"If you can really deal with the Jockey Club, then I am willing to accept your protection!"

Lu Zhilian didn't believe from the bottom of his heart that Li Jun could deal with the Jockey Club.

He didn't want to accept Li Jun's protection either. In his eyes, once he accepted Li Jun's protection, he would be branded by Li Jun in the future.

Especially until now, he didn't see Li Jun make any moves, and even the police force didn't make any moves.

It was as if nothing had happened before.

So he wanted to ask Li Jun in person before he died to see if Li Jun really wanted to take action against the Jockey Club.

Let him die without regrets!

"Lu Zhilian, that's a pity, you have to owe me a favor!"

"Tell me, which flight is yours? When you come back from the Russians, I still need you, an ICAC person, to help me bite the foreigners!"

Lu Zhilian's mouth curled up when he heard Li Jun's words. It seems that everything was just his overthinking.

"I will investigate your police force, and I will only investigate the foreigners if I have evidence!"

Lu Zhilian stated his conditions.

"Police force, you can only investigate those I allow you to investigate!"

"As for the foreigners, don't worry, there will be no shortage of evidence!"

"Of course, if there are really those who are extremely evil in the police force, I will also allow you to investigate!"

Li Jun knew that it was time for him to establish a check and balance in Hong Kong Island.

Otherwise, if Zhuo Jingquan, Liang Wenfeng, Lu Minghua and others really become powerful, they will easily disobey.

And the best way to establish a check and balance in Hong Kong Island is to use the three bureaus and thirteen bureaus in Hong Kong Island. They usually bite each other, and can be pinched together when something happens.

As long as he completely takes over the three bureaus and thirteen bureaus including the Legislative Council, he can completely bypass Peng Jiakang, and the entire Hong Kong Island will be his own. At the same time, they can check and balance each other and will not affect him.

"Then I will not arrange my last moments with the Russians for the time being!"

After Lu Zhilian finished speaking, he told Li Jun his flight schedule and departure time.

"Then you'd better come back before Sunday. Of course, Sunday is also OK, otherwise you will miss something!"

"This is a benefit revealed to you in advance!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone and asked Ah Hua, who was already in Hong Kong Island, to arrange air tickets for Feng Yuxiu and Li Wang.

Lu Zhilian looked back at the Tianming Psychological Counseling Center behind him. He had already made up his mind and did not intend to tell Huo Tianren inside about this matter.

Huo Tianren inside was very anxious.

Li Jun had not taken any action, which made him waver in his plan.

This time he wanted Li Jun to fight with the foreigners, so that he could reap the benefits and take revenge on Li Jun.

To take revenge on Li Jun for poaching Huo Tianren, his former general.

But he didn't know that Lu Zhilian, who had just rejected him, was also ready to join Li Jun.

"Li Jun, you still haven't taken any action?"

Huo Tianren picked up the phone to contact the few remaining partners in the police force.

"Professor, no, the whole police force is the same as usual, and those gangsters are the same as usual, there is no change at all!"

"Okay, I get it!"

Huo Tianren hung up the phone and muttered to himself.

"Is there a flaw in my plan?"

"Not really, doesn't Li Jun like the Jockey Club? That's absolutely impossible!"

"It seems that I have to find a way to add fuel to the fire, so that the foreigners and Li Jun can fight, and it would be best if the foreigners can mobilize the troops in Hong Kong Island!"

Huo Tianren picked up the phone again after speaking.

"Shapuqiu (the female drug lord in the Golden Triangle in "Betrayal: Undercover Criminal", Huo Tianren's partner), help me do something!"

Governor's House.

Peng Jiakang looked at Shi Kang and McCree.

"Li Jun, really no action?"

It has been very peaceful recently, which made the three of them feel unreal.

This is not like Li Jun's style at all.

"Is Li Jun not interested in the Jockey Club?"

Peng Jiakang felt uneasy.

"Governor, based on my understanding of Li Jun, he will definitely not let go of the Jockey Club!"

"He will also protect Lu Zhilian!"

McCree interrupted Shi Kang and said.

"But Lu Zhilian has already bought a plane ticket for the evening, and will be heading to the Russians' Dalingrad in a few minutes!"


The three of them felt very strange, and always felt that something was wrong.

"Let's remind Torbjorn!"

Peng Jiakang made his own decision.

"It's always better to be safe than sorry!"

"Governor, I think you are really scared by that dwarf mule!"

Torbjorn felt very impatient when he received a call from Peng Jiakang asking him to be careful."Look, Hong Kong Island is calm now, what could be wrong?"

"If you feel too comfortable, I can arrange a few terrorists for you!"

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I still need to ask the Russians to prepare and tell them about Lu Zhilian's plane!"

Night fell.

Huo Tianren found that Li Jun still had no movement, and there was no news of Li Jun even overseas.

He couldn't sit still, he decided to take the initiative to add fuel to the fire and let Li Jun and the foreigners fight.

Shapqiu sent ten men to Huo Tianren, and Huo Tianren asked them to take the videotape to the TV station and the media in the name of Li Jun to expose the whole Jockey Club.

But soon, the TV station notified Li Jun.

"Brother Jun, if you want us to play this videotape to expose the Jockey Club, just tell me directly, I'll send someone to get it!"

Li Jun was confused when he received a call from the TV station owner.

When did he send someone to send the videotape to the TV station?

Could it be that Lu Zhilian acted on his own initiative?

No, Lu Zhilian has already boarded the plane to the Russians.

"Who is that person?"

"The security said he looks like a Vietnamese!"

Li Jun couldn't help but smile. It was interesting. Now someone was pretending to be someone else.

"Then Jun, should we release this videotape?"

"Of course we should!"


Governor's House.

Peng Jiakang also learned that Li Jun sent someone to deliver the videotape to the TV station.

"Hahaha, right? This is Li Jun!"

Peng Jiakang couldn't help but laugh as he looked at Shi Kang who informed him of the news.

"However, Li Jun, you think that a small videotape can bring down the Jockey Club and us. You underestimate us too much!"

On the plane.

"You must listen to my arrangements after landing!"

Lu Zhilian said to Feng Yuxiu and Li Wang.

When he learned that this was the person sent by Li Jun to protect him, he was ready to let Feng Yuxiu and the other two do something else.

"We only follow Jun's orders. Jun only said to protect you, so we are only responsible for protecting you. As for the rest, we will not do anything!"

Feng Yuxiu said coldly.

"And don't try to command us. We have our own judgment!"

After hearing this, Lu Zhilian leaned back on the cushion in frustration.

Although Li Jun only sent two people to protect him, he had heard that Li Jun's subordinates were powerful.

But why are they so obedient? And they only listen to Li Jun?

Lu Zhilian couldn't figure it out.

If he also had a few such obedient and capable subordinates, he would have transferred all those foreigners to ICAC long ago!

"Do you two want to eat something?"

Lu Zhilian wanted to win over Feng Yuxiu and Li Wang again.

"No need!"

Feng Yuxiu responded with his eyes closed, looking like a master.

"What about you, handsome guy?"

After being turned away by Feng Yuxiu, Lu Zhilian turned around and asked Li Wang.

"Thank you, but no thanks!"

"How long have you been with Li Jun?"

Seeing that Li Wang was willing to talk to him, Lu Zhilian decided to change his target.

"You'll know. Also, your tricks are outdated. The relationship between us and Jun Ge is not what you can imagine, so don't waste your energy!"

"What kind of relationship can't I imagine?"

Lu Zhilian looked at Li Wang with a smile on his face.

"Even if it's a relationship between men, I think it's normal!"

But Lu Zhilian hadn't finished speaking.


Li Wang punched Lu Zhilian's seat cushion directly, and the foam burst out. If it wasn't on the plane, Li Wang would have been able to punch through the plane directly!

"Lu Zhilian, be quiet from now on, you are fine, I am fine, and everyone is fine!"

After Li Wang finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Lu Zhilian.

Lu Zhilian's heart was not calm. He had heard that Li Jun's men were strong before, and now he really felt it.

He could feel the strength of the punch just now. He could feel that the other party was controlling the power strongly, but he could directly punch through the cushion without causing a big noise.

This is the ultimate mastery and application of power, which requires a lot of experience. It is not something that ordinary gangsters can do. Even in Scotland Yard, those Eagle Country agents may not be able to do it.

Where did these two people come from?

How could they be so strong?

Why did he never meet these two people in Hong Kong Island.

Why didn't these two people join the official, but were recruited by Li Jun.

The more Lu Zhilian thought about it, the more he felt that the institutions in Hong Kong Island were too bad, and they actually let such excellent talents drift outside.Under the governance of the foreigners, only foreigners can get promoted, and only those who are in collusion with the foreigners can enter Hong Kong institutions and step onto the stage of power.

And these truly outstanding Chinese have been suppressed and buried!

Coupled with Huo Tianren's previous instigation, he now thinks that Hong Kong needs to change.

At the same time.

Hong Kong Island.

Governor's House.

Torbjorn sat on the sofa with a wine glass and looked at Peng Jiakang.

"Peng Jiakang, you said Li Jun is so powerful, but this is all he can do?"

"Just show these videos on TV?"

"I really thought he was so powerful before?"

Torbjorn and his gang felt relieved when they saw the videotapes being broadcast on TV.

They had already prepared the scapegoat.

"You let McCree's ICAC prepare to arrest people, and I have prepared a scapegoat for him!"

Torbjorn said, picking up the wine glass on the table and taking a sip.

Peng Jiakang also sat down next to Torbjorn, picked up his glass and clinked it with Torbjorn, and then with Shi Kang, the governor. "Li Jun, he really thinks that the police force alone can control Hong Kong Island!"

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