"Sir Philip, I didn't expect you to study Li Jun so thoroughly!"

After listening to Sir Philip's analysis, Christina felt that she was not without hope.

And she was no longer led by Li Jun.

"Miss Christina, there is a saying in Chinese that knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will lead to victory in all battles!"

"Understanding the enemy can help us make the most adequate countermeasures!"

Christina couldn't help but nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"Sir Philip, it seems that it is very right for my father to send you here, otherwise I don't know what to do!"

"Miss Christina, I am very honored to receive your praise!"

"This time, I will definitely bet on my honor as a knight!"

"But I hope to receive your praise afterwards!"

Although Philip received Christina's praise, he was still very cautious and did not show his joy at all.

He changed the subject and continued.

"Although we have enough advantages, it is undeniable that we have lost too much in the layout of Hong Kong Island before this!"

"The most important thing is that Peng Jiakang and others were too careless, and Torbjörn's temporary dive left the most critical account book to Li Jun!"

"It has disrupted our layout in Hong Kong Island, making us no longer able to trust and use all the institutions in Hong Kong Island!"

When these words came out, Christina, who was sitting comfortably, was shocked and looked at Sir Philip in disbelief and asked.

"Sir Philip, what you said is a bit too exaggerated!"

"Miss Christina, I am not exaggerating at all. Now the ICAC and the police station are in Li Jun's hands, even if Li Jun cannot completely control the ICAC!"

"Of course, this is not your fault, Miss Christina. At first, I just thought that Li Jun only controlled three or two people in the police force and the police station!"

"It was not until I carefully studied Li Jun's layout in Hong Kong Island on the plane that I discovered this terrible phenomenon!"

"Miss Christina, tell me the truth now, can you mobilize the ICAC, can you mobilize ICAC Commissioner McRae to investigate Li Jun?"

"You can mobilize any agency in Hong Kong Island now to go against Li Jun?"

Christina was shocked and couldn't believe it after hearing this.

The power agency arranged by Eagle Country in Hong Kong Island, she couldn't mobilize any of them.

When did it become like this?

At this time, Sir Philip's voice sounded again.

"Even if Miss Christina, you can still mobilize these institutions, can you make sure they are still the same as before, and what you say is what it is!"

Christina felt really overwhelmed after hearing this. Before, she only thought that Li Jun controlled the police station, but she didn't expect to lose so much.

"Or can you guarantee that the people in these institutions will not tip off Li Jun in the process?"

Christina shook her head. After Sir Philip said this, she completely agreed with what Sir Philip said.

And she realized something even more terrible.

Big Eagle is gradually losing control of Hong Kong Island?

Just as Sir Philip said.

Christina finally realized that something was wrong.

Big Eagle really lost control of Hong Kong Island step by step.

Now in addition to controlling Hong Kong Island in capital and finance.

None of the institutions in Hong Kong Island can really be used by Big Eagle.

The harm caused by Li Jun is even greater than they imagined.

"But Sir Philip, even so, the people in the parliament haven't really discussed it out yet!"

"They still want to use the appeasement policy like they did to Germany before, and they still want to recruit Li Jun!"

"Let Li Jun be our dog!"

Although Christina had also wanted to make Li Jun her dog before.

After all, for them, interests are often everything.

"Alas, yes, this is the biggest mistake we made in this failure!"

Sir Philip couldn't help but sigh after saying this.

"But now, it is obvious that the harm caused by Li Jun is far greater than the benefits he can bring to us!"

Sir Philip took out a large stack of documents from his briefcase and said.

"When I was on the plane, I prepared two plans!"

Christina was waiting for Sir Philip's words.

"The first one, I carefully investigated the specific situation of William, the Financial Secretary, and I asked someone to retrieve all his bank records in the Cayman Islands!"

"In fact, William is reallyIt's considered clean!"

Sir Philip shrugged his shoulders.

"Over the years, it's only more than 5 million!"

Philip pointed to one of the documents and said that this document recorded all the contents in detail, and there were corresponding stamps on it.

"In fact, it just provided a little convenience. The procedure should go as it should, and he didn't interfere!"

"Sir Philip, how could I not know what you said, otherwise I wouldn't want to get him out!"

Christina pressed her head when she spoke, which was really a headache for her. Li Jun was really hateful.

"Then you have to look at this document!"

Sir Philip looked at the document in Christina's hand, and then continued.

"Even if it is leaked, it doesn't matter. The data on it cannot be used for specific purposes!"

Christina understood immediately after hearing it.

She stood up and threw this document down.

"Okay, Sir Philip, you can talk about the second option! "

"Miss Christina, like you, I prefer the second option!"

"The second option is to let William die in the ICAC or the police building while he is in the police station or the ICAC!"

"In this way, no matter what William's situation is, it is the darkness of the ICAC and the police station!"

"What a bullshit justice trial, it is the darkest day in the history of Hong Kong Island!"

As soon as Sir Philip finished speaking, Christina couldn't help but applaud.

Didn't Li Jun want to embarrass us in Hong Kong Island?

As long as William died in the police station or the ICAC building, he would not be able to wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Although Christina was reluctant to lose such a capable general like William, she quickly made a decision to choose the lesser of two evils.

"Then Sir Philip, I think since you have come up with a solution, you must have thought about the follow-up actions!"

"Yes, Miss Christina! "

"Linda, Sir Philip has any instructions, please satisfy him!"

Christina said with a strong smile on her face, Li Jun, Li Jun, let's see how you play this time?

On the other side.

Inside the ICAC building.

Lu Zhilian is signing a document to hand over Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian to Zhuo Jingquan and others at the police station.

Then he picked up another document, signed his name, and took William and others from the police station to the ICAC.

The police station and the ICAC cooperated with each other to time each other, so that even if there was not enough evidence, these people could not go out at all.

But Li Peicai and Guo Yongnian entered the police station, but they missed the ICAC.

In terms of interrogation, Zhuo Jingquan and others obviously have more means than the ICAC. In addition, after Lu Zhilian left, there were only Zhuo Jingquan, Liang Wenfeng and Lu Minghua, and these three people naturally let go completely.

"I said, I will say everything! ”

After a while, Li Peicai gave up completely.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know!"

"Don't you need a lawyer now?"

"No need!"

Zhuo Jingquan picked up Li Peicai like a chicken.

Then he put him on a chair and sat him down.

"I'll tell you what we need. I need a document that can prove what you said!"

"For example, remittance records!"

"I don't know anything about this. We always trade on a yacht. I took the money to the yacht, and then I didn't know anything!"

"But I know that it must have gone to the hands of William, the Financial Secretary, in the end. Otherwise, I couldn't bid for several plots of land sold by the Financial Secretary! ”

This is the dilemma faced by Lu Zhilian and others. They clearly know that the money will eventually flow into the hands of Financial Secretary William, but they can't find any evidence.

Li Peicai has never even seen the person who contacted the other party, and he can only guess whether the money has reached the hands of Financial Secretary William.

"Have you never doubted it?"

Zhuo Jingquan and Liang Wenfeng and others all think it is not that simple.

"You must have investigated it privately!"

Liang Wenfeng and others know that these rich people are not easy to deal with. It is definitely not that simple. The other party must have something to hide from them.

This is the difference between Liang Wenfeng and others and Lu Zhilian. Liang Wenfeng and others have more experience in dealing with old foxes because they have done similar things before.

"Of course I doubted it and investigated it, but those yachts were rented every time and changed every time!"

"Anyway, someone hinted that I should put the moneyPut it on that yacht, tell me the specific dock address, number, and time!"

"The rest depends on your own understanding and thinking!"

"Liang Wenfeng, you also came here this way, you should know what I mean!"

"Anyway, I understand now, I offended Jun Ge, but it was not Jun Ge who wanted to arrest me, but Peng Jiakang and other foreigners abandoned me!" Li Peicai really regretted it now, and regretted being a fence-sitter and following Peng Jiakang and others.

Unexpectedly, Peng Jiakang and others were the first to sell him out.

"So, every word I say now is really true!"

Li Peicai had just finished speaking when Liang Wenfeng received an important call.

"William's bank record files were found in Causeway Bay?"

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