He never expected that there would be such a big benefit after being promoted to the commander.

First of all, the number of summoned soldiers reached 50,000.

What is the concept of 50,000 special forces?

Li Jun knew that Wagna, a major force in the future mercenary world, had only 20,000 people, but it was invincible in Africa, and controlled more than 10 gold mines alone. There were also many other oil mines, copper mines, etc.

And Li Jun had 50,000 "special forces" who were stronger than Wagna. If the soldiers summoned by Luo Sanpao, Xu Xi and others were added, the number would reach 60,000.

To put it bluntly, it didn't take so many soldiers to deal with the South Sea monkeys.

So, at this moment, Li Jun had a bold idea in his mind.

Since the old Russians can send people out to work, why can't I, Li Jun? The special forces under his command are much more professional than the old Russians' Wagna.

Of course, this is only secondary. What really surprised Li Jun was the three military factories that could be summoned.

Now, for Li Jun, people are no longer a problem. The problem is weapons, especially the navy and the air force.

Although Li Jun's maritime strength can now ride on the heads of the South Sea monkeys, Li Jun is very clear that if he continues to develop like this, countries such as America and Eagle Country will definitely not sit idly by, and they are his real opponents.

He Li Jun must speed up the improvement of his navy's strength.

As for the air force, Li Jun has no foundation, and airplanes are not like warships. It is not difficult to build a shipyard, but it is really too difficult to build an aircraft factory.

The appearance of the system military factory made Li Jun feel relieved.

At this moment, Li Jun just wanted to go back to Mabast Island immediately, summon these three military factories, and see what kind of arms can be produced.

Moreover, the appearance of the system military factory is not only of such value to Li Jun, but its more important value is that it allows Li Jun to find the way to the future.

After upgrading to Army Commander, you can summon 3 military factories. What about upgrading to the next level? What about upgrading to two levels?

Li Jun wants to make money more and more now.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

Just as Li Jun was imagining the future, a phone rang.

"Who is it?"

Li Jun picked up the mobile phone not far away, pressed the answer button, and asked.

"Brother Jun, it's me."

Ah Hua's voice came from the receiver.

"Ah Hua, what's the matter?"

Li Jun asked with a smile.

"Brother Jun, the White Legislative Council just issued the management regulations for the police force, stipulating that the term of office of the Commissioner of Police is only one term at most, and can only serve for 4 years. At the same time, it also strictly restricts the funding of the police force and strengthens the supervision of the use of funds by the police force. This is obviously the White people want to strangle the police force."

Ah Hua is in charge of the police force, and he knows these things very well.

"The White people finally couldn't help but use this trick."

After hearing Ah Hua's words, Li Jun said with a smile.

"Brother Jun, do you have a solution?"

Ahua asked immediately.

"Of course, Ahua, you immediately let Zhuo Jingquan spread the word and say..."

Li Jun smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Okay, Brother Jun, I'll arrange it right away!"

After listening to Li Jun's plan, Ahua also showed a bright smile on his face.

On the other side.

In the Governor's Mansion, in the office of Governor Peng Jiakang.

Legislative Council Chairman Tang Nak was reporting to Peng Jiakang here, or asking for credit.

"Mr. Governor, this time the police force is destined to be crushed by our Hong Kong British high-level officials. I just don't know if those policemen will continue to support their own people if they don't get their wages and can't eat."

Tang Nak said to Peng Jiakang with a smile.

"Chairman Tang Nak, let's wait and see."

Peng Jiakang was much more reserved than Tang Nak, and his face was very calm.

"Mr. Governor, our Legislative Council will soon re-elect the chairman, you see..."

The smile on Tang Nak's face became brighter and brighter.

The Governor of Hong Kong does not have the power to replace Legislative Council members, but the Chairman of the Legislative Council must be appointed by the Governor after the election, so if he has the support of the Governor, then the probability of Donak being re-elected as the Chairman of the Legislative Council will be very high.

"No problem, Chairman Donak."

Peng Jiakang nodded and smiled.

"Okay, then thank you, Mr. Governor, I..."

"Ring ring ring~"

Before Donak finished speaking, he was interrupted by a phone ring.

"I am Peng Jiakang, you go."

Peng Jiakang picked up the phone and spoke.



Peng Jiakang's tone rose three points, which immediately attracted Donak's attention.

"Okay, I know."

Unfortunately, Peng Jiakang's mood quickly calmed down, and he hung up the phone after saying this, withoutLet Donak perceive more information.

However, Peng Jiakang did not let Donak be curious for long. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Donak and said slowly: "Chairman Donak, I think I need your Legislative Council to do something."

"Mr. Governor, please speak?"

Donak replied immediately...

"Just now, Zhuo Jingquan of the police force leaked that in order to maintain the stability of public security in Hong Kong Island, the police force decided to set up a civil security committee. The most important thing is that this committee can accept donations from all walks of life. It is said that it can allow all walks of life in Hong Kong Island to participate in the work of maintaining the stability of public security in Hong Kong Island."

"After the establishment of this committee, Li Jun immediately donated 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, and then He Dong, Li Zhaoji, Hu Yingxing, Guo Desheng, Bao Yugang, Lei Yingdong, and Tang Judy all donated money."

"Now let alone our funding for the police force, even if we don't give the police force funding, the police force can still live very comfortably."

Peng Jiakang looked at Donak and said faintly.

After hearing what Peng Jiakang said, Donak felt speechless. He never expected that the police force would use this trick to deal with the regulations of their Legislative Council.

However, Donak was not speechless for long. Less than 2 seconds later, he looked at Peng Jiakang and asked, "Mr. Governor, what do you want our Legislative Council to do?"

"Chairman Donak, I hope that your Legislative Council will withdraw the police management regulations that have just been issued and restore the previous status quo. If the police force really only accepts money from Li Jun and others, then we Eagles will really lose the police force completely."

Peng Jiakang sighed softly and said slowly.

At this moment, Donak was completely speechless. Their Legislative Council had just issued the regulations less than an hour ago, and now they were going to take them back. This was unique in the history of Hong Kong Island and was definitely a famous scene that would go down in history.

In this way, the Legislative Council lost all its face and became a joke.

Thinking of this, Donak said, "Mr. Governor, this really hurts the credibility of our Legislative Council."

"Chairman Donak, just like before, find a member of the Hong Kong Island People's Elected Member, agree to some conditions for him, let him take charge of this matter, and pretend that nothing happened."

Peng Jiakang stared at Donak and said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Governor, I understand what you mean, I will arrange it immediately."

After listening to Peng Jiakang's words, Donak looked at Peng Jiakang deeply, and then got up and said goodbye.


After Donak left Peng Jiakang's office, both Peng Jiakang in the office and Donak outside the office sighed deeply.

They never expected that a trick they thought was a good trick would be so easily disintegrated by Li Jun, and it made them lose face. It was so aggrieved that they were angry just thinking about it...

At the same time.

There were two people who were as aggrieved as Donak and Peng Jiakang, Guo Yongnian and Li Peicai.

They originally thought that if they went to seek refuge with Li Jun, Li Jun would definitely accept them happily, but in the end, Li Jun was too lazy to even meet them, which made the two of them feel embarrassed.

But they had no way to deal with Li Jun, so they could only sulk.

And Li Jun really didn't take the two of them seriously. He had already arrived in Haojiang and was ready to take a plane to Mabast Island overnight. He couldn't wait for the military factory...

Late at night, Haojiang International Airport.

"Ajun, you are really the nemesis of foreigners. You have only been back to Hong Kong Island for a few days, and you have made foreigners so miserable."

He Xian looked at Li Jun in front of him and said with a smile.

"You are still far behind Uncle Xian. You have directly marginalized the foreigners."

Li Jun smiled and had a business meeting with He Xian.

"Hahaha, Jun, how can the foreigners with fruit teeth compare with the foreigners from Eagle Country."

He Xian laughed loudly, and then continued, "Jun, you are so anxious to go to Nanyang, did something happen?"

"Uncle Xian, my people are in New Guinea today..."

Li Jun smiled and told He Xian the news that he had taken over New Guinea.

After hearing Li Jun's words, He Xian was stunned on the spot. Even though he had already stretched Li Jun's ability to the limit in his heart, he never thought that Li Jun could actually fight Indonesia and take over New Guinea.

The IQ of Javanese monkeys is indeed average, but after all, there are more than 100 million people. Li Jun has only a few people in his hands, but he can achieve this level.

This made He Xian a little dazed. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses, and his eyes were full of joy when he looked at Li Jun, "Jun, I don't know how to evaluate you now. No, I am not worthy of evaluating you now. In a word, as long as you, Li Jun, need it, do your best."No matter what you say, I, He Xian, will do my best."

"Uncle Xian, thank you very much."

Li Jun thanked He Xian sincerely, then turned and walked to He Tianer who was saying goodbye to his parents.

After Li Jun's hard work, He Tianer finally got pregnant with Li Jun's child as she wished. This time, she would go to Mabast Island with Li Jun to take care of the baby.

"Tian'er, you must listen to Ajun when you get there, okay?"

Amei obviously understood the principle of marrying a husband and obeying him, and she told He Tianer this sentence before leaving.


He Tianer nodded gently with tears in her eyes. Although she was reluctant to leave her parents, she still got on the plane with Li Jun.

"Tian'er, if..."

"Brother Jun, needless to say, I have already made such a plan to be your woman. "

Li Jun originally wanted to persuade He Tianer that if she was reluctant, she should stay in Haojiang.

However, before Li Jun finished speaking, he was interrupted by He Tianer.

Looking at He Tianer, who looked reluctant but determined, Li Jun did not speak, but gently embraced her in his arms.

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