Xu Xi received Li Jun's signal, and naturally he was unwilling to fall behind and fought against the bodyguards.

The brothers who had been waiting downstairs for a long time also rushed into the black market.

At first, Mina San thought that the situation was under his control, and even if Li Jun and Xu Xi were strong, they could not withstand the round-the-clock battle.

As long as time went on, Li Jun and Xu Xi had to stay in their small room.

But the glass of the building was suddenly broken by an unidentified person, and a helicopter landed on the top floor of the black market.

Many strong warriors with guns came down from the helicopter.

Li Jun also knew that this matter could not be made too big, although it was not illegal to possess guns in the United States.

But if a gang was destroyed, it would be enough for Li Jun to eat prison food for several lifetimes.

But who is Li Jun, and when has Li Jun ever been afraid?

The people brought by Li Jun quickly subdued the security in the building, although there was a fierce battle.

However, there were no casualties on Li Jun's side, but the security guards of the building were frightened and fled in panic.

There are many good players in the black market, but Li Jun knew that he only needed to take Mina San away. As the saying goes, catch the thief first.

Li Jun quickly dealt with the security guards in the office, took out the handcuffs he carried with him, and handcuffed Mina San to himself.

Mina San didn't know what Li Jun was going to do, and exclaimed.

"Let me go!"

At this time, the window glass was smashed, and a helicopter landed in front of him. Li Jun took Mina San away directly.

This matter soon reached the ears of the local FBI. The FBI unanimously believed that Mina San was held hostage by Li Jun and immediately launched personnel rescue.

But when the police arrived at the seaside park, they only saw Mina San and Li Jun sitting happily on the beach enjoying lunch.

Li Jun even saw that the police in front of him did not have a trace of panic on his face, but invited the police to sit down and enjoy this lunch together.

The police wanted to arrest Li Jun without explanation, but were stopped by Li Jun's men.

Across the crowd, the police could only warn Li Jun again.

"If you don't let Mr. Minasan go, don't blame us for being rude!"

What was even more unexpected for the police was that Minasan actually spoke up to defend Li Jun.

"Mr. Police, I am enjoying lunch with my friends. I have not been hijacked. I am very safe now."

The police were all dumbfounded. According to the surveillance video, Li Jun clearly broke into the black market with people and took Minasan away by helicopter.

But Minasan said this.

This made the police look like a clown.

Minasan walked through the crowd to the police and said to the police comrade word by word.

"Mr. Li Jun and I have something to discuss. The content of the surveillance video cannot prove that the facts are what you imagine."

"Mr. Li Jun and I did have a conflict, but we have already mediated it, so you don't have to worry about it, police comrades."

The police comrades saw that Minas said so, and repeatedly asked Minas if he was coerced.

But Minas said firmly.

"Comrade police, Mr. Li Jun and I are just talking about cooperation, and nothing else has happened."

Seeing that Minas' attitude was so certain, the police planned to return to the police station.

But a voice suddenly came from the police headset.

"You can't retreat. Leave someone at the scene to monitor what they are doing."

The voice in the headset was from Kyle.

Although Kyle was in the Pentagon, his mind was always here.

At the same time, Kyle also watched the two people from a satellite perspective, but because the distance was too far.

Kyle didn't know what the two talked about, so he could only send a police member to provide Kyle with a live broadcast next to him.

Minas returned to the dining table and said to Li Jun.

"Thank you for the information you provided me. What can I do for you?"

"Don't be too sad about these things. I am willing to help you with your problems."

Minas' life story is very pitiful.

It turns out that Minas' mother is one of the many playthings in the island of Keli Meilan.

Because Minas' mother is very beautiful, she was raped when she was transported to the human smuggling ship.

Later, because she had lost her virginity in the human smuggling ship, she was gang-raped by the boatmen of the human smuggling ship.

When she arrived at the island of Keli Meilan, Minas was already pregnant.

Because they didn't know who her biological father was, they were also afraid that the people on the island of Keli Meilan would find out that they were the first to play with playthings.

The boatmen were cruel and threw Minas into the sea.

Fortunately, Minas was lucky and came to another island with the waves.

A kind-hearted person saved Minas, but it wasn't long after Minas gave birth.

Because Minas was too beautiful, she still couldn't escape to the island of Keli Meilan..

Minas was also sold for exchange because he had no direct relatives on the local island.

Since Minas could remember, he had been living in the fraud gang.

When Minas grew up, he became a good player in the fraud gang.

Through Minas's continuous efforts, Minasan finally became the leader of the fraud gang.

Later, Minasan developed the fraud gang into a black market. Unfortunately, what Minasan didn't know was that he had been working for the gang that bullied his biological mother.

"It's really hateful. I'm going to catch those people and skin them!"

Minasan was very excited because Minasan had tried to investigate his past before.

But because of some resistance, Minasan didn't find any results.

Now think about it, it must be the people on the Meilan Island of Klee who did it.

"Don't think too much. You have no power, and I have no power. What can you do?"

When Li Jun said this, Minasan naturally understood what he meant.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the ballots. As a token of our cooperation, I won't charge you a penny for this ballot."

After that, Mina San took the documents on the table and left. The documents contained the evidence about Mina San's life that Li Jun had collected from everywhere.

"Brother Jun, this Mina San should be useful to us, right?"

After Mina San walked away, Xu Xi came to Li Jun and asked.

"It's not certain yet. Let's talk about it after the ballots are over."

The news about Mina San's life was all unexpected for Li Jun.

When investigating the Meilan Island of Keli before, this relationship was also brought up.

Li Jun and Mina San were acquainted with each other.

The police who stayed at the scene continued to stare at Li Jun. The police could not figure out the behavior between Li Jun and Mina San.

"Report to the superiors, Li Jun is now back to the Seaside Park."

Kaiya sat in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast of the police at the scene.

He couldn't help but be curious.

"What on earth did these two talk about that made Mina so angry!"

After Li Jun returned to the Seaside Park, he signaled Xu Xi to destroy all the drones around the Seaside Park.

Because Li Jun was going to do something shameful.

Xu Xi shot down all the drones hidden around with a pistol in no time.

"It seems that the Pentagon has become suspicious of us. We must speed up."

Li Jun changed into a nightgown and prepared to do something big.

There is a palace under the Seaside Park, where many military drugs are buried.

If an enemy attacks here, Li Jun can use these gunpowders to fight the enemy.

Xu Xi also changed into a nightgown, but was stopped by Li Jun.

"You stay at the Seaside Park to look after the house, and let me handle this matter."

What Li Jun was talking about was to kill Stuart Leisheng's strongest competitor.

Gaillance Bolden.

There were three competitors for Stuart Leisheng.

One is Galens Bolden, whose family has many local mineral resources that are monopolized, and he is a playboy who has no other choice.

One is Zier Chopper, whose family has been politicians for three generations, and he has many resources in the political world. It is said that his family was once the president.

One is Jordi Nata, who has neither power nor money. He is a popular candidate who has only appeared in recent years, because he loves to do charity work on weekdays, and no one knows where his money comes from.

But he is very popular among the people, because those who are helped by him will vote for him.

For the sake of the big picture, Li Jun can only kill Galens Bolden first.

Galens Bolden is still in his villa, enjoying eroticism with women.

The most favorite thing for men with power and money in this world is wine and women, and then cigars and wine.

When you have power and money, you will find that many things in the world are around you, so only you have the right to enjoy these things.

This is the point that Li Jun hates capitalism the most.

"Some people are in Rome, while others have only reached Rome."

It's so sad and hateful.

So Li Jun dislikes those hypocritical politicians and those who kill innocent people the most.

Galens Bolden didn't feel the danger coming, and continued to play games with the woman on the bed.

Women can also arouse men's spring hearts, just that pair of beautiful legs makes men who see them eager.

Not to mention how much comfort you will feel when you hold these beautiful legs in person.

Li Jun lurked around, ready to wait until dark and early morning when both of them fell asleep, and then kill Galens Bolden.

But the two were so excited that they completely forgot the time, and they were about toIt was three o'clock in the morning, and the two were still in high spirits.

Li Junji waited for them to finally finish and fall asleep, and quietly came out from the dark.

He took the knife he had prepared long ago and successfully entered the bedroom with his superb wall-climbing skills.

Looking at the two people sleeping in front of him, Li Junhao was not soft-hearted.

He covered Galens Bolden's mouth and nose with the pillow on the next table, and stabbed him fiercely.

Galens Bolden didn't expect that he would be assassinated, and in his own bedroom.

Unfortunately, Galens Bolden didn't even shout for help, and Li Jun cut off his aorta with a knife and died on the bed.

And the little lover next to him didn't escape Li Jun's murderous hand.

After doing this, Li Jun quickly fled the scene and returned to the Seaside Park.

The Seaside Park was cleaned up by Xu Xi, and it looked particularly clean. Seeing that Li Jun had a little tired look on his face, Xu Xi quickly brought Li Jun a cup of health tea.

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