
In front of the palace.

Rafa X looked at the speech in his hand, and his back teeth were about to break.

But he had no choice. If he didn't hold a press conference according to the content above, he would have to change his king.

"I, King Rafa X of Siam, will set off to Marbast Island to meet Jun Ge!"


"I, Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia, will set off to Marbast Island to meet Jun Ge!"

"I, President Sutoha of Java, will set off to Marbast Island to meet Jun Ge!"

As soon as these three pieces of news came out, not to mention the entire Nanyang, even the whole world was shocked!

Who is Li Jun?

Why did the heads of state of the three countries go to see Li Jun?

No, it's an audience!

These two questions first popped up in people's minds.

You know, an audience is a subordinate meeting a superior, which means that Li Jun is the superior of the three heads of state?

For those who know the inside story in Nanyang, there is only one word to describe their inner feelings now.

That is awesome!

"Brother Jun, so awesome!"

And in the eyes of those enemies.

Especially Peng Jiakang, he looked like he had seen a ghost when he heard the news.

"Li Jun, why is it Li Jun again!"

"Li Jun, why don't you just die!"

Peng Jiakang said and tore the newspaper in his hand to pieces!

At this moment on Mabasit Island.

Li Jun sat at the head of the hall, while Rafa X, Maharati, and Sutoha stood opposite Li Jun.

But Li Jun's position was obviously four or five steps higher than Rafa X's.

Even if Li Jun was sitting, he was higher than Rafa X, Maharati and Sutoha standing!

Now Li Jun looked at Rafa X, Maharati and Sutoha, just like the monarchs in the past looked down at their subjects and gave them instructions.

Although Rafa X and the other two felt very aggrieved, they gritted their teeth and persisted for their positions.

But this scene was broadcast live to the whole world.

This time, the whole world was shocked again.

They all saw Li Jun's high and mighty appearance.

They also saw Siam, Malaysia and Java grovelling and subservient to others.

"Even when the US president meets the heads of these three countries, he is not so majestic, right?"

"Doesn't that mean that Li Jun is more powerful than the US president?"

"This is just like an ancient overlord!"

"How can this be ancient!"

"This is the overlord of Nanyang!"

"Nanyang overlord, Li Jun!"

Soon, the overlord of Nanyang, Li Jun, was broadcast all over the world with this TV broadcast.

At the same time.

Li Jun looked down at Rafa X, Maharati and Sutoha standing below.

"I was too kind before. I said that now, the conditions are not the same as before!"

"Before, I asked for your priority mining rights at the same price, but now no matter what the situation is, I must get my consent first!"

"Similarly, before, I asked you to give me tax breaks for my business, now I ask for tax exemption!"

"Also, don't you think it's good to confiscate Chinese assets? Now add one more thing. All the Chinese assets you confiscated before must be compensated by an additional 10% of the total assets!"

"Before, it was required that 20% of your senior management must be Chinese, now it must be 30%, and they must be designated by me!"

"Finally, all your ports must be leased to me, and you cannot ask about any affairs around the ports. I must handle them myself!"

Rafa X, Mahalati and Sutoha were dumbfounded after hearing this.

The first three items were just about money. For them, money was the least important thing.

But the last two items were like asking for their lives.

30% of the senior management must be Chinese, and it was designated by Li Jun. What does this mean? Doesn't this mean that Li Jun has become one of their leaders?

Do they have to share the power in their hands with Li Jun now?

Especially Rafa X, the King of Siam. He had to share power with the military before. He had wanted to kick the military out a long time ago. Now he has to add Li Jun and let him share power with Li Jun.

There is also the last one, that is, he cannot ask about all the affairs of the port area. What is the difference between this and the country in the country?

"Just say whether you agree or not!"

Li Jun didn't even want to give them time to think.

The three of them felt a little aggrieved, and they were reduced to a situation where they could only answer yes and no.

But the three of them had no choice. If there were any other feasible methods, they would not choose to sit here.

"We are the same" "When the three of them said these words, they really felt like they were going to collapse.


The Chinese in Siam, Malaysia and Java received the first compensation.

This is the first time in history.

You should know that the assets of the Chinese were confiscated before.

It was absolutely impossible to return them. Unexpectedly, not only are they all returned now, but there is also 10% compensation.

Originally, they were still doubting Li Jun, and they all suspected that Li Jun brought them disaster.

But now, when they see the When they received the compensation, they just felt that Li Jun was the savior of the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

They didn't have any feelings towards Li Jun before, but now it's different.

Now Li Jun has brought them benefits, real benefits.

As the saying goes, the world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit. Now Li Jun has a name and a profit, and his position among the Chinese in Southeast Asia can no longer be shaken by anyone.

The Chinese in Malaysia feel even more deeply.

In Malaysia, the status of the Chinese is very low, and they are even second-class citizens in Malaysia.

Let alone the top management, there is not even a single Chinese.

The status of Chinese is lower than that of dogs, which is a very real portrayal in Malaysia.

Now, Malaysia requires 30% of the top management to be Chinese, which has raised the status of Chinese at once.

Those rules and regulations that are not beneficial to Chinese were directly cancelled.

From then on, there were people in the top management who spoke up for the rights of Chinese.

For the Chinese in Malaysia, this was something they dared not even think about, but they did not expect that it would be realized one day.

You should know that in the past, Malaysia's The only way for the Chinese to improve their status is to marry the natives of Malaysia, but this will lead to the loss of their faith.

For their faith, they would rather be discriminated against than marry with other races!

At this moment, it is a day worth celebrating for the Chinese in Malaysia.

All the Chinese in Malaysia set off firecrackers at their doorsteps, performed lion and dragon dances, and hung lanterns and decorations, which was more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Li Jun is now a god-like existence in their minds!

When Li Jun was "killing all directions" in Nanyang, in Central, Hong Kong Island, Tianming Psychological Counseling Center.

Lu Zhilian once again walked into this familiar psychological counseling center. Just like usual, as soon as he walked into the door, the nurse at the front desk greeted Lu Zhilian familiarly.

"Mr. Lu, Dr. Huo is waiting for you in his consulting room!"

"Okay, thank you!"

After Lu Zhilian finished speaking, he walked straight to a room at the end of the corridor.

"You have rarely come here recently!"

Lu Zhilian pushed open the door, and Huo Tianren spoke directly without raising his head.

"The things you gave me have made some progress recently!"

At this time, Huo Tianren slowly raised his head and looked at Lu Zhilian.

"What are the results of the investigation?"

"ICAC is handling the case, so it is not convenient to disclose!"

Lu Zhilian continued.

"I just didn't expect, Professor Huo, that all the information you gave me was actually true!"

"I am very curious, Professor Huo, what role you played in it!"

"I even think that I can get more powerful clues and evidence from you!"

Huo Tianren's mouth curled up slightly after hearing this, and a faint smile hung on his face.

"The last time you came, I said that these are all my partners, my former partners!"

"Professor Huo, it seems that I didn't make my words clear enough!"

Lu Zhilian took out his ID from his pocket and said.

"ICAC, Lu Zhilian!"

"ICAC is handling the case!"

Before Lu Zhilian finished speaking, Huo Tianren smiled and reached out to press his ID.

"You, stop playing this game, and think about how to deal with the foreigners!"

"The foreigners will not let you go just because you are the chief investigator of ICAC!"

Huo Tianren said as he sat on the table and handed a glass of wine to Lu Zhilian.

"You know I can't drink!"

"It's cheap, of course if you want to pay me, I don't mind!"

"Just charge 100 yuan per glass!"

"100 yuan per glass is still cheap!"

Lu Zhilian took the glass with a smile, and coughed as soon as he took a sip.

"It's really cheap!"

"Yes! I bought it at a discount in the supermarket, it seems to be 30 or 40 a bottle!"

Hearing what Huo Tianren said, Lu Zhilian laughed happily.

"Okay, Professor Huo, since you gave me this information and knew that the foreigners would definitely come to stop me, then you must have thought of a way, right?”

“Just tell me your method!”

“That’s fine, but I’ll charge you, and it’ll be added to your consultation fee!”


After Lu Zhilian finished speaking, Huo Tianren returned to his desk, opened the drawer, and took out another document and put it in Lu Zhilian’s hand.

“The foreigners are not afraid of you, nor are they afraid of me, let alone ICAC!”

Huo Tianren pointed at the big head portrait of Li Jun on the document!

“The foreigners in Hong Kong are only afraid of this person!”

“It should be said that foreigners all over the world are only afraid of this person!”

Lu Zhilian’s face changed again and again.

“Although there is not enough evidence to prove this person, half of the black money in Hong Kong is related to him!”

“The evidence that I don’t fully grasp can prove that he is related to at least several corruption cases in the police station, but no one has revealed him!”

“Is ICAC going to fall to cooperating with such a person? "

Huo Tianren just raised his glass to make a toast and drank it all.

"It depends on your choice as ICAC Chief Investigator Lu Zhilian!"

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