? Hurry up and retreat!"

Sure enough, like subordinates, like bosses. After hearing the adjutant's words, Schwark didn't hesitate for a moment and went straight toWith his adjutant and his own guards, a total of more than 100 people ran away directly.

After Schwark ran away, the Javanese army, which had lost its command, became even more chaotic. Except for a few soldiers who spontaneously organized and put up a weak resistance, the rest of the people were like lambs to be slaughtered, and their lives were ruthlessly harvested.

After nearly 10,000 elite veterans landed, the fate of these Javanese soldiers was completely doomed.

Tonight, what awaits them will be a ruthless massacre!

Bang bang bang bang~

In the early morning, in Nabire Port, New Guinea Island, bursts of gunfire rang out.

Rows of Javanese soldiers were shot and thrown into the dug pit.

Now that the Grasberg gold mine has not been taken, keeping these Javanese soldiers is just a waste of food, so it is better to kill them all.

Bruno of the Papua Liberation Front looked at the scene in front of him, his whole body was cold, and his eyes were full of trembling and fear.

He never expected that Li Jun's army would be so powerful and bloody.

They had a deep hatred between the Papua Liberation Front and the Javanese, so after capturing Javanese soldiers, they would torture them. If they could not exchange their Papua Liberation Front prisoners from the Javanese, they would kill these Javanese soldiers.

However, they were not as efficient as Li Jun's army in killing people. Li Jun's army drove Javanese soldiers to the slaughterhouse in rows like killing pigs, and then shot them.

The most important thing was that these people did not have any fluctuations in their faces, all of them were expressionless, as if they really killed pigs.

The bottom of the pit was soon filled with blood and corpses, and the air of the entire Port of Nabire was also filled with a strong smell of blood, which made Bruno want to vomit.

After watching the scene of the Javanese soldiers being shot for a few minutes, Bruno did not get the pleasure he imagined, so he could only leave in disappointment. He was going to find Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi to ask them about their next plans.

Ten minutes later.

Bruno found Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi in a coastal artillery turret, who were commanding elite veterans to transform the turret.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Xu, the Javanese commander Schwark in Nabire Port has fled. I believe he must be looking for the Javanese commander-in-chief on the island of New Guinea, Palani."

"Although you killed nearly 10,000 Javanese soldiers last night, Palani still has more than 40,000 soldiers, and his direct line is a fully American-equipped reinforced regiment. We have suffered a lot from this reinforced regiment."

"This fully American-equipped and cashed regiment is also Palani's trump card, and it is the foundation of his foothold in the Indonesian government."

Bruno revealed all his intelligence.

Today's Indonesia is ruled by a military government formed by Sutoha and a large group of warlords.

The actual rulers of each region are not the local governments, but the warlords entrenched in the local areas.

As the largest warlord, Sutoha made a lot of money in Java and Sumatra, and the warlords on these two islands had to give Sutoha a little face.

However, on islands such as Sulawesi, Borneo and New Guinea, the local warlords did not care much about Sutoha, and each of them was a local tyrant.

Like Palani on New Guinea, although he had all his troops except for his money-giving group given by the Indonesian government, he relied on these troops to dominate New Guinea. Sutoha had to coax him to do things.

It was precisely because of this that the Papua Liberation Front had never been completely wiped out. After all, if the Papua Liberation Front was really wiped out, Palani would have no reason to stay in New Guinea and could only return to Sumatra or Java to be an ordinary warlord.

If you have to choose between a local tyrant and an ordinary warlord, even a fool knows which one to choose.

It is precisely because of this that Bruno knows very well that now that Li Jun's people have entered New Guinea, Palani will definitely concentrate all his forces to eliminate all of Li Jun's people and maintain his rule on New Guinea.

"Mr. Bruno, we are now preparing fortifications to welcome Palani's arrival."

Xu Xi looked at Bruno, who was worried, and said with a smile.

"Are you going to fight Palani in Port Nabire and confront his 40,000 troops head-on?"

After listening to Xu Xi's words, Bruno's eyes were full of shock and his tone was full of disbelief.

10,000 against 40,000, this...

Bruno really wanted to ask Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi if they were crazy.

"Otherwise, why do you think the Javanese commander in Port Nabire could escape?"

Luo Sanpao looked at Bruno and said lightly.

From the beginning, Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi's plan was to take the Javanese commander to the port of Nabire.The forces were drawn to one place to fight them head-on.

Because New Guinea is a large island, instead of spending a lot of energy and time to deal with one Javan army after another, it is better to let the Javan monkeys gather themselves and take the initiative to deliver themselves.

Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi have a very clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of these South Sea monkeys. Not to mention 40,000 Javan soldiers, even if there are 100,000 Javan soldiers, they dare to lead 10,000 people to fight head-on.

The nearly 10,000 Javan soldiers in Port Nabire last night also proved that Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi’s views on them were completely correct.

Moreover, the Javanese gave Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi a big gift last night.

All the arms and food stored by the Javanese in Port Nabire were left intact.

This made Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi’s estimated success rate of this war upgrade from 99.99% to 100%. Even if all the Javan monkeys exploded, they would not be able to win.

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