Looking at the empty office, Zhang Wenyao grabbed the foreigner who led the way and shouted loudly.

"Sir, I just saw Mr. Shen Bi leave his office. If you want to find him, you'd better call him."

The foreigner said cautiously.

"Fuck you, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Zhang Wenyao kicked the foreigner to the ground, shouted to his men: "Beat him", took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Brother Hua, it's me, Zhang Wenyao."

After the call was connected, Zhang Wenyao walked into Shen Bi's office and whispered.

"Sir Zhang, what's the matter?"

Ahua asked lightly on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Hua, I'm really sorry, I'm a step late, and Shen Bi, the foreigner, ran away!"

Zhang Wenyao's tone was full of uneasiness.

"Sir Zhang, it doesn't matter if Shen Bi ran away. As long as Li Bancheng jumped from Shen Bi's office, there will be no problem. You should notify the police immediately, issue a wanted order, and publicly count the murderer Shen Bi to the whole of Hong Kong Island!" Ah Hua said slowly.

The plan arranged by Li Jun himself was perfect. Shen Bi would lose if he escaped, and he would lose if he didn't escape. In some ways, the consequences of Shen Bi running away would be more serious than if he didn't run away.

"Okay, Brother Hua, I will notify the police station to issue a wanted order immediately!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Zhang Wenyao immediately agreed.

"Well, remember, you must fix the evidence. After all, your police team handles cases based on evidence."

After Ah Hua said "um", he said faintly.

"Brother Hua, I understand what you mean."

Zhang Wenyao nodded immediately.

After hearing Zhang Wenyao's words, Ah Hua did not speak again, but hung up the phone directly.

‘Beep beep~’

After hearing the busy tone from the receiver, Zhang Wenyao immediately hung up the phone, then walked out of the office quickly and said to the men who were still beating up the foreigner: “It’s enough to have a good time, come in and inspect the scene.”

“Yes, sir!”

After hearing Zhang Wenyao’s words, the police officers reluctantly stopped and walked into Shen Bi’s office.

“Damn foreigner, weren’t you very proud just now? Show me while you are proud?”

Zhang Wenyao walked up to the foreigner who had been beaten beyond recognition and said with a smile.

The foreigner was so confused by the beating that his facial expression and eyes were full of fear.

After Zhang Wenyao kicked the foreigner twice, he picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Tang Sir, this is Zhang Wenyao. Issue a wanted order immediately. Publicly seek the arrest of HSBC General Manager Shen Bi to all walks of life in Hong Kong!"

After the call was connected, Zhang Wenyao spoke slowly, word by word.

"Zhang Sir, did I hear you right? You want to seek the arrest of Shen Bi?"

On the other end of the phone, Hong Kong Island Regional Police Superintendent Tang Bin asked in shock.

"Why, the foreigners can't be wanted?"

Zhang Wenyao asked faintly.

"No, Zhang Sir, that's not what I mean. What I mean is, do you want to say something to Wang Sir?"

Zhang Wenyao is the Assistant Commander of Hong Kong Island Region, and in the entire Hong Kong Island Region, there is only one person with a higher rank than him, that is, Wang Kaihua, the Commander of Hong Kong Island Region.

"I will say hello to Wang Sir. You should issue a wanted order immediately. Remember, this is an order!"

Zhang Wenyao said slowly.

Wang Kaihua? Zhang Wenyao didn't take him seriously at all. If he had any objections, Zhang Wenyao would ask the current Acting Commissioner of Police, Zhuo Jingquan, to go and talk to Wang Kaihua in person.

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing Zhang Wenyao's unfriendly tone, Tang Bin immediately responded loudly.

Shen Bi's identity was different after all. He was just worried that the arrest warrant for Shen Bi would bring trouble to the police force and thus himself.

Now it was obvious that if he didn't want to be in trouble, he would be in trouble by Zhang Wenyao soon. Tang Bin naturally knew very well what to do in this situation.


After hearing what Tang Bin said, Zhang Wenyao hung up the phone with satisfaction and then walked back into Shen Bi's office.

Now what he had to do was to find evidence here to turn Shen Bi into ironclad evidence of the murderer.

Soon, the news that HSBC General Manager Shen Bi was wanted by the Hong Kong Island Police Force for suspected murder and escape swept across Hong Kong Island like a giant tornado, and quickly spread among all walks of life in Hong Kong Island.

Shen Bi also became the first HSBC general manager wanted by the Hong Kong Police Force in the 140 years since the founding of Hong Kong.

At this moment, on the top floor of the Mengzhi Club.

After receiving this news, Li Jun smiled slightly and then looked at the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building, whispered to himself: "Father and son are fighting, Li Bancheng has left, Li Zehao, it's your turn as a son!"

Hong Kong Island Broadcasting.

Asia Television News Department.

"Director Li, what kind of news is it that requires our sister Zhen to go there in person?"

Fat Gu looked at Lai Siu-tin, the director of the news department of Asia Television, and asked.

"This time you are going to the Kowloon Region of the police force to interview Li Bancheng's son Li Zehao. According to reliable intelligence, Li Zehao is going to release explosive news this time."

Lai Siu-tin answered.

"What explosive news?"

As a professional journalist, Le Huizhen immediately found the key point in Lai Siu-tin's words.

"I don't know either. If I know, do you still need to interview Li Zehao?"

Lai Siu-tin thought to himself, I just received a notification from the top management. You ask me, who the hell should I ask?

"Okay, Director Li, we'll leave right away."

Le Huizhen didn't argue with Lai Siu Tin, and directly took Fatty Gu out of Lai Siu Tin's office.

In the past six months, Li Zhan has carried out a major transformation of Asia TV according to the plan arranged by Li Jun. Now everyone in Asia TV is working hard. The reason is very simple. In Asia TV, the more you work, the more you get.

Now Asia TV is the real No. 1 TV station in Hong Kong Island, and its popularity has completely overshadowed TVB. As for Rediffusion TV?

When the boss and the second fight, the third one usually dies.

Unfortunately, Rediffusion TV is the third one who is about to die. However, it is said that the foreigners can't stand the complete control of public opinion. There is already a big company preparing to acquire Rediffusion to compete with Asia TV and TVB.

However, even if the foreigners inject capital, it is very difficult to survive in the gap between Asia TV and TVB.

Asia TV alone has now expanded from the original three departments and more than 300 employees to 11 departments and nearly 1,000 employees.

In addition to the Asia TV channel, Asia TV has also opened three sub-channels, making full efforts in variety shows, TV series, news, movies and even documentaries.

In order to completely suppress TVB, Li Zhan also spent a huge amount of money to hold the Miss Asia contest, which is different from the Miss Hong Kong contest of TVB.

Li Zhan took advantage of Hong Kong Island's central position in the Far East culture and economy at this time and divided the Miss Asia contest into the Nanyang contest area, the Greater Bay contest area, and the Formosa contest area.

At the same time, all Chinese beauties in Nanyang, the Greater Bay Area, Formosa and other places were included in the contest scope, truly achieving the signboard of the Miss Asia contest. Asia TV even successfully entered Nanyang, Formosa and other regions with this contest. Whether in terms of the quality of beauties or the audience, it far exceeds the Miss Hong Kong contest of TVB.

In addition, Li Zhan also organized the artist training class originally held exclusively by TVB, and he organized two at a time, which were also divided into two training classes in Nanyang and the Greater Bay Area.

Doing so can not only increase the audience of Asia TV in Nanyang, but also cooperate with Li Jun to enter Nanyang.

After all, the Nanyang people have been away from the mainland for decades, and even hundreds of years. For Li Jun, it is very important to deepen their recognition of Chinese culture and Chinese identity, so that Li Jun can more easily gather the hearts of the Nanyang Chinese and truly create a Nanyang Chinese alliance.

It is also under the correct guidance of Li Jun and the unconditional execution of Li Zhan that Asia TV has been rushing towards the direction of large-scale media complexes such as BBC in Eagle Country and NHK in Island Country.

At the same time.

The Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

"Mr. Li, I am Liu Jianming, the police superintendent of the Criminal Intelligence Department of the Kowloon Region. You can give me the things that your boss Li Bancheng gave you."

Liu Jianming looked at Li Zehao, who was still a little panicked, and said lightly.

"Are you Li Jun's man? Why doesn't Li Jun come to get it himself?"

After hearing Liu Jianming's words, Li Zehao immediately asked.

"Haha, Mr. Li, who are you to let Jun brother come in person?"

Liu Jianming said lightly after hearing Li Zehao's question.

Then, without waiting for Li Zehao to speak again, Liu Jianming continued, "Mr. Li, I just received news that your father Li Bancheng fell to his death in the HSBC headquarters building. Now our police are investigating the cause of his death."

After hearing the news of his father's death, Li Zehao was stunned on the spot. After more than ten seconds, he looked at Liu Jianming and slowly said: "Okay, I'll give you the information. Now the information is..."

After hearing the news of his father's death, Li Zehao completely understoodBai, now he has no other choice but to cooperate with Li Jun wholeheartedly.

"Okay, Mr. Li, there is one more thing. Some reporters will come to you to ask some questions. It doesn't matter what questions they ask. You just need to remember one thing, your father was killed by the foreigners."

After getting what he wanted, Liu Jianming smiled slightly, left this sentence, and left, leaving Li Zehao sitting there in a daze...

20 minutes later, Le Huizhen brought Fatty Gu to the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building.

"Miss Le from Asia TV, right? Please follow me!"

Li Jun had already made arrangements. After Le Huizhen reported her identity, she was taken to see Li Zehao.

At this time, Li Zehao did not have the spirit of being the heir of Changjiang Group.

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