"Okay, everyone, stop looking. My legs are a little numb just now. Thank you, Shi Kang, the governor, for bringing me a chair, and thank you all for your concern!" Li Jun took the initiative to eliminate the bad influence for Peng Jiakang and others.

If Peng Jiakang and others were recalled by Eagle Country because of this incident, then the account book he got would be useless.

But many people believed it.

Because only in this way can the scene just now be explained.

"Acai, I didn't expect that Li Jun, the short mule, would also have numb legs!"

Li Peicai said to Guo Yongnian.

"It seems that we were overthinking just now!"

"That's right, how could the foreigners listen to a short mule!"

Guo Yongnian continued after speaking.

"It's because the previous incident has left a shadow in my heart. I am always worried that I will be retaliated by Li Jun!"

In fact, Li Jun didn't take these two people seriously at all, and almost forgot that they existed.

"Overthinking, overthinking, drink, drink!"

And the Eagle Country MPs over there.


Christina snorted coldly.

"That's quite a good idea!"

"Are you afraid that we will take Peng Jiakang and others back to Eagle Country?"

"It will be really uncomfortable to share power with a dwarf mule in the future!"

Senator Stark said expressionlessly, picked up the wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

"Let him be proud for a few days! Let a dwarf mule help us to transfer, and we can also be picked out."

Christina could only comfort herself in this way. She didn't like being threatened, but she didn't think of a good way for the time being.

As soon as Peng Jiakang and others left, He Xian and others immediately came forward and surrounded Li Jun.

"Ah Jun, are your legs really numb?"

"Uncle Xian, do you think my legs will be numb at my age?"

After Li Jun said this, He Xian and others looked at Li Jun in surprise.

So their guess just now was true! ! !

The foreigner actually wanted to listen to Li Jun? ? ?

That's Peng Jiakang, the emperor of Hong Kong Island. How could he really listen to Li Jun?

"But Jun, how could that foreigner be so obedient?"

He Xian and the others were all looking at Li Jun. They were really curious and wanted to know why.

"Uncle Xian, you just need to know that as long as they are strong enough, foreigners also know how to serve people!"

"Then Jun, what about those two people?"

He Wen, Bao Yugang's son-in-law, said as he glanced at Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian.

"The two of them?"

Li Jun looked at them and remembered that there were two people, Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian.

"Jun, I heard about your previous affairs. These two people can't make any waves. Why don't you let them go!"

He Xian persuaded on the side. He had seen too many ups and downs. Naturally, he didn't have so many fighting hearts when he was old.

"Okay, then listen to Uncle Xian!"

Li Jun didn't mind doing a favor for He Xian, mainly because he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, these two people would soon be sold out by Peng Jiakang and others.

They would even give these two families to him as gifts and ask Li Jun to forgive them for some of their previous things.

And just as Li Jun guessed.

Peng Jiakang and others left the banquet hall at this time and gathered in an office to plan this matter.

"Torbian, we are still friends on the same front, how could you sell us out!"

McCree stared at Torbian's eyes, suppressing his inner anger.

"Then we are still grasshoppers on the same rope now, not on the same front!"

Torbian felt that he was actually a little proud, fortunately he jumped quickly and jumped onto Li Jun's big tree...

And as the first one to jump, he is naturally treated the best now.

Needless to say, the position of the chairman of the Jockey Club, the previous money has not been reduced by a penny, and there is no need to pay tribute to Li Jun.

The confidentiality fee that Li Jun asked for was just an additional surcharge on Christina and the others.

And the most important thing is that Torbjorn is now safer. With Li Jun as his supporter, Torbjorn feels that he is really safe.

In the past, all forces might kill him.

But now, as long as he does not betray Li Jun, Christina and the others and those overseas gangs will not come to trouble him.

Li Jun will take care of everything for him!

The current situation is unexpectedly good, and Torbjorn feels like he is going to float.

"Don't argue, it can only be blamed on Li Jun's heart being too dark!"

Peng Jiakang glanced at the others and continued.

"Now we are all caught by Li Jun, and we areLi Jun will definitely not let us off so easily for what we did before!"

After Peng Jiakang finished speaking, Shi Kang and McCree nodded.

Only Torbjorn didn't care. In various senses, he had never hurt Li Jun. He had only assassinated Lu Zhilian before.

The most important thing was that he was the first to jump to Li Jun's side.

"Oh, if you had known this would happen, why did you do it in the first place? Look, I don't have these troubles!"

Torbjorn gloated at Peng Jiakang and the other two who were staring at him with death eyes.

"Torbjorn, if we weren't on the same boat, we would have been caught by Li Jun!"

"I will let McCree's ICAC check your underwear now!"

"So, you have made me realize now how right I was to join Li Jun! ”

People are not worried about the lack of wealth, but about the inequality. Seeing that someone is worse off than himself, Torbjorn is really happy.

“Torbjorn, can you please go out for a while?”

Shi Kang really doesn’t want to see Torbjorn now. It’s all Torbjorn’s fault that they are in such a miserable state now.

“Okay, you guys chat. I’ll help you entertain the guests!”

Seeing Torbjorn walk out and close the door.


Peng Jiakang and the other three couldn’t help but sigh.

“I think we should give Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian to Li Jun!”

Hong Kong Island.

Office in the viewing hall of Shatin Racecourse.

“In the matter of Li Bancheng before, it is said that these two families betrayed Li Jun, and these two families are also fence-sitters! "

Governor Shi Kang analyzed.

"We brought them in only because our influence among the Chinese is too weak. Basically, the Chinese are unwilling to join us, but are more willing to accept the support of Li Jun and others!"

"But I didn't expect that now even we ourselves have become Li Jun's subordinates!"

Shi Kang said, feeling a burst of bitterness. Who could have thought that the enemy he wanted to kill so much, not only did not die, but he even had to kneel down on his own initiative.

"So handing these two Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian to Li Jun will not cause us to lose too much!"

Shi Kang and his men now have to think about pleasing Li Jun, but they can't let themselves lose too much.

They have been accepted by Li Jun, but they are unwilling to do so!

And more importantly, they don't want to die together, they are still thinking about the huge interests of Hong Kong Island.

In short, they are in a very tangled mentality now.

"Then act! "

After listening to Shi Kang's analysis, Peng Jiakang immediately made a decision.

"McCree, your ICAC can take action. When Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian walk out of the Jockey Club, take them away in front of Li Jun!"

"Remember to do it in front of Li Jun!"

After saying this, Peng Jiakang did not forget to repeat and emphasize that no matter what, they must perform well to regain some of Li Jun's favor.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong!"

"What about Lu Zhilian?"

"That's your ICAC's internal affairs, and it's not my business!"

McCree felt embarrassed after hearing this. He wanted to kill the other party yesterday, and today he had to lick his face and beg the other party to go back?

But McCree could only say reluctantly in the end.

"Well, okay! "

The three of them were all extremely bitter.

On the other side.

Lu Zhilian found that Li Jun had returned to the viewing hall and finally found a chance to squeeze forward.

"So did you reach an agreement with Torbjorn?"

"Are you going to let the Jockey Club go now?"

Lu Zhilian looked at Li Jun and asked.

"So everything is over now?"

Li Jun looked into Lu Zhilian's eyes and said.

"It's not over yet!"

"It's just that this chess game has become bigger now. You can go back to work at ICAC later!"

"You will find that you will be very busy in the days to come!"

"You will find that you are really cleaning up the termites in Hong Kong Island!"

"So are you going to let the Jockey Club go for the time being?"

Lu Zhilian asked.

"It depends on how you define it. A group of foreigners will be cleared out of the Jockey Club next! "

Li Jun has already made a plan. He doesn't trust Torbjorn. He wants to place his own people in the Jockey Club.

But the Jockey Club has a position for each person, and now all the positions are occupied by foreigners, so let's pull out all the foreigners first.

And this task is given to Lu Zhilian.

Not only can he pull out these people, but he can pull them out legitimately, and no one can find a reason to complain.

"Except Torbjorn, right!"

Lu Zhilian's mouth curled up slightly, and Li Jun nodded.

"That's good, anywayI didn't expect to get rid of Torbjorn in one go. I was surprised to be able to bring down a large number of foreigners!"

In Lu Zhilian's career, all the cases investigated by ICAC ended up with Chinese people taking the blame. Now that foreigners can go in, he thinks it's amazing.

"Next, not only the Jockey Club, but also the Legislative Council, and the three bureaus and thirteen bureaus in Hong Kong will have a large number of foreigners investigated by ICAC!"

Hearing this, Lu Zhilian's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?"

Before, he thought it was amazing to be able to bring down the foreigners in the Jockey Club.

Now Li Jun actually said that even the foreigners in the Legislative Council can be brought down?

And the foreigners in the three bureaus and thirteen bureaus can also be brought down?

This is the real foreign high-level in Hong Kong Island, can it really be brought down?

"Are you serious?"

Lu Zhilian asked in disbelief.

"What if I say that not only the three bureaus and thirteen bureaus, but also the foreigners in Swire and HSBC Group will be brought down? "

Lu Zhilian just felt like he was dreaming. This was something he couldn't even think about.

What did they do in ICAC before?

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