At the same time.

Not far from Chen Jiaju and Li Zehao, in a car.

"It seems that we don't need to take action this time."

Jiu Wenlong said to Ah Hua beside him with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true."

Ah Hua looked at the front and said lightly.

At this time.


Several cars suddenly stopped not far from Chen Jiaju and Li Zehao. Almost at the moment of stopping, more than a dozen men with fierce faces got out of the cars and surrounded Li Zehao and Chen Jiaju.

"Do you want our people to take action now?"

After seeing this scene, Jiu Wenlong immediately asked Ah Hua who was sitting next to him.

"No hurry, let the police play with those people first, and when the police can't bear it anymore, our people will take action."

Ah Hua smiled and said slowly.

Obviously, Li Jun and Ah Hua have made sufficient preparations, so they are not in a hurry at all.

On the other side.


As a super policeman of the Hong Kong Police Force, Chen Jiaju could tell at a glance that these people were not good people.

He immediately said to Li Zehao who was standing behind him: "Mr. Li, find a safe place to hide, we in the Hong Kong Police Force will handle this!"

After that, Chen Jiaju shouted loudly: "I am Chief Inspector Chen Jiaju of the Hong Kong Police Force, I!"

Chen Jiaju never expected that before he finished speaking, the dozen people who surrounded him drew daggers from their waists and rushed towards him and Li Zehao.

"Bang bang bang..."

Without a moment's hesitation, Chen Jiaju immediately opened fire.

However, these dozen men were obviously professionally trained and avoided the bullets fired by Chen Jiaju with the help of various obstacles. Only one man was unable to dodge and was shot in the arm by Chen Jiaju.

But, even if he was shot in the arm, the man still gritted his teeth and rushed towards Chen Jiaju.


Chen Jiaju cursed again in a low voice, while quickly opening the .38 revolving magazine to change the bullets, and looking at the gang of dagger-wielding bandits who were getting closer and closer to him, his face was very ugly.

This time, they sent a lot of police officers from the Kowloon Region, but they were all scattered. Even the policeman closest to him would need 1 or 2 minutes to rush over.

But now the gang of dagger-wielding bandits were less than 3 meters away from him.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Seeing that there was no time to change the magazine for himself, Chen Jiaju roared angrily and smashed the .38 in his hand hard on the face of a bandit, then pulled out the telescopic baton from his waist, threw the baton, and rushed directly towards the gang of bandits.

"Hurry up, Mr. Chen has been besieged!"

At this time, Chen Jiaju's subordinates in the serious crime team had also rushed to a place less than 30 meters away from Chen Jiaju. Seeing Chen Jiaju being besieged, they immediately shouted loudly.

‘Bang bang bang bang…’

The policemen from the Serious Crime Squad saw that their superiors were in danger, so they didn’t bother to warn and just drew their guns and shot. However, their marksmanship was very average. After a few shots, only two gangsters were hit.

However, as they joined the battlefield, Chen Jiaju’s pressure was reduced a lot.

Although he was better than these gangsters and his baton was longer than his dagger, these gangsters had more people and Chen Jiaju had to desperately stop the gangsters rushing towards Li Zehao, so Chen Jiaju was very frustrated.



Seeing that his subordinates arrived in time, Chen Jiaju felt a little relieved.

However, at this moment, something strange happened.

Da da da da da da…

Several more cars stopped not far from Chen Jiaju and others. The gunmen in the cars held submachine guns and fired at Chen Jiaju and the policemen from the Kowloon Regional Crime Squad.

Except for Chen Jiaju who dodged in time, the rest of the policemen in the serious crime team were all shot in time. The lucky ones were only hit in unimportant parts, while the unlucky ones were directly hit in the internal organs and were in critical condition on the spot.

"Fuck you!"

Seeing this situation, Chen Jiaju's eyes turned red and he roared, and he was about to rush out to fight with the gang.

At this time.

Ah Hua picked up the walkie-talkie and said lightly: "You can do it."

'Bang bang bang bang~'

In the buildings on both sides of Nathan Road, more than a dozen special forces who had been ambushed were holding sniper rifles and firing at the same time.

Almost in the blink of an eye, almost all the gangsters who had taken the initiative were killed on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jiaju, who was about to fight, was dumbfounded. I was going to risk my life, and then, this?

However, Chen Jiaju was soon called back by the wailing and screaming of his subordinates.God, immediately took out the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly: "There was a gunfight on Nathan Road, send someone to support immediately, and there are guys seriously injured, call an ambulance immediately!"

After that, Chen Jiaju was ready to run to his subordinates to see their situation.

"Sir Chen, you take the target back to the police station first, the mission is important!"

One of Chen Jiaju's subordinates endured the severe pain caused by the gunshot wound and gritted his teeth to say to Chen Jiaju.


After struggling for a while, Chen Jiaju finally nodded slowly, took Li Zehao into his Mercedes-Benz car, and drove towards the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building.

"Ahua, Jun brother asked us to protect Li Zehao to Henglai Hotel. Now the police have taken Li Zehao away. Do we want to go to the police?"

After seeing Chen Jiaju taking Li Zehao away, Jiu Wenlong immediately asked Ah Hua beside him.

"Don't worry, Jun Ge's idea is that if the police force doesn't intervene, we will escort Li Zehao to Henglai Hotel. If the police force finds out, let the police take Li Zehao to the police station. Anyway, there is no difference between the police station and Jun Ge's territory now."

Ahua looked at the direction where Chen Jiaju and Li Zehao left, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

In fact, Li Jun had another sentence that Ahua didn't say. If Li Zehao was taken back to the police station by the police, it would be more conducive to the next step of Li Jun's plan.

After all, the story of a rich man being chased by a killer and having to hide in the police station to survive is more exciting and can make the listeners believe it.

Then, Ahua picked up the mobile phone next to him and dialed a number.

"Jun Ge, the police force has taken action, and now Li Zehao has been taken away by the police force."

After the call was connected, Ahua spoke.

"Okay, I got it."

On the other end of the phone, Li Jun, standing on the rooftop terrace of Mengzhi Club, looked at the direction of the HSBC headquarters building across the Victoria Strait and said with a smile.

After that, Li Jun hung up the phone and dialed another number.

"Uncle Zhan, I have to trouble you to give orders again! Half an hour later, let the news department of Asia TV go to the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building of the Police Force..."

After the call was connected, Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

At the same time.

In the HSBC headquarters building, in Shen Bi's office.

After Shen Bi and Li Bancheng had a "harmonious exchange", neither of them spoke, leaving the entire office in a strange silence.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

At this time, a phone rang, breaking the silence in the office and attracting the attention of Li Bancheng and Shen Bi.

"Hello, who is this? "

Shen Bi picked up the phone and asked.

Then, I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said, Shen Bi's face changed slightly, and then he said lightly: "Okay, I know."

Then, Shen Bi hung up the phone.

"What, the person sent to catch my son failed?"

Li Bancheng looked at Shen Bi and asked with a smile.

"Bancheng, I'm trying to persuade you for the last time. Hong Kong Island is still the Hong Kong Island of our Eagle people. Even if you surrender to Li Jun, he can protect your son once, but not for a lifetime. As long as you cooperate with us, I, Shen Bi, guarantee that your son is safe. "

Shen Bi looked at Li Bancheng with a bright smile on his face and made the last persuasion.

"Shen Bi, I have been a dog for you foreigners for twenty years. No one in Hong Kong Island knows your virtues better than me. For you, my son is just a bargaining chip, a bargaining chip to deceive me. Once I have no value, my son will also have no value. At that time, all your promises will be just bubbles. "

Li Bancheng stood up, walked to the window, looked at Shen Bi, and said with a smile.

"Bancheng, I'm telling you as a friend, trust me once."

Shen Bi looked at Li Bancheng sincerely and said slowly.

"Shen Bi, I hope you can see me off as a friend. "

Li Bancheng looked at Shen Bi, smiled slightly, then stepped onto the windowsill and jumped out.

Shen Bi was stunned when he saw Li Bancheng's rapidly falling body disappearing from the window in an instant.



Shen Bi was awakened by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground and the screams from downstairs. He ran to the window and looked downstairs.

Li Bancheng's twisted body appeared in Shen Bi's sight.

At this moment, Shen Bi was stunned again. He never expected that Li Bancheng, who had been dealing with him for 20 years and had been a foreign dog for 20 years, would die so fiercely?

But Shen Bi could never have dreamed that Li Bancheng was forced to die, and his death would set off an unprecedented storm in Hong Kong Island'

"Fuck, really jumped?"After Li Bancheng jumped from Shen Bi's office, Zhang Wenyao, in a car parked downstairs of the HSBC headquarters building, looked at the scene and said in surprise.

Today, Li Jun gave an order, and the entire police force, whether it was the Kowloon Region or the Hong Kong Island Region, all received the task.

The task of the Kowloon Region was to protect Li Zehao and let him smoothly deliver the things he got from Li Bancheng to Li Jun.

The task of the Hong Kong Island Region was to seek justice for Li Bancheng after his death.

Zhang Wenyao no longer had any doubts about the task from Li Jun, but after seeing someone really jump from the HSBC headquarters building, Zhang Wenyao was still a little surprised.

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