Brian went forward and carefully checked Lawrence, and found that there was nothing serious, just a broken bone.

"Brian, fortunately you only threatened me, otherwise he would not be able to see you!"

Li Jun said slowly.

"Where is the warship?"

Brian asked with a cold face.

"My people are checking the banknotes. After checking, they will take you there!"

Li Jun was not at ease with people like Brian. He knew very well that CIA people did not care about money, but they especially liked to put bombs in travel bags.

At the airport, hundreds of special forces opened each travel bag in an orderly manner, took out the banknotes inside, checked them, and then stacked them again.

After a while, all the inspections were finally completed.

Li Jun asked Xu Xi to escort Brian, Lawrence and all the other crew members to the port.

There were two "Kidd-class" destroyers in the port, but Li Jun had asked the system engineers to study these two "Kidd-class" destroyers. Now there is also a production option for "Kidd-class" destroyers in the system.

"Okay, I won't see you off!"

Li Jun turned and left after saying that, leaving the rest to Xu Xi and Luo Sanpao.

After they boarded the ship, Luo Sanpao led the warship to "escort" them out of the waters of New Guinea Island.

Li Jun came to the warehouse where the money was stored alone, and the whole living room was filled with US dollars.

Li Jun walked to a pile of US dollars and reached out to touch it.

"I found 10,000,000 US dollars, which can be exchanged for 500,000 system points. Do you want to exchange it?"

"I found 10,000,000 US dollars, which can be exchanged for 500,000 system points. Do you want to exchange it?"

Soon, Li Jun harvested 160 million system points.

In the system panel of the big hero, the (+) symbol also appeared behind the commander.

Li Jun immediately chose to upgrade.

"Upgrading requires 300 million system points. Do you confirm the upgrade?"


"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the legion leader. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2 large air force military factories, 2 large naval military factories, and 2 large army military factories!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random summoning character card. Do you want to draw it?"


"Congratulations to the host for drawing the character Wang Xiaohu (unique) (materializable) (from the movie "Dragon Tiger Gate")"

After Li Jun chose to upgrade and draw the character, a series of system prompts sounded in Li Jun's mind.

The gains from upgrading the legion leader this time surprised Li Jun.

Wang Xiaohu, who also came from Dragon Tiger Gate, is Wang Xiaolong's younger brother. Like Wang Xiaolong, they have already involved the field of the high martial arts world. They are not something that ordinary firearms can deal with. They are also absolute humanoid beasts.

What surprised Li Jun even more was that he also gained 6 large military factories this time.

The production time of large military factories was directly shortened by half. For example, it took three months to produce an Adams-class destroyer before.

Now it only takes one and a half months to produce the upgraded version of the Adams-class destroyer, the Kidd-class destroyer.

As for the production of third-generation fighters, it takes five days, and the second-generation main battle tanks only take three days.

Then Li Jun summoned Wang Xiaohu.

"Brother Jun!"

Almost immediately after Li Jun confirmed the summons, Wang Xiaohu, wearing a red shirt, appeared in front of Li Jun and nodded to greet Li Jun.

"Xiaohu, you are one of us from now on!"

Li Jun patted Wang Xiaohu's shoulder and immediately felt the explosive power contained in Wang Xiaolong's body.

"Thank you, brother Jun!"

Then, Li Jun looked at the attribute panel.

Name: Li Jun;

Strength: 30 (normal person 10);

Agility: 32 (normal person 10);

Constitution: 32 (normal person 10);

Skills: Free Fighting (Proficient), Gambling (Master), Distinguishing Loyalty from Treachery, Predicting Danger, Divine Right of Kings, Midas Touch (Enhanced), Popular with Everyone;

Position: Legion Commander (600 million system points are required to upgrade to the next level);

Remaining system points: **;

Remaining number of summons: 47875/300000 (350/3000 NCOs can be summoned, 350/3000 engineers can be summoned);

Remaining summoned buildings: Large naval factory (0/2) (site selection required), large air force factory (0/2) (site selection required), large army factory (0/2) (site selection required);

Summoned characters: Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo, Gao Jin, Feng Yuxiu, Zhang Hua, Xu Xi, Luo Sanpao, Li Wang, Feng Wenxuan, Wang Xiaolong, Wang Xiaohu. "

Li Jun was stunned after taking a look. He didn't expect that he could summon 300,000 people.

What does 300,000 "special forces" mean?Even the total number of the US Army is only 500,000, not to mention that he has 100,000 special forces.

Let alone Nanyang, even if it is placed in the world, it is probably stronger than the top five military powers.

What surprised Li Jun even more was the military factory. As long as it was summoned, he would have 3 large naval military factories, 3 large air force military factories, and 3 large army military factories.

Now his equipment problem can be said to be completely solved, and he no longer has to worry about weapons and equipment.

Now he finally has enough strength to compete with America.

This time Sutoha dared to take the initiative to attack and make trouble, not relying on the United States and Eagle Country behind him, so he should also have some courtesy with America.

Doesn't the United States like to stay behind the scenes and support agents the most?

Then he will also learn from the United States this time and disgust the United States.

Li Jun has already chosen the target.


New Guinea Island.

Li Jun gathered all the system summoned characters scattered in Hong Kong Island, Formosa, Luzon and other places together to discuss how to deal with the United States.

The United States took the initiative to make trouble, so Li Jun would naturally not let the United States and the CIA go.

"Brother Jun, we recently found that the CIA is expanding its influence in Luzon!"

As Li Jun's chief think tank, Ah Hua quickly analyzed the situation.

"The CIA has recently supported an agent in Luzon. As long as we kill this agent, we can disrupt the CIA's plan and support our people to control the entire Luzon!"

Li Jun immediately agreed to Ah Hua's proposal.

At the same time.

The United States.

This time, the CIA fell into Li Jun's hands in Java, but the CIA launched an investigation into Li Jun all over the world.

Brian would never allow such a person who could challenge the US CIA to exist in the world.

Soon, a lot of intelligence was gathered in Brian's hands.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

Brian found that Li Jun was about to control the entire Nanyang.

He was extending his tentacles to every corner of Nanyang.

Hong Kong Island, Formosa, Luzon, Java...

07 Under Li Jun's control, the entire Nanyang was about to become the world of the Chinese. How could this be possible?

What's even more outrageous is that Li Jun even had a relationship with the Russians.

How could this be possible!

Brian felt that Li Jun would definitely be the most difficult opponent the CIA had ever encountered in the future.

He would constantly challenge the global hegemony of the United States.

He must not be allowed to continue to grow, and he must be contained as soon as possible.

As he continued to dig deeper, Li Jun's entire network of relationships gradually became clear in Brian's eyes.

Hongxing in Hong Kong Island, Ding Yao in Formosa, Fernandi in Luzon, and the Tan family in Java Island.

There was also a little flaw in the CIA's intelligence this time, because Bruno had been in contact with the intelligence agency of Kangaroo Country under Li Jun's surveillance.

In addition, Sulawesi is now operated by the Tan family, and the CIA believes that the Tan family is Li Jun's agent in Java.

Since they want to deal with Li Jun, they must first remove these minions of Li Jun.

The persimmon is naturally picked on the soft ones first.

Soon, the CIA set its sights on Fernandi.

It just so happens that Luzon is holding a general election now. It is a good opportunity to eliminate Fernandi and put their agent Duarte Marcos in power. It is simply a good move to kill two birds with one stone.


Thomas Ferdinand saw Ahua in front of him and asked carefully in the poor Chinese he had just learned.

"Brother Hua, why are you here?"

"Thomas, I'm very busy, I won't talk nonsense, I just come here to ask you a question, do you want your Fernandi family to go further in Luzon!"

"Think about it, Brother Hua, I want to, I want to!"

Thomas Fernandi rose to power from the family with the help of Li Jun.

He had been wondering whether his surrender was correct.

Until he saw the Battle of Java, Li Jun not only defeated Sutoha, but also taught the United States a lesson.

Only then did he feel that he had made an extremely correct decision.

Li Jun was so powerful, so could Fernandi go further in Luzon?

And he had been thinking about how to make his Fernandi family go further in Luzon recently.

He naturally did so, expanding a lot of territory, but these were ultimately small fights that were not presentable.

Unexpectedly, Li Jun's people came to find him now.

Thomas Fernandi was so happy that he wanted to jump up, and he just wanted to seize the opportunity in front of him.

ThomasS. Fernandi said in broken Chinese mixed with some Luzon dialect.

"Brother Hua, is Brother Jun in good health recently?"

"Thomas, you have learned Chinese well, Brother Jun will like it!"

Ahua continued after speaking.

"So do you want to participate in the election? We can support you to become the first person in Luzon!"

This is a requirement of the Luzon election. Both the president and the vice president must be native Luzon people.

"Really? Brother Hua?"

"These are what Brother Jun said!"

"Brother Jun is simply my reborn parent!"

But Ahua changed the subject and said.

"We support you with conditions, and you must agree to our conditions first."

"Brother Hua, tell me quickly, tell me quickly, I will agree to any conditions."

No matter what the conditions are, Thomas will agree immediately. Besides, he has already boarded Li Jun's pirate ship. Does he have any choice?

What's more, this can also make him go further in Luzon.

"First, the status of the Chinese in Luzon must be improved!"

"Then, I will form the necessary cabinet for you!"

Thomas soon realized that he was just a puppet, but this was also very attractive.

He immediately agreed to all of Ah Hua's conditions.

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