These days, although Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and Hu Yingxing worked very hard, Li Bancheng worked harder than these three people. He not only invested all the cash flow of Changjiang Group into the stock market, but also borrowed 2 billion Hong Kong dollars from HSBC and invested it in the stock market.

If it were normal, with HSBC as the bottom, even if there was not a penny of cash in the Changjiang Group account, Li Bancheng would not be panicked at all, but now it is different. The Landlord Association clearly wants to short his Changjiang Group. If he does not respond in time, the market will lose confidence in Changjiang Group, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Ring ring ring~

Just as Li Bancheng was thinking about how to deal with the Landlord Association's short selling next, a phone rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Li Bancheng picked up the phone and asked.

"Mr. Li, turn on the TV and watch Asia TV!"

In the receiver, the anxious voice of Huo Jianmin, another right-hand man of Li Bancheng, came out.

Huo Jianmin is the deputy general manager of Changjiang Group. He and Ma Shiming, one is responsible for finance and local real estate in Hong Kong Island, and the other is responsible for overseas industrial expansion. They complement each other. It is with the assistance of these two people that Li Bancheng's development is smoother.

Li Bancheng knows that Huo Jianmin's character is very stable. Ordinary things may not make him so anxious. So, without a moment's hesitation, Li Bancheng directly picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and then changed the channel to Asia TV.

Ma Shiming, who was confused, saw Li Bancheng turn on the TV and subconsciously looked at the TV screen not far away.

Ten seconds later.

Whether it is Li Bancheng or Ma Shiming, there is a look of surprise on their faces.

After Li Bancheng and Ma Shiming looked at each other, they both understood what the other was thinking.

At this time, Ma Shiming spoke first: "Mr. Li, if this matter is not handled properly, our Changjiang Group will suffer a lot!"

"Not only will we suffer a lot, the other party clearly wants me to die without a burial place!"

Li Bancheng gritted his teeth and said angrily.

The news broadcast on TV was actually very simple, that is, Changjiang Group invested all the cash flow on its account and the loan from HSBC into the stock market, and now the cash flow on the account is extremely scarce.

The experts hired by Asia TV at a high salary analyzed and said that for a real estate company, cash flow and land inventory are the most important things.

Now Changjiang Group has enough land inventory, but it has used all the cash flow on the account in the stock market, which is obviously irresponsible to its shareholders and customers.

At the same time, Asia TV also exposed that most of the land of Changjiang Group was mortgaged in the form of collateral in the hands of HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.

If Changjiang Group fails in its gamble in the stock market, it will be a devastating blow to Changjiang Group's shareholders and customers who have purchased Changjiang Group's houses.

The most amazing thing is that the host of Asia TV also told all Hong Kong citizens that this news is absolutely true and valid. If there is any falsehood, Changjiang Group can immediately sue Asia TV.

Li Bancheng is very clear that this news is broadcast in conjunction with the Landlords Association to short Changjiang Group. The purpose is to cause panic among Hong Kong Island citizens who hold Changjiang Group shares and let them sell Changjiang Group shares.

Originally, with Li Bancheng's strength, even if the Landlords Association wanted to short Changjiang Group, he would not worry at all, but the problem now is that he really has no cash flow.

Obviously, the other party has been scheming for a long time, so they can seize the weakest moment to give themselves a fatal blow.

Thinking of this, Li Bancheng immediately said to Ma Shiming: "Manager Ma, hold a press conference immediately to say that Asia TV is fabricating facts and slandering our Changjiang Group. Let our company's legal counsel send a lawyer's letter to Asia TV!"

Lawyer's letters are something that has no legal effect. You can issue as many as you want, but many ordinary people don't know and think that this is a formal lawsuit against Asia TV.

"Okay, Mr. Li."

Ma Shiming also knew that time was running out. After throwing this sentence, he immediately turned around and left Li Bancheng's office.

Looking at Ma Shiming's back as he left, Li Bancheng, with a gloomy face, immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Manager Shen, it's me, Li Bancheng."

After the call was connected, Li Bancheng immediately spoke.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

In the receiver, Shen Bi, the foreign boss of HSBC, said with a smile.

"Manager Shen, the guys in the landlord's club now..."

Li Bancheng told Shen Bi in detail about the dilemma he was facing, and then, without waiting for Shen Bi to speak,He continued, "Manager Shen, I hope HSBC will provide me with a loan of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars immediately to help our Changjiang Group overcome this difficulty."

"No problem, Mr. Li, I will discuss it with other senior executives of HSBC later. If everything goes well, your lawyer can come to HSBC to handle the loan procedures in the afternoon."

On the other end of the phone, after listening to Li Bancheng's words, Shen Bi hesitated for a few seconds and agreed to Li Bancheng's request.

After all, he was a representative of Chinese businessmen who he had helped to establish himself, and Shen Bi would never give up Li Bancheng easily.

Once Li Bancheng fell, it would have a great impact on the Hong Kong British government and their HSBC's plan to support agents.

"Okay, thank you, Manager Shen."

After hearing Shen Bi agree to his request, Li Bancheng's face relaxed and he thanked Shen Bi.

"Mr. Li, you are one of our most important customers of HSBC. As long as HSBC is still there, it will always be your strongest backing."

Shen Bi smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Manager Shen, I will always remember what you said."

Li Bancheng instantly understood what Shen Bi meant, and immediately expressed his loyalty to him again.

"Well, Mr. Li, time is precious, I won't chat with you anymore, goodbye."

After saying this, Shen Bi hung up the phone directly.

"Beep beep~"

Listening to the busy tone from the receiver, Li Bancheng put the receiver back on the phone, pondered for a moment, picked up the receiver again, and dialed another number.

At this moment, in the office of Li Zhaoji in the headquarters building of Zhaoji Real Estate.

Li Zhaoji is continuing to buy up the shares of Taikoo Foreign Trade Company with all his strength according to Li Jun's plan.

Now Li Zhaoji has just received a loan of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars from Pangu Bank and OCBC Bank. He is rich and powerful. As long as the stock market uses Taikoo Group's shares, he will buy them immediately.

It is precisely because of the actions of Li Zhaoji, Hu Yingxing, Guo Desheng and others that the share price of Swire Group has risen significantly.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

At this time, a phone rang, diverting Li Zhaoji's attention from observing the stock market trend.

"Hello, who is this?"

After the call was connected, Li Zhaoji asked.

"Lao Li, it's me, Acheng."

This time, Li Bancheng's tone was very polite, not at all unquestionable when he gave orders on behalf of the foreigners a few days ago.

"Oh, it's Ah Cheng, what's the matter?"

Li Zhaoji had long seen the fluctuations in the stock of Changjiang Group, and all of this was within Li Jun's plan, so the moment he heard Li Bancheng's voice, Li Zhaoji roughly knew what Li Bancheng wanted to say to him, and he was asking deliberately despite knowing the answer...

"Old Li, actually I'm a little embarrassed to say it, the people from the Landlord Association just now..."

Li Bancheng said it was embarrassing, but his face did not change as he told Li Zhaoji in detail about the Landlord Association's shorting of Changjiang Group.

"Ah Cheng, what do you mean by telling me this?"

Li Zhaoji asked again despite knowing the answer.

"Hey, Lao Li, to be honest, I did use all the cash flow of Changjiang Group to acquire the shares of Swire Group a few days ago. Now there is really no cash flow. What I mean is, can you lend me some..."

Before Li Bancheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Zhaoji: "Acheng, it's not that I don't want to help you. Your money has been invested in the shares of Swire Group, and my money has also been invested. Now I can't take out much cash."

Rejecting Li Bancheng first is also part of Li Jun's plan.

Li Bancheng is not a fool. The size of Zhaoji Real Estate is there. After throwing so much money into the stock market in the past few days, how can it easily take out tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars? So he must reject Li Bancheng first.


Hearing Li Zhaoji's words, Li Bancheng also sighed deeply.

Although HSBC agreed to lend him money, the amount would not be unlimited. After all, HSBC is an Eagle Capital Group headquartered in the Eagle Country Fog City.

Shen Bi could persuade the high-level officials in Hong Kong Island to support Li Bancheng with a few billion Hong Kong dollars, but he certainly couldn't persuade the directors of the headquarters in the Eagle Country Fog City to support Li Bancheng with tens of billions.

According to Li Bancheng's estimation, to fight against the Landlord Association, 5 billion is very difficult, and more than 8 billion is more stable.

So the remaining 3 billion Hong Kong dollars must be handled by Li Bancheng himself.

This is why he called Li Zhaoji.

Unfortunately, Li Zhaoji's answer disappointed Li Bancheng.

However, at this time, Li Zhaoji continued: "Acheng, it's not completely impossible."

"Well? Old Li, you still haveWhat is the solution? If you can help me get through this difficult time, I will definitely remember your favor! "

After hearing Li Zhaoji's words, Li Bancheng asked immediately.

"Haha, it's very simple, Acheng, although I can't help you with my own strength, if we add Hu Yingxing and Guo Desheng, we can get 700 to 800 million Hong Kong dollars each."

Li Zhaoji said with a smile.

"Good, good, good idea, Lao Li, I will call Hu Yingxing and Guo Desheng right away."

Li Bancheng smiled and said.

"Don't worry, Acheng, listen to me, our company is a joint-stock company, if we want to lend you money directly, the board of directors must approve us, you'd better take out some collateral of the same value of 3.8 as collateral for us."

Li Zhaoji said with a smile.

"Lao Li, what you said makes sense, what collateral do you want? "

After hearing what Li Zhaoji said, Li Bancheng hesitated for a moment and replied.

"Acheng, you can either mortgage your Swire Group shares to us, or mortgage the same amount of Changjiang Group shares to us." Li Zhaoji replied with a smile.

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