In the sky.

12 F16 fighters were pulled directly to an altitude of 10,000 meters and hidden in the clouds, avoiding the exposure of air defense radars and possible air defense missiles.

This is one of the most obvious differences between the enemy and us.

Experienced fighter pilots can skillfully avoid the exposure of air defense radars and can judge the safe distance from air defense missiles.

They can even guess the approximate position of the opponent without radar.

The flight experience of the pilots summoned by the system can even be comparable to that of gold helmet fighter pilots.

Now encountering the pilots of Java who have just started to use F16 is almost like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

Soon, Li Jun's 12 F16s discovered the 17 F16 fighters of Java that were still climbing with great momentum based on their experience.

Whoever discovers the other side first wins!

17 air-to-air missiles were fired.

The next moment, without any surprise, 17 fireworks lit up in the sky.

The 17 F16s of Java were hit by missiles before they could find the enemy.


On the ground, Sutoha, who was watching the battle in front of the screen with Mills, felt a piercing pain.

17 F16s were gone just like that.

No, with the previous 3 F16s, there were 20 F16s, and Sutoha's heart ached even more.

The price of an F16 is 50 million US dollars, and 20 F16s are, Sutoha doesn't want to count it anymore.

He just felt his heart bleeding.

This time, he was so heartbroken that he didn't know whether to be angry or what to do, and he stared at the screen blankly.

"Do you want to continue the bombing mission?"

The 12 F16s in the air asked.

"No need, the current target is the enemy's warships!"

"Return home!"

The enemy's planes have been destroyed, and this airport is no longer worth attacking.

The F16 just carried out a bombing mission, carrying only air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground bombs.

Now it needs to return to the airport to replace air-to-ship missiles.

On Java Island.

Mills' face was terribly gloomy.

"All warships retreat at full speed immediately, all radars are turned on, and the highest level of combat readiness!"

He knew very well that turning on the warship radar just now had exposed the warship's coordinates to the enemy.

Now the enemy's next target must be the warship.

But it is too late to retreat now.

Luo Sanpao has already bitten the enemy tightly.

The distance with the opponent is kept within 150 kilometers.

"Hahaha, come and hit me!"

Luo Sanpao likes this distance very much. Without the threat of fighter jets, the opponent can see him but can't hit him.

"Damn it!"

Captain Lawrence of the Kidd-class destroyer wanted to turn it off when he saw the glittering radar signal.

It was following him all the time.

And the distance was just right, just 150 kilometers. The range of the Harpoon anti-ship missile was 130 kilometers, so there was no way out.

Not long after.

The 12 F16 fighters replaced the air-to-ship missiles at the airport and took off again.

This time, without the threat of the opponent's fighters, they had full airspace rights.

The 12 F16s did not choose to fly directly to an altitude of 10,000 meters to hide themselves with the help of clouds, but flew over the sea at a very low altitude, hiding themselves with the help of radar clutter on the water surface.

Similarly, the radar on the aircraft also lost its function due to the interference of clutter on the water surface, and could only fight through the most primitive visual combat.

But according to the coordinates provided by the Dreadnought-class destroyer in real time, the pilot quickly found the target through visual observation.

There were a total of 8 destroyers on the opposite side, and a total of 12 F16s on their side.

The tasks were quickly assigned. Two Kidd-class destroyers were assigned two F16s each, and the remaining six Adams destroyers were assigned one F16 each, with two more F16s providing support.


12 F16s flew across the water at high speed, creating 12 water splashes.


The sailors on the deck of the Kidd-class destroyer quickly discovered the abnormality on the distant water surface through telescopes.

"It's not a torpedo, it's an enemy plane!"

"Why didn't the air defense radar respond?"

"Hurry up and use anti-aircraft artillery!"

"The depression angle is not enough, the opponent is flying too low!"


Then they watched the missiles on both sides of the wings of the F16 fighter jets being launched.

Boom, boom, boom.

The explosions soon followed one after another.

12 F16 fighter jets passed through the flames at high speed.

"Return! "

After flying to a safe distance, it quickly climbed to a high altitude to avoid possible air defense radar exposure and returned to New Guinea to reload.

As for the results of the battle, we can only wait for the "Dreadnought-class" destroyer to come and confirm.

KiddOn the destroyer.

"All departments report the damage!"

Lawrence turned on the ship-wide broadcast and shouted.

"The engine room has lost power!"

"The radar is offline!"

"The gun system is offline!"

"The entire ship has lost its combat effectiveness, and one-third of the cabins are flooded!"

The situation of another "Kidd-class" destroyer is similar, but they can still move and maintain the minimum power!

As for the 6 Adams-class destroyers operated by Javanese crews, they are not so lucky.

The Javanese crews are not as experienced as the US Navy. When they saw the fighter jets launching missiles, they did not even have the most basic evasive action and let the missiles hit them directly.

Of the 6 Adams-class destroyers, only one was left floating on the sea.

"Listen, Javanese monkeys, you have lost your combat capability now, surrender immediately, surrender immediately!"

Kidd-class? On the destroyer.


Absolutely impossible to surrender!

I absolutely cannot surrender!

Captain Lawrence was determined not to accept such an outcome.

"We are the US Navy, not the Java Navy!"

At this time, Lawrence wanted to use the title of the United States to suppress Luo Sanpao.

"Oh, it turns out to be the US Navy!"

Lawrence was very happy, thinking that Luo Sanpao was frightened by the title of the US Navy. That's right, the US Navy is so powerful, who dares to provoke it!

"Then please pay attention, US monkeys, please pay attention, you have lost your combat capability now, surrender immediately, surrender immediately!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Sanpao's voice came from the radio immediately.

"We are the US Navy, you are not afraid of us if you let us surrender."

But before Lawrence finished speaking, he heard the sound of the ship's guns roaring.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Captain, the other side fired!"

Countless machine gun shells traced the edge of the Kidd-class destroyer.


"You have five minutes to surrender!"

Luo Sanpao's voice sounded again.


"Captain, do you really want to surrender?"

Everyone in the cockpit looked at Captain Lawrence.

"Let me ask General Mills first!"

Lawrence immediately reported the details to Mills on Java Island.

"We are the US Navy, how dare they!"

"How dare they ask us to surrender!"

"Aren't you afraid of our revenge?"

General Mills also asked the same three soul-searching questions as Lawrence.

"There are 30 seconds left!"

The voice of Luo Sanpao came again on the radio. At the same time, Luo Sanpao showed his missiles and locked the fire control radar on the remaining warships on the sea!


The alarm of being locked on the Kidd-class destroyer has sounded.

"Captain, make a decision quickly!"

"Yes, surrender!"


Lawrence was very reluctant but finally said surrender.

"We surrender!"

He said this and slumped in the chair weakly. His life was over. He became the first and only captain to surrender in the history of the US Navy.

No, the Kidd-class destroyer next to him also surrendered.

Even so, Lawrence still felt very bitter in his heart!

On Java Island.

In the command room.

Now only Mills was still sitting in it.

As for Sutoha, he had been carried out on a stretcher.

Sutoha's heart was bleeding when he heard the news that the F16 fighter jets were completely wiped out.

Just now he heard that the naval warships he had just bought were completely wiped out.

He didn't feel anything.

"All gone?"

"All gone?"

"Billions of dollars are gone just like that?"


After Sutoha finished speaking, he fell backwards.

Mills, who was left behind, looked ahead with empty eyes, holding the satellite phone that had already stopped working.


"I actually lost?"

"How could it be?"

"And I lost completely, all of them were annihilated."

"The warship was also captured!"

"How is this possible?"

But now the other side only has 12 fighters, and they sank 5 and captured 3!

And so far, no US warship has been captured.

I became the first in history today, but the first in history on the pillar of shame.

Mills said nothing, but took off the medal on his chest and silently picked up the satellite phone again.

No matter what, we must find a way to minimize the impact of this incident.

No matter what, we must preserve the honor of the US Navy.

Everything that happened today must not be known to anyone who is not related.

Especially the two captured Kidd-class warships, just sayJavanese, that's right, Javanese.

"Lawrence, you guys change into Javanese Navy uniforms right now, and from now on you say you're from the Javanese Navy!"

"I'll have someone find a way to save you, but remember that from now on you're from the Javanese Navy!"

Lawrence immediately understood General Mills' intention, and it turned out that the old ones are the best.

The captives are Javanese Navy, what does it have to do with my U.S. Navy!

"I'm the Javanese Navy, we're Javanese!"

After hearing Lawrence's words, Mills felt much more at ease, and then he picked up another phone to report the matter to the White Palace of the United States and the CIA.

"General Mills, you did the right thing, our U.S. Navy is invincible in the world!"

"Leave the rest to us, we'll find a way to save Lawrence and the others!"

Treasure Island.

Li Jun soon received a call from Luo Sanpao, winning a great victory and capturing a U.S. warship.

"Hahaha, the Americans are in my hands!"

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