I knew it was a real gift.

There were a lot of names of foreigners listed in it, and of course there were many Chinese.

"Peng Jiakang, there are many foreigners here who are your enemies!"


Peng Jiakang smiled and admitted it directly!

"However, Mr. Li didn't expect you to see it at a glance!"

"Mr. Li, to be honest, if you were born in Eagle Country, our prime minister's position would definitely be yours one day!"

"You are so suitable to be a politician!"

"This is my sincere words!"

This is a politician like Peng Jiakang. Even when facing a crisis or danger, he will not forget to get rid of his opponents first.

At the same time, his face changed faster than turning a book!

"But even if I am a Chinese, your Eagle Country Prime Minister's position will be mine!"

Li Jun responded casually while flipping through the list.

But this caused countless ripples in the hearts of Peng Jiakang and the other two.

The three were shocked.

They have been dealing with Li Jun for such a long time, and they know that Li Jun is definitely not just talking casually.

They didn't expect that Li Jun really targeted the Eagle Country Parliament and 13 Downing Street.

They mourned for the people in the Eagle Country Parliament for a while.

But they hoped that Li Jun could deal with the people in the Parliament.

In this way, Li Jun can leave Hong Kong Island.

As long as Li Jun can deal with the Eagle Country Parliament, he won't have to be bullied from both sides.

Peng Jiakang and the other two really feel like a bullied wife now.

They can't offend Li Jun.

They dare not offend the Eagle Country Parliament of Zujia.

They can only be caught in the middle.

"Remove this vice chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and don't want Shen Bi from HSBC!"

Li Jun is now like looking at a menu to order food, but everyone he calls has to go to ICAC for coffee.

"And this Swire Group's Smith Swire!"

Li Jun read out a series of names like a menu.

"Mr. Li, don't read so fast, I forgot some of them!"

McCrea held a small notebook in his hand like a reporter, recording quickly.

"Give me the pen!"

"All those who are ticked on it will be sent to ICAC!"

Li Jun took McCrea's pen and really was like the King of Hell ticking the book of life and death.

All the names ticked by Li Jun had more or less had a feud with Li Jun before or provided convenience to certain people.

"Commissioner McCrea, why don't you just give me the list of Hong Kong Island agency personnel, and I'll tick them directly!"

Peng Jiakang and Shi Kang couldn't help but twitch their faces when they heard this.

Is he not even pretending?

Whatever, anyway, I have already discussed my own affairs with Li Jun, and the rest is the ICAC's affairs.

McCree, however, looked at Peng Jiakang inquiringly, trying to find the answer from his face.

But he did not find any answer he wanted from the faces of Peng Jiakang and Shi Kang.

"Mr. Li, how about I send you the list of Hong Kong Island institutions tomorrow? If you don't like any name, just tick it!"

McCree saw Peng Jiakang's expression, and he didn't care. Since he had already sold it, he might as well sell it and get a good price.

"Finish these first, and then give it to me!"

Li Jun just ticked at least a hundred names of foreigners!

At this moment, Jiu Wenlong knocked on the door and walked in with a dining cart.

"Since A Long is here, let's do this for today!"

Li Jun's words made Peng Jiakang and the other two feel as if they had been pardoned.

"A Long, pour wine for the Governor and others. Remember not to pour too much, leave some for other brothers to taste!"

Li Jun ordered.

"Yes, Jun brother!"

Jiu Wenlong was so happy when he heard it.

When pouring, Jiu Wenlong really poured a mouthful into the cups of Peng Jiakang and the other two.

Peng Jiakang saw it and felt extremely bitter. His own wine, his treasured wine, he could only taste it?

He could only comfort himself, at least he could taste it.

Li Jun raised his glass and said.

"I wish us a happy cooperation and a better tomorrow for Hong Kong Island!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Although Peng Jiakang and the other two had their own ideas, they also raised their glasses to celebrate.

On the other side.

At this time, many people were already asleep.

In the Victoria Hotel in Hong Kong Island.

The door of a guest room was suddenly knocked open.

Lu Zhilian walked in directly, turned on the light and looked in the direction of the bed.

The foreigner on the bed looked at Lu Zhilian and shouted.

"Do you know who I am?"

"ICAC case!"

"Prosecution Division of the Department of Justice, Dr. Peng Delie"Come with me!"

Lu Zhilian said as he took a coat from the coat rack at the door and handed it over.

"And the lady next to you, come with us too!"

At the same time.

In all the major hotels in Hong Kong Island.

ICAC launched raids.

Even Zhuo Jingquan and others received assistance notices.

"Fuck, Hong Kong Island has changed tonight?"

Zhuo Jingquan said to Liang Wenfeng with the record.

"Our police force and ICAC have always kept to themselves. Today, ICAC actually asked our police force for assistance for the first time?"

"The whole Hong Kong Island is arresting foreigners. Many people resisted arrest. Several gun-related wounding incidents occurred. Naturally, it is under the jurisdiction of our police force!"

Lu Minghua also walked in with a document.

"What is wrong with ICAC? They even dare to arrest foreigners? "

Zhuo Jingquan and others have long known about the so-called integrity of ICAC. They only dare to arrest Chinese people, not foreigners.

"You ask me, how do I know!"

"You say, ICAC will not also investigate our police force!"

"Not for the time being!"

At some point, Lu Zhilian suddenly appeared behind Zhuo Jingquan and the other two.

"I know you, Lu Zhilian, the chief investigator of ICAC!"

Zhuo Jingquan recognized him at a glance.

"You Lianji people are so rude, don't you need to report when entering the director's office?"

"I'm here to pass on a message for Jun Ge. Your police force is too slow to move. We don't have enough manpower in ICAC. You should immediately transfer some manpower to our ICAC!" Lu Zhilian had just finished speaking when Zhuo Jingquan and the other two were stunned. They slowly asked in disbelief.

"You ICAC also listen to Jun Ge?"

Lu Zhilian smiled and looked at the three people and said.

"If you don't believe it, you can call Jun Ge now! ”

Hong Kong Island.

Police station building.

Zhuo Jingquan, Liang Wenfeng and Lu Minghua were all looking at Lu Zhilian with incredible eyes.

“Fuck, this can’t be true?”

Liang Wenfeng asked, and then immediately picked up the phone on the table to call Li Jun.

Zhuo Jingquan and Lu Minghua were staring at Liang Wenfeng. Zhuo Jingquan even pressed the hands-free button on the phone. He just wanted to get confirmation from Li Jun.

“Brother Jun, Lu Zhilian from the Independent Commission Against Corruption said that he came to us according to your instructions?”

“That’s right, your police force is too slow to go, immediately cooperate with Lu Zhilian and the ICAC!”

Li Jun’s voice kept echoing in the minds of the three people.

Does the ICAC really listen to Brother Jun?

Fuck, this is really true!

“Brother Jun, does the ICAC really listen to you?”

“Liang Wenfeng, why are you talking so much nonsense? Go catch the foreigners immediately. Catch the foreigners tonight! "

"If you let one of the foreigners escape, you will be a police officer again tomorrow!"


Liang Wenfeng hung up the phone and turned to Lu Zhilian.

"How many people do you need? I will assign them to you right away!"

"Yes, yes, I will ask someone to arrange how many people you need!"

Zhuo Jingquan and Lu Minghua also reacted and said to Lu Zhilian.

"Flying Tigers, do you need assault vehicles?"

Lu Zhilian's heart was also full of waves.

Li Jun's words were even more effective than those of the Director of the Security Bureau.

He just called the Director of the Security Bureau through normal procedures and asked for support. The other party agreed, but only a few patrol trainees came.

And Li Jun's phone call was able to mobilize even the assault vehicles and the Flying Tigers.

"The Flying Tigers are not needed. They are not dangerous people. But if the assault vehicles meet the procedures, it would be the best. Speed ​​is the essence of war! ”

“Lu Zhilian, what are you talking about? We are all eating from the same pot now, what is in accordance with the procedures!”

“With the signatures of our three directors, what is in accordance with the procedures?”

After saying that, Zhuo Jingquan took out a transfer order from his desk, signed his name on it, and handed it to Lu Minghua and Liang Wenfeng.

Not long after.

Five assault vehicles sped out from the parking lot of the police station building in five directions.

One team consisted of two assault vehicles, carrying Lu Zhilian and Zhuo Jingquan.

The other three were led by Lu Minghua and Liang Wenfeng.

On the radio communication channel of the assault vehicle.

“Lu Zhilian, I didn’t expect you to become one of us! "

Zhuo Jingquan looked at Lu Zhilian who was sitting next to him, and remembered that a week ago, this guy was still a diligent Lianji.

He found it a little funny.

"Yes, Lu Zhilian, since you have become a member of our team, you must take care of us in the future"We Ren!"

"We don't want to go to your Lianji for coffee!"

"To be precise, I'm not one of you. I only listen to Jun Ge, and Jun Ge said that if you Ren dare to do bad things, let me send you Ren to Lianji for tea!"

Zhuo Jingquan and the other two heard it, and their faces changed. They didn't know whether Lu Zhilian was joking with them or was serious.

"No way, Lu Zhilian, are you wrong? You are one of us after all, so how can you not be considered a real Lianji?"

"No, there is a difference between me and you!"

"First of all, I followed Jun Ge because of my ideals and because I agree with Jun Ge's ideas. There is an essential difference between me and you!"

Li Jun didn't expect that his team is now big, and the whole team has begun to be divided into different levels!

A contempt chain has begun to form.

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