Bang bang~

At this time, another round of gunfire sounded, and the bullets hit Zhu Tao's feet not far away, and Zhu Tao ran away in shock.

However, Zhu Tao, who was already frightened, did not realize that no matter which direction he ran, he would eventually be forced back to one direction.

"Fuck, which guy acted without authorization?"

After hearing the gunfire, Chen Jiaju's face suddenly changed and he shouted loudly.

"If there is an accident, everyone will act immediately. Zhu Tao must not run away!"

Dong Piao also issued an order at this time.

Bang bang bang bang~

Chen Jiaju ran in the direction of the gunfire, and then he saw three men just walked out of a wooden house and walked away quickly, two of whom were holding a box in their hands.

"Police, don't move!"

Chen Jiaju shouted while running towards the three men.

Bang, bang, bang~

After hearing what Chen Jiaju said, the man without the box in his hand raised his hand and shot at Chen Jiaju, who quickly hid behind the wall.

After a few seconds, Chen Jiaju poked his head out from behind the wall and found that the three men had already disappeared in the small path of the wooden house area.

"Damn it!"

Chen Jiaju cursed in a low voice, and then walked into the wooden house that the three men had just left. Here, he saw the bodies of four men. Judging from their appearance, these four men were not Chinese.

"Four male corpses were found at this position, and support was coming immediately!"

After throwing down this sentence, Chen Jiaju ran in the direction where the three men disappeared.

At the same time.

Bang, bang, bang~

Da, da, da~

The entire Diamond Hill wooden house area was filled with gunshots.

The police ambushing in the wooden house area only then discovered that there was another group of people ambushing here, and they had more people and more firepower than them, so they didn't even dare to show their heads.

That is, as Zhu Tao left, the firepower began to gradually weaken, and the police dared to show their heads.

Among these policemen, Chen Jiaju was obviously the most fierce.

He ran quickly towards the place where the gunshots came from without any hesitation.

Finally, when Zhu Tao was about to escape from the wooden house area, Chen Jiaju saw his back.

At this time, Zhu Tao was in a mess. The henchmen around him, including his nephew Zhu Danny, had been shot and killed. Only he escaped here alone. Seeing that he had reached the road ahead, Zhu Tao quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and was about to call his henchmen who were waiting outside to pick him up.

Right here.

"Police, don't move!"

Chen Jiaju pointed at Zhu Tao with a .38 and shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot!"

Zhu Tao quickly raised his hand and looked back at Chen Jiaju.


At this time, a car stopped by the road behind Zhu Tao, and then the man sitting in the back seat pulled the trigger at Chen Jiaju with an AK:

Bang bang bang~

Chen Jiaju reacted very quickly and immediately hid behind a low wall. When he looked out to observe the situation, he found that Zhu Tao had been strangled by the man who got off the car and dragged into the car.

Bang bang bang~

Chen Jiaju didn't care about anything else, and took the .38 and fired randomly at the position of the car.

Then he jumped out of the low wall, but saw the man sitting in the co-pilot seat. The man was wearing a mask and waved at him. Then the car started and quickly disappeared in front of Chen Jiaju.

"It's him! It's him!!!"

Chen Jiaju was stunned on the spot, his eyes full of shock.

He knew the man who waved at him just now. Chen Jiaju clearly remembered that in the previous case of Xu Chengtian's kidnapping, the man who took the 100 million Hong Kong dollars ransom under the cliff was him!

"Who is he!!!"

In addition to shock, Chen Jiaju was extremely confused.

"Who are you?"

In the car, Zhu Tao, who had "escaped" the police, was not happy at all. He looked at the man beside him and asked loudly.

"Zhu Tao, we give you two choices. First, cooperate with us honestly, and we will let you die comfortably."

"Second, refuse to cooperate, and we will help you cooperate, but you will die very uncomfortable."

Ahua, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked back at Zhu Tao and said with a smile.

"What do you want?"

Zhu Tao asked immediately.

"Your money and your head."

Ahua's tone was so calm that he seemed to just ask Zhu Tao for a cigarette.

"Haha, I'm going to die, why should I give you money?"

Zhu Tao showed a sneer on his face, and then he continued, "How about this, I give you 50 million Hong Kong dollars, you let me go, how about that?"

Ahua smiled and shook his head, looked at Zhu Tao and said slowly: "Zhu Tao, sometimes, death is not the most terrible thing."

Listening to Ahua's calm words, I don't knowWhy, Zhu Tao felt cold all over.

One hour later.

After Li Jun finished the Hongxing Tong meeting and returned to Henglai Hotel.

Ring, ring, ring~

A phone rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Li Jun asked while asking Mona to help him change his clothes.

"Brother Jun, it's me."

Ah Hua's voice came from the receiver.

"How much oil was squeezed out of that fat pig?"

Li Jun asked with a smile, and his tone was so relaxed that it seemed as if Ah Hua was really squeezing oil out of the pig.

"1 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, and 300 million of it was borrowed from loan sharks."

Ah Hua also laughed.

"Then some of these loan sharks will lose money."

Li Jun laughed.

Then, without waiting for Ah Hua to speak, Li Jun continued: "After squeezing out the oil, put the pig in a conspicuous place and tell everyone in Hong Kong Island that I, Li Jun, never bluff."

"Okay, Brother Jun."

Ah Hua responded.


Li Jun said "Hmm" and hung up the phone. He smiled and said to Mona, "Mona, have you touched enough?"

Taking advantage of helping Li Jun put on his suit, Mona rubbed him like crazy. However, she didn't make Li Jun angry, but she rubbed herself.

There was no way. Li Jun's figure was too good. His physical fitness far exceeded the limit of the human body, making every muscle in Li Jun's body in the most perfect state.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Jun brother."

Mona's pretty face flushed, and she quickly apologized to Li Jun.

"Don't be nervous, Mona, I'm not blaming you."

Li Jun smiled and touched Mona's head, and then said to her, "When I come back from the Jundu Hotel, you will accompany me to a place."

"Okay, okay, Jun brother."

Mona lowered her head, still in a state of shyness.

"Let's go."

Li Jun smiled and said, then walked out of the room.

"What should I do? I want to eat him, or be eaten by him."

After Li Jun left, Mona dared to raise her head. She looked at Li Jun's back, her eyes were no longer drawn, but hooked.

On the other side.

Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong Island.

This is the most central area of ​​Hong Kong Island, and one of the most densely populated areas of Hong Kong Island.

On both sides of this street, high-rise buildings stand in rows, and countless young talents sway their sweat and youth here.

And an ordinary, unnoticed van was driving on this road.

Suddenly, the back door of the van was opened, and then a naked man's body was thrown out of the van.


This body immediately caused a sensation on Queen's Road and even the entire Hong Kong Island. Soon this sensation spread from Hong Kong Island

to Siam and Cape Golden Peak, and was heard by Khun Sa.

After losing 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, Khun Sa immediately picked up the phone and called his partner Jiang Tianyang. He had a cordial and friendly talk with him and "kindly" reminded Jiang Tianyang to deal with the right and wrong in Hong Kong.

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