"Mr. He, thank you very much for your high regard for me, but my answer remains unchanged!"

"You should ask Tan Jieming to contact me as soon as possible!"

Li Jun hung up the phone after saying that.

The Nanyang Chinese Alliance simply exposed himself to the spotlight, and he preferred to stay behind the scenes to manipulate everything. Even if he had already hidden himself very well, the United States could still find him at once.

Soon, Li Jun's phone rang. After Tan Jieming knew what Li Jun meant, he was willing to wait a moment longer.

Tan Jieming's hands were shaking when he made this call, and even the tremor could be clearly heard in the microphone.

"Mr. Tan, I heard about your experience, and I express my great sympathy! I also can't stand what the Javanese did to the Chinese. Tell me, how do you want me to help you!"

Tan Jieming didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and Li Jun was so easy to talk to.

Li Jun decided to help Tan Jieming because he heard that Sutoha was actually using Sulawesi Island to trade with the United States. He must not let Sutoha succeed, and at the same time, he must let the Americans agree to his conditions as soon as possible and prepare the ransom.

He spoke while suppressing his inner joy and excitement.

"Mr. Li, although the mineral resources of the entire Sulawesi Island are not as rich as those of New Guinea Island, it is also one of the islands with the richest mineral resources in Java.

"Taking Sulawesi Island will not only bring you very considerable benefits, but also greatly reduce Sutoha's fiscal revenue."

Tan Jieming even used honorifics.

"To be honest, I would rather our Tan family's mine fall into your hands than see it fall into Sutoha's hands!"

"Mr. Tan, I promised to help you, not because I am interested in your mine. After taking Sulawesi Island, your mine will still be yours. ”

“Just put your mine under my management, and the trading partners must be approved by me. Of course, I won’t let you suffer a loss in price!”

Li Jun’s goal is to monopolize the mineral resources of the entire Sulawesi Island, but monopoly does not necessarily mean that you have to operate and produce by yourself. This kind of dirty work can be done by the Tan family.

“Mr. Li, thank you so much. What help do you need? I will ask someone to do it right away!”

“Intelligence, a lot of intelligence, the more detailed the situation of the Javanese army in Sulawesi Island, the better!”

“Okay, I will ask someone to do it right away! "

Tan Jieming was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Li Jun calculated that if he took over Sulawesi Island, the entire Java Kingdom would have no value except for Java Island, which still had some mineral resources.

Now that Java has no navy or air force, it is not difficult to take over Sulawesi Island.

Let Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi study this task, and leave professional matters to professionals.

After receiving Li Jun's order, Luo Sanpao and Xu Xi immediately took out the map to study and discussed it through satellite phone.

To attack Sulawesi Island, it is necessary to send a landing force from New Guinea Island, which can only be transported by sea.

And this will easily make the enemy discover and respond.

So a target is needed to divert the enemy's attention.

Soon Xu Xi and Luo Sanpao set their sights on Yajiada. Surrounding Yajiada can attract all the enemy's attention.

"Pao, I'll leave it to you this time. I still have to watch Bruno and his monkeys on New Guinea Island! ”

Originally, Sulawesi Island land combat was Xu Xi's strong point, but now he is unable to split himself, but it should be easy for his special forces to face Java monkeys.

Soon, Luo Sanpao surrounded Java Island again like last time.

But this time is different from last time.

This time, Luo Sanpao also sent a small landing craft with hundreds of special forces to land on Java Island, and a battle broke out with the Javanese army.

At the same time, Luo Sanpao also sent 12 F16 fighters to carry out a round of carpet bombing on the military zone.

"President, President, the enemy is coming to Yajiada!"

Sutoha, who was still pretending to be sick in the hospital bed, turned over and got out of bed, picked up his clothes and ran to the underground command center.

He is now very skilled.

"Where did the other side hit?"

"Have you contacted General Mills!"

"Not yet!"

"Contact General Mills quickly! "

Sutoha didn't expect Li Jun to really attack Yajiada.

Before that, the American had vowed to him that Li Jun would never attack Yajiada.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mills left, Li Jun launched an attack.

"General Mills, Li Jun attacked Yajiada, come and save me!"

Sutoha snatched the phone from his assistant and said without thinking.

"Attack Yajiada?"

Mills was also stunned. Didn't Brian say that he had an agreement with Li Jun and that Li Jun would not launch an attack for the time being?

"Yes, they have all reached the suburbs, and the F16 has already bombed the military zone several times!"

"You have to save me!"

"I'll contact someone to save you now, after all, you haven't paid for the military aid yet!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't paid for the military aid yet!"

At the same time.

Luo Sanpao used the F16's high-altitude reconnaissance to find that all the forces of Java were moving towards the port of Jakarta. Knowing that the first step of the plan had been successful, he gave the order.

"Target, Sulawesi Island, landing troops move! "

Sulawesi Island.

10,000 special forces soldiers rode on more than 200 ships and sailed across the sea, as if they were in an empty land.

Now everyone's attention is focused on Yajiada, and no one will pay attention to Sulawesi Island.

Tan Jieming and his son Tan Huasheng waited on the shore, preparing all kinds of supplies, a picture of welcoming the king's army.

"Are those small boats on the sea Li Jun's troops? "

Tan Huasheng asked Tan Jieming in disbelief with a telescope.

Even though Tan Jieming was old and blurry, he saw this magnificent scene.

There must be at least thousands or tens of thousands of people, right?

Tan Jieming found that he had underestimated Li Jun's strength again.

Before, he thought that Li Jun would only send a few hundred people to help him.

In his eyes, being able to send a few hundred people was already amazing.

But now there are tens of thousands of people, how powerful is Li Jun?

How many troops does he have to send tens of thousands of people casually?

At this moment, Tan Jieming felt that he was really old.

"Dad, they are on the shore!"

"Let's go, let's go to greet them!"

Tan Jieming ran up to the leading special forces soldier with a cane and brought the prepared red envelopes to stuff into their hands.

"You are Tan Jieming, please take these things back, and please get out of the way, speed is of the essence! "

As soon as the leading special forces soldier finished speaking, he gathered the troops, unfolded the map, and divided them into two groups, heading straight for the two major cities on Sulawesi Island.

Tan Jieming and Tan Huasheng stared at the special forces in a daze.

They had never seen such soldiers before.

Don't want anything?

What kind of magic does Li Jun have to have such a force?

"Watson, from now on, you should listen to Li Jun's words!"

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, your honest character should be quite suitable, and you won't have any special ideas!"

Tan Jieming looked at the special forces disappearing from his sight, his expression was very entangled and lonely.

"After this matter, the Tan family will be handed over to you."

"The entire Tan family on Sulawesi Island, all affairs are handed over to you. I haven't been back to China for decades, and I should go back to China to spend my old age!"

"Dad, what do you want to say? "

Tan Huasheng felt that Tan Jieming's words were incomprehensible.

"I want to say that Li Jun is so powerful that the entire Nanyang will belong to Li Jun sooner or later!"

"But the stronger Li Jun is, the better it will be for us, right?"

At this moment, Tan Jieming didn't know whether he should be happy or feel that his son was not doing well.

After a long time, he spoke.

"Yes, the stronger Li Jun is, the better it will be for us. As expected, the Tan family should be handed over to you in the future!"

At the same time.

With the detailed information provided by the Tan family, the special forces advanced while removing the sentries.

Soon they advanced to the two major cities on Sulawesi Island. After all, the smallest width of the entire Sulawesi Island is 26 kilometers and the largest width is 180 kilometers.

And ordinary soldiers are considered excellent if they can run 5 kilometers with a load within 19 minutes, while the special forces summoned by the system can easily march 20 kilometers per hour.

"Raise your hands and surrender immediately! "

Within an hour, the Governor's Palace in Makassar, the capital of Sulawesi, was stormed by special forces.

Not even a single shot was fired. The original guards of the Governor's Palace had just left and were now taking a boat to Java to support Jakarta!

As for the remaining staff, they had never met such fully armed special forces with live ammunition. They immediately raised their hands in surrender as soon as the gun was pointed, and told the governor where they were.

The special forces went straight to the governor's office.

The Governor of Makassar was stunned when he saw the special forces rushing in with AKs, but he immediately raised his hands in surrender as he was very experienced.

The remaining team was still rushing to Manado, another big city on Sulawesi.

The distance was far, and they were sittingThe truck provided by Tan Jieming was speeding on the highway.

At the same time.

Li Jun received a call from CIA Brian.

After Hong Kong Governor Peng Jiakang contacted Li Jun, Li Jun had not received any response until now.

"Li Jun, I am Brian, the head of the CIA. I asked Peng Jiakang to contact you before. Didn't we agree to put aside the dispute for the time being?"

Brian directly questioned Li Jun's attempt to use his identity as a US CIA to put pressure on him.

"Brian, if you say that, I will hang up the phone and have someone bomb Sutoha!"

"I'll give you one minute to prepare well and call me back when you've thought it through!"

"One minute later, if I didn't receive a call, I had someone start the bombing!"

Brian was anxious. If Sutoha was really blown to death, wouldn't the US military aid this time be completely wasted? No one would pay for it, right?

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