On the other side.

After receiving Michael's call, Tom Smith told Li Jun about this matter directly.

"Chinese detective?"

"Brother Jun, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

Tom asked Li Jun for his opinion.

"Then let him investigate!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, he received a call from Stuart Leisheng, who was talking about the same thing.

Jack Wang still felt that something was wrong after hearing White Lee's words, so he told Stuart Leisheng.

After combining the intelligence from both sides, Li Jun knew roughly what was going on.

It depends on how Li Changyu chooses. If the choice is not good, he doesn't mind exposing Li Changyu's mess.

You should know that Li Changyu actually made fatal mistakes in several cases.

As long as it is exposed, it is enough to make him fall from the altar.

According to the rules of the United States, as long as these so-called detectives make a mistake once, all his subsequent conclusions cannot be accepted.

And all the cases that have been investigated before must be re-examined.

On the other side.

Michael was going to attend Nico's rally and canvass for votes.

But at this moment.

Stuart Leisen came to Michael's office with a few people and a petition.

"Michael, we, Chinatown and more than 7 million Chinese in California, demand the construction of a private airport in Seaside Manor!"


"You more than 7 million people build a private airport for Li Jun?"

How could Michael not understand what was going on here.

"And more than 7 million Chinese think that you, the manager, are too friendly to Nico and ignore us Chinese!"

"We ask you, the manager, to apologize and compensate us Chinese!"

"Otherwise, more than 7 million Chinese will choose to launch a recall against you!"

At first, Michael thought it was nothing, but when he heard about the recall, he panicked immediately.

Because more than 7 million people can really do this.

"Why would I always side with Nico?"

"You know, every year during your Lunar New Year, I go to Chinatown to attend the celebration!"

Michael immediately responded with a smile on his face.

"But you rejected our Chinese's request to build a private airport for Junge!"


"But Stuart Leisheng, why didn't you say before that all Chinese supported it!"

If Michael knew that Stuart Leisheng could win over so many people, he would never refuse anything.

"Michael, I didn't expect you to disapprove!"

Now that Junge has come to the United States, Stuart Leisheng doesn't know why he feels that he has become more confident in his words.

"And, Junge, please go and meet me!"

Stuart Leisheng said.

"But, but I have to attend the rally now!"

Michael wanted to refuse, but his assistant Isabella leaned into Michael's ear and said.

"Michael, Nico has only more than 2 million people now, and the Chinese have more than 7 million! "

Michael changed his words immediately after hearing this.

"In order to show that I value Chinese people, I will not attend this rally. I will go to meet the Li Jun you mentioned first!"

Not long after.

Michael followed Stuart Leisheng and met Li Jun.

Just like Tom's previous performance, he was shocked by Li Jun's age.

"Mr. Li, hello, hello, very nice to meet you, I just met a Mr. Li today, and I didn't expect to meet another Mr. Li now!"

"Michael, hello, I want to build a private airport in the seaside manor!"

"Mr. Li, it's like this, your seaside manor actually does not meet the conditions for building a private airport!"

"Michael, if you say that, I will really let the Chinese vote for your competitors next year!"

For these politicians in the United States, money is important, but votes are more important.

"Mr. Li, everyone has free will, can you really influence so many Chinese people?"

"Michael, don't you believe it? "

"Lei Sheng, show those agreements to our Michael!"

Dozens of large boxes were pushed out by Situ Lei Sheng, and Michael took out a few to check.

These were all applications from the Hongmen in the United States, but there was one item that caught Michael's eye, that is, whoever Li Jun asked them to choose, they would choose, and everyone agreed.

According to the rules of the United States, it is a valid agreement.


Michael was shocked.

Li Jun can really represent 7 million Chinese.

Michael took out several more documents from the box.

The results were the same content, the only difference was the name.

TheseThere was no surprise that all of them were legal Chinese living in California. .

The votes of these Chinese will all be valid.

This time, he really believed that Li Jun had this ability.

He could not help but move back and sat on the sofa opposite Li Jun again.

"Mr. Li, I have never heard of your name in San Francisco. There are still some misunderstandings between us. Please forgive me!"

This time, Michael, the actual manager of San Francisco, put his attitude very low.

"Mr. Michael!"

"Please call me Michael in private!"

"Okay, Michael, I just arrived in the United States today!"

Just arrived in the United States today and have such a great influence?

Michael didn't believe it, but all this made him believe it.

Soon he thought of a very reasonable explanation, that is, the other party had a huge organization here.

But these are nothing. In the United States, these large and small secret organizations are very common.

And Michael was thinking about what he could get from here.

"My people will take care of everything here for me!"

Li Jun continued.

"Then I wonder how Mr. Li feels about coming to the United States?"

"Michael, let's be frank!"

"I want a private airport, just name a price!"


For Americans like them, discrimination based on skin color is deeply rooted.

"Mr. Li, I think!"

But Michael was interrupted by Li Jun before he finished speaking.

"Michael, I don't want to say it for the third time. I see your secretary is Isabella. How about you ask her to come over?"

Li Jun handed a document to Michael.

It recorded in detail the time Isabella and Michael met and some unspeakable things.

"Michael, I think for your family and your career, you don't want these things to be known by reporters, right?"

All this information was collected by Ahua in advance. Fortunately, there are all kinds of private detectives in the United States. As long as there is money, any explosive information can be dug up.

"Mr. Li, these are all gossips. Don't believe it!"

Although Michael said this, he was extremely frightened in his heart.

Because he and Isabella really had a little relationship, they just communicated privately in bed,

It was originally a matter of mutual consent.

But in the United States, once it is exposed, it will be a big scandal and will be used by opponents.

In addition, even Li Jun does not understand the marriage system in the United States, that is, once divorced, the woman will share most of the man's property, and will ask for a large amount of child support every year.

In the United States, as a woman, you can get rich by getting married and divorced, and even let the man support you for a lifetime.

So in the United States, try not to get married.

And once a scandal breaks out, the woman will be eager to divorce immediately, so that she can share the property.

"Mr. Li, I think we should talk about the airport!"

Michael changed the subject immediately.

"Mr. Li, another very important reason why I don't approve the airport for you is that this manor is not big enough!"

"According to the requirements, the manor area for building a private airport must be greater than 40,000 square meters!"

This is very simple. The runway alone must be more than 1,000 meters. If it is a large aircraft like Boeing, it may be more than 3,000 meters.

"And Mr. Li, the area of ​​your manor, I think it should not be 40,000 square meters!"

Michael did not refuse directly this time, but wanted to restrict it through other conditions.

"Do you have this requirement?"

Li Jun looked at Situ Leisheng and Ahua next to him.

"Brother Jun, yes, but our manor area is actually 50,000 square meters, and the large piece of vacant land outside the manor is part of Chinatown's assets!"

"And the location of the airport construction that I applied to Manager Michael is not in the manor, but the large piece of vacant land outside the manor!"

"Michael, it seems that my subordinates are not doing their job well, and you misunderstood!"

Li Jun's eyes became sharp.

"But are the Chinese willing to take over the assets in Chinatown?"

After asking this, Michael knew that he had asked a stupid question. The Chinese had made Li Jun their representative, so why were they still unwilling to do so?

"Michael, just say it directly. If you don't agree, get someone who can make the decision!"

Li Jun had just arrived in the United States and didn't know much about American affairs, so he let Michael say so much.

But also because of this conversation, Li Jun had already decided on another matter.That is, the people in power in the United States must be Chinese.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

At present, except for the president, the position must be born in the United States. For others, as long as they are legal residents of the United States, it will be fine.

"Michael, if you can't decide, then I can only hand over these materials to your competitors!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, Michael hesitated and agreed with gritted teeth.

"Mr. Li, for the Chinese in San Francisco and the economy of San Francisco, I think it is necessary to build an airport here!"

"Michael, then these documents belong to you. In the future, remember to find some places with fewer people!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, he did not forget to remind, and then asked Ahua to see him off.

As for other benefits, Li Jun did not want to give them to the manager of San Francisco.

Because in Li Jun's eyes, this manager will soon step down.

Li Jun has decided to replace a Chinese as the manager of San Francisco.

In the United States, any citizen who is 18 years of age or older and lives in a city can participate in the manager competition by paying $6,500.

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